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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. Before tonight I've never heard of Mushroom Men. Now it's in my top 10 most wanted. How the hell have I not heard about this game before? Also GH III plus Nintendo WFC sound's sweet ass hell.

    Well, before this video there wasn't that much info about it. There were no screen shots or much info on what the game is. All they had is the cool art.

    I was thinking maybe it was going to be some sort of RTS.

  2. Great game, etc etc, but am I the only one who's really, REALLY annoyed with how cumbersome it is to switch to your scan visor? I just want to press a button, not hold down - and move it over to the thing on top and then let go of - because by that time THE STUPID FUCKING BATS HAVE ALREADY KAMIKAZE ATTACKED ME.

    Also I want my scan icons from Prime 1 back.

    I like the visor switching, but I hate the Shriekbats :\ lol

  3. Some videos from DDR Storm X. The pads were being dumb, so it was just the one with the most fantastics win.

    Flash is too good.

    Flash vs Soul of Ignorance - Let My Love Go Blind

    Soul of Ignorance vs Kaze - Holy Guacamole

    Kaze vs Flash - Xuxa

    Kaze vs Flash - Tell

    Flash vs Kaze - Hardcore of the North

    Flash vs Kaze - Utopia

  4. Would you say the same of Solid Snake? He's not one of "Nintendo's Biggest Stars" either. Although I'll give you that he started out on Nintendo and Sonic didn't.

    I think Smash Bros. is more of a fan service than anything else, honestly. And since Sonic's inclusion would please many, many fans, it seems there's a fairly good chance he'll get in. I really won't care either way since I'll be playing Samus regardless.

    I knew that would be brought up, and you already said my answer(about him being with Nintendo first) :P

  5. I only said that because he's the most requested character and Nintendo listens to their fans. On another note, wow... this thread is leaking sarcasm. That could be a new character, SARCASM!!! Ok, I'll shut up now...

    But Smash is all about "Nintendo's Biggest Stars", and Sonic isn't really a star of Nintendo.

    Nothing against the Sonic fans, but he shouldn't be in Smash.

  6. How about using a Mii for ANimal Crossing character. Actually, I'd love it if instead of wire frames they have a bunch of Miis runnig around to beat up. Oh man, that'd be sweet.

    I actually thought about that earlier today. I'd love to hear the announcer say Mii when you select it.


  7. Not to butt in, but I think it's worth pointing out that Nintendo hardly needs help staying alive right now, what with how they've been making nothing but profit for the past several console generations.

    Pretty much. I mean, even if the Wii flopped in sales this generation, Nintendo has so much money that it would probably just be like falling off of a bike. They would just need to get back on and ride again.

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