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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. I went in the back and saw that not one box has been received and it was way past 3pm. The UPS truck usually gets to the store around 8am. I had to find the box myself and asked my supervisor to receive it for me, lol :P

    This happened way too often at the Best Buy I worked at as well. I'm pretty sure the managers are(or were) running the warehouse guys all the hell around the store doing something other than what they were supposed to, but we've often gotten receiving(for Geek Squad) in the afternoon.

    Then there was that one time we got a Tennessee's shipments(and they got ours). It took about a week to get it back - the store is only a few hours from ours.

    Well, see, inventory usually isn't the best treated department(along with media) in the store. People always complain about those departments. They usually only give us 1 person to open, and 1 person to close. It sucks. We are just now finally starting to get 2 closers here and there for a night. I miss the days where there was nothing to do on a weekday night instead of rushing fast as hell to try and get one of the two pallets of receiving.

    But anyway, I've bought too many DS games lately, I need another 3-game case pack lol.

  2. IGN's first PS3 game review: Genji

    I guess this goes along the lines of saying "Graphics don't make a game". But aren't IGNs reviews usually pretty harsh anyway, so it's pretty rare that a game get's a high score? Or am I thinking of another site?

  3. I finally got Elite Beat Agents. My Best Buy sucks :\ lol

    I checked the website here and there at school while I was doing work to see if it was "available" yet. Everyone store had it availabile except Daytona Beach's location, so after I got done I went by Best Buy since it's down the road. I went in the back and saw that not one box has been received and it was way past 3pm. The UPS truck usually gets to the store around 8am. I had to find the box myself and asked my supervisor to receive it for me, lol :P

  4. Ever think that because you openly troll (and you admit to doing so), that they don't want to have any kind of discussion with you? Think about it; you show up, you throw some rocks at people's heads, and then you sit there and try to discuss the geological formations of the region and it's advantages and disadvantages over other kinds of rocks.

    I like where that analogy went. That was pretty good for on-the-spot. Also, Firefox's new spellcheck just suggested "anally" as a possible spelling of analogy.

    Also, the fanboy comments don't exactly help either. If you think you're above that sort of thing, why don't you prove it somehow? Like, I don't know... not trolling and not automaticly dismissing everyone as a rabid fanboy.

    Ignoring people who mud fling at you is possible. We promise!

    Seriously though, some people have seen you needlessly troll in that thread and elsewhere, think "he's just an idiot troll" and treat you as such regardless of what you say. I'm not like that - I actually responded to your previous post with the link to the article. But some are and you immediately use that to call everyone in that thread a fanboy. Then the people who didn't think you were trolling get annoyed, and on and on...

    NBA 07 load times take FOREVER on the PS3

    Yeah, so it looks like putting games on the hard drive is a must.

    I think I counted like 27 or 28 seconds. I hope it isn't longer when actually starting a game.

    Did you uh.. not pay attention to the video? The game said that it was going to load itself onto the HDD. That's actually really quick for loading onto the HDD, which I thought was a one-time load.

    I must have missed it, because I thought all it said was "It needs to be installed", but I don't remember any installing. I only saw "loading" like it was loading the menu.

    So it installs it without giving you a choice whether you want to or not?

    EDIT: Damn it, Bigfoot...


  5. Ever think that because you openly troll (and you admit to doing so), that they don't want to have any kind of discussion with you? Think about it; you show up, you throw some rocks at people's heads, and then you sit there and try to discuss the geological formations of the region and it's advantages and disadvantages over other kinds of rocks.

    I like where that analogy went. That was pretty good for on-the-spot. Also, Firefox's new spellcheck just suggested "anally" as a possible spelling of analogy.

    Also, the fanboy comments don't exactly help either. If you think you're above that sort of thing, why don't you prove it somehow? Like, I don't know... not trolling and not automaticly dismissing everyone as a rabid fanboy.

    I've tried it. A lot of times. Read the whole Wii thread, I dunno. I've come up with some honest doubts or tried to spark discussions MANY times in that thread with no bad intent and literally been flamed for 5 or 6 pages, whether or not I respond. It's rediculous. No discussion is possible, so I'm over it. Try it yourself. Say something that isn't 100% positive about the Wii in that thread. 20 people will jump on you, and some will outright insult you personally, often without any kind of counter argument. Why try to debate with these people? It's a waste of time. Now I get my revenge by typing out a 5 sentence post or link one article and watch the fireworks. It's too easy.

    It's because some know that you "try to troll", so when someone sees a post you make about the Wii that isn't positive one bit, they automatically assume you're trying to bash it on purpose.

    Look at the Zelda article you posted. Although some thought you were throwing hate on the Wii, others were like "cool, it's good to see that not everyone is over generous with their experience" or whatever.

    So yeah...PS3 load times..woo.

  6. If you think about it, it'd be weird if say you wanted to play at your friend's house with a bunch of people, so you'd have a room full of keyboards and mice..

    The option to USE Keyboard and Mouse should be there just to have it at least. Some people use the controller over the keyboard/mouse so much that they're are better using the controller.

  7. Newest PS3 commercial. They replaced the baby with a Rubik's Cube.

    I guess it's better than the baby at least. They still need to show what the hell the thing can do(games).

    Didn't they show some airplanes? That looked like gameplay.

    That's totally different. This is 30 seconds long :P

  8. I thought they said they would like to have it online, but that the online feature might not support 4-player battles. Lets be honest with ourselfs, no one really will really mind that much if there are no 4-player online battles.

    Seriously, look how many people still play SSBM like it just came out last week.

  9. Taken from Engadget:

    Facts about the PS3:

    * After plenty of gameplay the console is cool -- or at worst warm -- to the touch on every surface. In a side by side test with the Xbox 360, the console is comparably virtually silent, and the Blu-ray drive is significantly quieter than the 360's DVD drive.

    * USB keyboards and mice will be plug-n-play, no fuss at all. Who really wants to browse the web with a PlayStation controller anyway?

    * Bluetooth mice and keyboards will not work with the system at launch.

    * Any (A2DP) Bluetooth headset should theoretically work with the system, though Sony will have a recommended hardware list.

    * The EyeToy is the only USB webcam that will work with the system. The original PS2 EyeToy should still work with the PS3.

    * There are currently no plans for VGA out on the PlayStation3.

    * The system will not support more than seven controllers.

    * There are currently no plans for a cheaper, wired version of the SIXAXIS.

    * With its media playback software one can have in-game custom soundtracks, as with the Xbox 360, Wii, etc.

    * Despite rumor, Sony insists the US is still officially targeted for a 400k unit launch; Japan is still set for a mere 80k. Sony execs are actually expecting an upturn in unit production before launch, so those numbers may actually go up.

    * Some titles have an option to install some amount of game data (in addition to saved data) to the drive. Genji can install 4GB worth of data to decrease load times (quoted to drop from 12-15 seconds down to 3-4); this game data can be removed at any time without affecting your saved games.

    * The drive can be upgraded, although not on any official basis (read: YMMV, do so at your own risk, you may void warranty, etc.).

    * You cannot leave voice or picture messages for other users on the PlayStation Network, only text.

  10. I'm confused about the presence of Solid Snake... doesn't he belong to Sony? :?

    I think the story went something like this:

    The maker of MGS and SSB know eachother quite well. Maker of MGS wanted to let them put Snake in Melee, but there wasn't enough time. Now that there is another SSB, Snake is going to be a character.

    I could be wrong though because I forgot where I heard this.

    Sorry I'm not good with remembering famous names of Japanese people.

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