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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. http://www.neowin.net/index.php?act=view&id=34764
    According to Ryan Schneider, spokesman for Insomniac Games, "Resistance: Fall of Man" Blu-ray PS3 game is making good use of the new format, using up a massive 22 gigabytes for music, level data, textures and code. These discs can only hold 25 gigabytes in total per layer. Pointing to the fact that HD-DVD cannot store this much information on a single layer disc, he kind of threw some sand in Microsoft and Toshiba's eyes. He said for this reason of extra storage capacity, this game will be PS3/Blu-ray only.

    Schneider offered some distinguishing stats (which he called MTV News on Tuesday to further clarify). The game, he said, currently takes up 22 Gigabytes of memory on a Blu-Ray disc, the new disc format supported by the PS3 that is one-half of a VHS-vs.-Betamax format war erupting between tech companies throughout the year. While the music and vocals in "Resistance" take up only about 1 Gigabyte of disc space, graphics, level data and programming code occupy most of the remaining 21.

    I haven't played the game so I don't know how all of this game so I don't know just how everything is utilized, but with 40 player multiplayer, massive environments, a 15 hour single player campaign, Insanely awesome normal mapping... etc I can see them using up around this much space; Though I really assume that much of the space was used up because they had the space and didn't feel like compressing things

    which is usually done with large DVD games. I'm pretty sure leaving it uncompressed also speeds up the game alot since the data doesn't need to be uncompressed, this may be one of the reasons why it the frame rate never hiccups throughout the entire game. Just speculation though.


    The game has been downsized to use slightly more than 16 GB. It looks like they just stuffed a bunch of movies on there, which is why it takes up so much space. I'm disliking this push towards more in game cinematics more and more.

    This is going to make the next Finakl Fantasy amazing.

    Go outside town, cinematic. You get into a fight, cinematic. You attack, cinematic. You get hit, cinematic. You win, cinematic. Cinematic to show what items and how much experience points you just won.

    /sarcasm btw ;p

  2. Blu-Ray discs are 25gigs right? So how much space are they NOT using when making these games?

    Resistance, for example, uses 16GB I think.

    Wow, what makes it so huge though? I mean, it looks like an FPS on a PC and those use DVDs.

  3. I'm still loving EBA, but I hate it when I run over a rock on my touch screen.

    I swear, if one spec of something lands on the screen I can feel it from the stylus and it feels like I scratched the living hell out of it lol. Luckily I have no scratches.

    A damp washcloth cleans the screen nicely though.

  4. How about those puffy clouds that roam around the edges of everything, and if it hits you then you can't attack for a few seconds.

    Or these weird rabbit ears things from Bottle Grotto in Link's Awakening that you had to kill in a particular order?

    Or those things you had to hit and match up all 3 suits to open the door.

    Or the boss thing from the tail cave where you had to jup over that huge spike thing...

    Or the boss Dodongo, he doesn't like smoke.

  5. How about those puffy clouds that roam around the edges of everything, and if it hits you then you can't attack for a few seconds.

    Or these weird rabbit ears things from Bottle Grotto in Link's Awakening that you had to kill in a particular order?

    Or those things you had to hit and match up all 3 suits to open the door.

  6. Wow, 5$ for a ps1 game is pretty darn nice. And what the heck are the ninty fanboys doing in this thread? geez can't they go away to praise miyamoto and masturbate to zelda teaser videos as they always do?

    I mean... 5$ for a ps1 game and 15$ for a n64 game? uh? doesn't that makes nintendo's service look like a user milking machine? even more when you take in account how many remakes they release every year of the games they are selling you on the vc.

    Anyways, I'm burning today a cd with a complete collection of all the NES roms to play them on my ps2. yay for emulation!

    ... Just stop while you're ahead.

    I agree, the game case does look kind of odd with that blue part indicating it's Blu-Ray on top. That Sonic game looks pretty amazing though judging from the video I saw at Target.

  7. Guys, I like bugging Evilhead as much as the next guy, but jesus fucking christ, would you stop bringing up Wii stuff into the PS3 thread? You don't like it when people bring PS3 stuff into the Wii therad, right?

    Same shit, different title...

    Well, he started it by saying Nintendo screw's people out of their money with games from the VC :P

  8. It's so easy....for the "hardcore" type gamer.

    Go up to your "Average consumer" and tell them to go download an emulator and some ROMs and let them try and figure it out. They'll probably be like...huh? What's a ROM?

    Or better yet, since Nintendo is trying to target all types of people, say your parents are purchasing Mario Bros. from the NES because they played it back in the day. They haven't played a game since the SNES, you go up to them and say "Why are you wasting money on buying NES games, go download the ROM." "What is that?"

