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Posts posted by Bigfoot

  1. This will just relate to people in Japan like Evilhead, but here are some PS1 games available in Japan for download.


    ¥525 (US$4.50) per title

    * Arc the Lad (320MB)

    * Biohazard Director's Cut (380MB)

    * Bishi Bashi Special (160MB)

    * Jumping Flash (280MB)

    * Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol. 1 (40MB)

    * Konami Antiques MSX Collection Vol. 2 (40MB)

    * Minna no Golf 2 (210MB)

    * Silent Bomber (200MB)

    * Tekken 2 (550MB)

  2. So, anyone get that bonus from connecting to Animal Crossing WW to the Nintendo WFC?

    Yup, just connected and got it. Master Sword.

    Thanks for the reminder :P It came out the 17th, but you can still get it apparently.

  3. Sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know if the Wii version of Twilight Princess offers anything more than Wii controls (i.e. better graphics or a better framerate)? I may go with the Gamecube version since I'm not really prepared to fight for a Wii over one game.

    Only thing I know is that Wii TP offers widescreen.

  4. Posted in the other thread, but I'll post it here too.

    I got an email about someone requesting me as a friend, but I haven't even given out my code yet.

    "An owner of a Wii Console is asking permission

    to register you as a Wii Friend to exchange

    e-mail with you. This individual's Wii e-mail address is

    w3846014814293617@wii.com <mailto:w3846014814293617@wii.com>

    If you would like to exchange e-mail with this

    individual, simply reply to this message.

    You will then be able to exchange e-mail with

    the following Wii address:

    w3846014814293617@wii.com <mailto:w3846014814293617@wii.com>

    If you are unfamiliar with this Wii console and

    its sender, please erase this e-mail without

    responding to it."

    Is this spam or is this really what happens when someone lists you as a friend? lol

  5. *sigh* Jesus christ. How is the PS3 having even more problems than even I expected? I've always found the Sony to be a very solid bet for consoles. My PS2 is still invaluable to me because of the awesome games and it's DVD capability. What the hell has gone wrong with their company? Why is this such a huge cluster fuck?

    Wait, have there been any major hardware problems yet? Compared with the broken Xbox 360's and all the fried Wii's the PS3 is actually a much more solid machine this time around. The only thing that is a clusterfuck is supply and demand aspect of the launch.

    Well, I've heard of mass crashing & freezing of the PS3.

    Also about the Wii, one of my friends has a broken Wii (it gives disc read errors for Wii Sports sometimes). From what I hear, there are more Wii problems than you'd normally see from a Nintendo launch though.

    I'm pretty sure all the Wii Sports discs are fucked up or something. Many people have problems with it reading on their Wii.

    I got this earlier


    Nothing is perfect, especially being a first model.

    Well the problems I've heard about the PS3 are largely from others who work at retail, like some EBGames employees telling me that they had the PS3 crash 4 times on them the day before launch. I remember also seeing a picture of an error message saying that the particular PS3 is corrupted.

    Yeah, I posted a terrible picture this guy I know took. It says "The hard drive's file system is corrupted and will be restored"

  6. Fried Wiis? Explain.

    This was pretty big news so I thought you guys had already heard about it.


    Apparently quite a few people are having this problem and Nintendo is sending out a lot of replacement Wii's. If you want to maintain your save data you have to send it in for repairs which will take a few weeks. This should be in the Wii thread but I wouldn't dare...

    Well, maybe if you used the correct term. That isn't fried. Fried things don't turn on anymore.

  7. Yeah, Super Mario 64 is still about $40 here. And yes, it is a port. They might have added a few things but it's just a port. I'm not saying OMG DON'T BUY it but saying that charging $5-$10 for perfect PS1 ports on the PSP isn't exactly expensive. And yes, you do need a fat memory stick, but 1 or 2 gig memory sticks aren't that expensive and a lot of PSP owners already have them. No need for a 4 gig card if you just want to throw a PS1 game on there with some other junk. If you happen to have a PS3 and a card it's a nice feature.

    "If you happen to have a PS3" lol :[

  8. What N64 port to the DS is $39.99?

    "they'll weigh in at anything between 140MB and 550MB"- Ouch, better go buy that 4GB-8GB mem stick for a couple hundred.

    And in order to get these PS1 games to your PSP, you need a PS3? Sounds fair enough.

  9. This is apparently the GameSpot editor's response to the criticism of Jeffs review.
    Since I know people are upset about the review (which is odd considering how few people have played this game at the moment), I figured I'd share some opinions based on playing through the first five hours or so of the game.

    It's the same damn game we've all been playing for the last 15-odd years. Hey, guess what? You get to go into dungeons...and find items...and put together pieces of heart to make new heart containers. I haven't gotten very far into it, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Triforce is in the mix at some point.

