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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. except whether or not it comes with a dvd player is irrelevant to me when im buying a VIDEO GAME CONSOLE.

    Agreed. When I buy a console, I want it because I want to play games. I could give a crap if it plays movies or not. That's what is cool about the 360. It doesn't force the HDDVD player onto the consumer. I have a feeling though they might come out with a new model 360 that has the HDDVD player built in.

    HD movies are a turn-off to me anyway. $30 for a movie? Ouch.

  2. They should also not force the motion sensing capabilities of their controller onto players. Look what happened with Lair. Imagine how much better that could have been if they added the option not to use them.

    I seriously thought that game could have been a good title, but then I started reading reviews and ouch..

  3. Um, you do know that EB and Gamestop "gut" copies of their games, right? They remove the game and booklet so they can put the box on the shelves for display purposes, to show they have the game. If it's a non-popular/big name game, they usually only do this with one copy. If it's a really popular/big name one, they may do it with 4-8 copies.

    Yeah, I know. I found out the hard way when I bought Sword of Mana years ago.

  4. That's strike 2 for EBgames, strike 1 was selling me a used game saying it was "new".

    Oh God, did they pull the:

    Buyer: I'd like this game please.

    EBEmployee: Sure *goes behind counter to grab instruction booklet+game and grabs game case off of shelf to sell as new*

  5. Just beat the game. 100% in 17:36 on Normal.

    A few thoughts:

    I never really liked how Retro does Metroids. They don't make them aggressive enough in my opinion. When you see a Metroid in Super Metroid, that thing is after you right away. MP Metroids just float around for a bit, dash at you, rinse and repeat. The Metroids in MP3 even stop draining your energy after a short while if you just sit there.

    Relating to the 100% ending, I don't think that is Sylux's ship. The ship looks a lot different. I think people are just over speculating, but who knows? Samus' ship looked different in this one, so his could too. Plus, I thought I remembered reading somewhere that they weren't going to include those Hunter's in any other games. I could be wrong.

    The game pretty easy, but then again I was on Nornal mode. I think someone mentioned it, but they should have renamed Normal mode to Easy.

    I had a little trouble finding my last energy cell. For some reason I totally ignored the one at the landing site on Valhalla, haha.

  6. Hey, I just found this about three minutes ago whilst on YouTube.

    I never knew that there were tournaments for this game. This looks like a lot of fun, with plenty of spectators and a nice setup. There is one or two really sick volleys in the video, too.

    just fyi, the winner only gets a 1 year free lease for that car :P

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