    Yes, which is why I laugh at the people who are excited about the Wii's virtual arcade. Why not just emulate on another console for free? But if Sony has a decent catalog of PS1 games, I'd say it would be worth it for a $5 download, even as a hardcore emulation fanatic/software pirate such as myself. I hate PS1 emulation for performance reasons (even if you get a emu working well most games have their glitches) and tracking down a ISO, burning it, and getting it to play on a PS2 is difficult to do. You have to buy these special discs to get a modded PS2 to play burned PS1 games. So instead of worrying about all that it would be nice just to click once, and have whatever game downloaded and ready to play at any time on the PS3 harddrive. Wouldn't download a lot, but it's a nice service for $5. Whereas downloading an NES ROM for $5 is just a ripoff, plain and simple. For the non emulation inclined it's good, but even the slowest of PCs can emulate the NES perfectly.

    I don't see what the big deal is then. You think it's a rip-off, then don't buy into it. I'll buy my favorite games that I don't have already and be happy.

    In other news, let the camping begin.

  9. ^ If it's under warranty, wouldn't it be free?

    Service plans are for suckers. They always try to get you to buy one at Best Buy, and it's so annoying. "I'm not getting a commission on this, I swear!" Yeah right. You might as well spend that money on two new games and punch the CSR in the nuts for trying to rob you of your cash.

    ^ Whoa, $5 for a PS1 game?? THAT'S the way you do a virtual console. Don't try to screw gamers out of their money like Nintendo is doing by charging too much for ROMs you can get anywhere for free. There are TONS of great PS1 games I'd be willing to to pay at least $5 for. Just another reason to get the 60 gig model...

    ISOS??!?! WHAT? There are things called ps1 isos?

    Those can be incredibly hard to find for size reasons.

    Just try finding a non-clone Jet Moto 1,2, or 3.

    Exactly. I can download any game for old systems instantly on any computer. A 64k ROM isn't hard to find, even if it's something rare. But getting a 600meg ISO for an obscure PS1 game is can very difficult. Even if you get the ISO, it's hard to play burned PS1 games on even a modded PS2, and PC emulation is not 100%. $5 is a deal.

    So... point is I can still download for free. My computer that sucks can play PS1 iso's perfectly. The PS1 emulator works better than the N64 one for me.

    Yeah, I understand your point of view. I think the Wii's virtual arcade is pretty dumb too. I doubt I would buy more than one or two PS1 games anyway, since I already own all the PS1 games I like, but all I'm saying is that's a good deal for the games. For the same price as a 32k NES ROM you can get a 600 meg PS1 game that was released not too long ago. Not a bad deal at all. And can you find ANY PS1 game ever on BitTorrent? It's so easy to get complete ROM sets of any 8-bit ot 16-bit system, even for the N64, but it's much harder to find ISOs of PS1 games, especially if you are looking for something that's not too popular.

    It's so easy....for the "hardcore" type gamer.

    Go up to your "Average consumer" and tell them to go download an emulator and some ROMs and let them try and figure it out. They'll probably be like...huh? What's a ROM?

    Or better yet, since Nintendo is trying to target all types of people, say your parents are purchasing Mario Bros. from the NES because they played it back in the day. They haven't played a game since the SNES, you go up to them and say "Why are you wasting money on buying NES games, go download the ROM." "What is that?"

  10. ^^^ If it's under warranty, wouldn't it be free for repairs?

    Service plans are for suckers. They always try to get you to buy one at Best Buy, and it's so annoying. "I'm not getting a commission on this, I swear!" Yeah right. You might as well spend that money on two new games and punch the CSR in the nuts for trying to rob you of your cash.

    ^ Whoa, $5 for a PS1 game?? THAT'S the way you do a virtual console. Don't try to screw gamers out of their money like Nintendo is doing by charging too much for ROMs you can get anywhere for free. There are TONS of great PS1 games I'd be willing to to pay at least $5 for. Just another reason to get the 60 gig model...

    ISOS??!?! WHAT? There are things called ps1 isos?

    Those can be incredibly hard to find for size reasons.

    Just try finding a non-clone Jet Moto 1,2, or 3.

    Exactly. I can download any game for old systems instantly on any computer. A 64k ROM isn't hard to find, even if it's something rare. But getting a 600meg ISO for an obscure PS1 game is can very difficult. Even if you get the ISO, it's hard to play burned PS1 games on even a modded PS2, and PC emulation is not 100%. $5 is a deal.

    They don't make commission. And the service plans suck, yes, but the replacement plans are definitely worth it. I know this from going through my DS Lite episode.

  11. Anyone know where to pick up clear 3-game cases? I've spent quite a while trying to find them.

    Best Buy should carry ones for GBA and DS. Comes with 3 cases that hold 3 games each. I like them a lot because they're very thing. They should run you around $5 IIRC.

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