    There's a difference between tradition and ossification, and Nintendo's been content to let this series stay the same for too damn long. What's more, in a lot of ways it's actually getting to be pretty annoying. The helper characters, in particular, seem to be intended to be cute, but they wind up being maddeningly insufferable. In a lot of ways, Midna, the helper character from Twilight Princess, is even worse than Tingle from Wind Waker. And I don't know whose idea it was to make the first dungeon in the game feature a large number of monkeys that follow you around making incessent monkey noises, but they should be shot. Most annoying. sound. ever. When you have the pointer active, it also makes a shimmering sound as you move the Wiimote around. It never ever stops making this sound, and it got so damn annoying that I simply turned the pointer off completely.

    Since every game in this series is more or less the same, outside of minor details, choosing among them is more or less a matter of deciding which style suits you best. Wind Waker had, at the very least, a graphical sensibility that was unique, whereas Twilight Princess just seems...generic. For a game that plays up its theoretically realistic graphical style, it also has to do a bit better job of representing the world; it's fine that the Wii isn't as powerful as a 360 or a PS3, but at the very least it should be capable of matching the best-looking games on the GameCube.

    From top to bottom, Twilight Princess is a game that was transparently designed for the GameCube and hacked to work on the Wii. The controls feel kind of shoddy in a lot of ways. I guess what disappoints me most about this game is the lack of ambition and innovation. The Wii has some promising ideas behind it, but if they're content to have their flagship title be Just Another Zelda Game then they're getting off on the wrong foot.

    I guess if you like the Zelda formula, then you'll like this game. Speaking for myself, though, I can't imagine how anyone really gets excited for them anymore; the recycling of game mechanics ventured into self-parody territory years ago. I really think the series needs to take a cue from Resident Evil 4 and reinvent itself completely. Heck, even the Final Fantasy games manage to make some big changes to the series' conventions with each installation. As it is, everything about Twilight Princess, and pretty much every game in the series aside from The Adventure of Link, smacks of Nintendo being content to play it safe with their big-money series. Give me something new!

    I thought they where supposed to be a professional game reviews site, not a bunch of 12 year olds.

    Lack of inovation? Ocarina of Times wasnt really all that inovative other than the fact that it made the jump from 2d to 3d. According to their guidlines, its the same game; collect stuff, beat dungeons, save the princess.

    I really dont see how they want it to change. I play a Zelda game expecting to collect stuff, solve puzzles, and go through dungeons. What do they want? A Zelda kart racer? And why single out Zelda? Why not complain about lack of inovation with other games? Gears of War is just Goldeneye with pretty graphics. Same concept by GameSpots definition. Pick up guns, shoot bad guys, and I havnt played it yet, but Im going to go out on a limb and guess there are some mission objectives in the mix at some point.

    I also hear a lot of people saying "Its just one mans opinion, dont worry about it." I dont go to GameSpot to read people opinions. I go there to read an unbiased review of games. I want to hear whats in the game and how well the game works. I dont want to hear a rant about how your tired of collecting things and going through dungeons.

    If this game is so bad, then why am I having so much fun playing it? If they want to complain about a game doing the same thing over and over again, then he needs to complain about Mario. I get to save the princess again!

  10. Wow, it appears you should definitely avoid this one.. heh

    Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire

    * GameSpot (39/100) - "Even if you could get past the horrid frame rate problems, lackluster presentation, and lack of online multiplayer, the gameplay in Crossfire is practically identical to the half-dozen or more Gundam games that appeared on the PlayStation 2. If you're looking for a game to show off what your PlayStation 3 is capable of, Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire should be your last choice of all the launch titles."

    * Game Informer (38/100) - "Imagine that you've worked hard and saved for years, and finally bought the luxury sports car of your dreams. You open the door and get in for the first time, carefully adjust the mirrors, program the radio and then, once you're comfortable, take a giant dump on the seat ... That's essentially what you're doing if you spend the money on a fancy new PS3 and choose this as your launch game of choice ... I have nothing positive to say about this game. I even hate the menu screen."

    * 1UP (20/100) - "So, the story is nonexistent, the gameplay is a joke, and the controls are unresponsive. Could Crossfire get any worse? Unfortunately, that's a resounding 'yes.' Poor level design cripples any hopes of enjoyment ... The game is an embarrassment to the Gundam name, and raises suspicions that it was rushed for the PS3 launch."

  11. Finally done with the first Temple after 7 hours.

    Badass boomerang, eh?

    EDIT: By the way, for everybody who may still be stuck on fishing (for whatever reason, I'm not sure).

    You have to fish in the river, at the opposite end of the pond, since that's where all the small stupid fish are. It's really easy, 'kay? What I did was cast my line, and then wait until the bobber was pulled under by a fish. Pull the controller back and then reel him in. I took the fish to the cat, but had no way to drop it even though it says you can drop it with A). However, the cat was following me by this time, so I just caught another fish with the cat next to me and he leapt at it and ran.

    Anyway, I'm loving the creativity of this game. So many new features and ideas, and the Twilight Realm is beautifully done. I'm constantly reminded of Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, and a few other recent creative masterpieces.

    I was by the dock where the cat was and when I caught a second fish he took it from me and ran off.
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