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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. So if Xbox 360 can get hot enough to cook eggs, does that mean the PS3 will melt floors or something?

    And as for the higher electricity bill when playing on a PS3, an extra $80 a year isn't so much; $50 extra is a more realistic figure, but that money could buy a year of Xbox Live. That kinda makes the whole "Xbox Live costs money but PS3 online is free" argument null and void.

    Isn't that video kind of bogus though? Of course it's going to be super HOT with no fans or anything. The Xbox 360 does have fans inside, correct? That's the GPU he put the egg on, right?

    Also, isn't it bad to eat an egg like that? :P lol

  2. How do you get money quicker? Just by selling a ton of fruit or something every time you time travel?

    Saving up money at the Town Hall is apparently a pretty good way.

    Oh, so you can put money into an account like a real bank and it gains interest...

    Maybe I should read manuals, lol.

    I just never really thought about it actually.

  3. I love spoilers as much as the next guy, but do you think you could put a poilers tag and put the text in white? You know, if you're not too busy enjoying your awesome game.


    my bad, sorry. Sometimes one can get carried away. ;p

  4. Anybody have Starfox Command? How is it?


    also how is contact?

    Star Fox is good for multiplayer and online. The single player sucks, yes, but if you can play multiplayer it's certainly worth a purchase.

    And Contact is both incredibly good and incredibly boring. It's one of the games where, when you die, you don't feel like playing again for about an hour but you never truly feel like just quitting.

    Edit: Found another goofy reference in Contact. "I wish a base like this belonged to us."

    I know how that is, haha.

    And ok, I guess what people said were right. I just saw the MGS reference tonight about "snake". I guess the All Your Base Are Belong To Us isn't far from that.

  5. What is the DS Lite's shell made out of anyway? This stuff seems immune to any type of scratch at all. I mean, I'd figured by now from rubbing my shirt to get rid of smudge marks would have made a few by now.

    What is your shirt made out of, chain mail?


  6. What is the DS Lite's shell made out of anyway? This stuff seems immune to any type of scratch at all. I mean, I'd figured by now from rubbing my shirt to get rid of smudge marks would have made a few by now.

  7. OMG. People would get into lengthy discussions about whether FF4 on the GBA had Something Awful references and all that shit.

    References happen.

    I don't visit SA, so I guess I missed out on that ;P


    The rumor is that the translator is a Goon. And some Square-Enix nut jobs argued that their game is too hallow ground for a harmless reference. The flamewars that ensued was just ridiculous.

    That's pretty retarded lol.

    I'd say Contact uses it as a reference because well... that game is TRYING to be funny on purpose.

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