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Everything posted by Bigfoot

  1. Well, some people claim Alliance to be easy mode when it comes to PVE. I picked horde because that's who I always was in the actual RTS. Besides, Horde are the evil side and that is who I usually pick anyway.
  2. I always wondered if there was a wallpaper sized image of the mushrooms in Nekko's sig.
  3. Screw new races. They should have dished out new classes.
  4. fotm? flavor of the month Pretty much classes/race/realm that are overpowered or better than the others in comparison, so the majority of people play them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flavor_of_the_Month
  5. Gotta love people who join the fotm train.
  6. It'd be cool if there were just different language settings for it.
  7. Man, Phoenix Wright is such a good game. It really makes you get into the game. I've actually got hatred for one of the character, Mr. White, what an asshole.
  8. I guess after 50463460346 Pokemon, you kind of run out of ideas.
  9. Animal Crossing: Wild World view.
  10. Aw, I wanted to see some battling. Nice find though.
  11. Some players we could kill too fast already.
  12. Nice to see they made Rogues easymode after I left, lol.
  13. Is it me or do WoWs forums never freakin' work? lol
  14. Welcome. Pleas be sure to read the stickies so you won't make a mistake of posting a wrong type of thread like "What is your favorite ______" thread. You'll get much hate lol Unmod is a special place as well ;p
  15. I'd wait man. Capcom could put more on their website or they might have even shipped some to stores.
  16. If you're into FPS then get MPH for the online play. Single play will probably get to you after a while.
  17. http://ds.ign.com/articles/715/715264p1.html DS Makes Film Debut. In the movie "Stormbreaker" the DS is used as a Super Spy Gadget.
  18. Really? Where do you live? If it's not to far, I think I can help you with that. For some reason everytime I go to an EB games they have one.
  19. Awesome news. If anyone missed out on Phoenix Wright and don't want to spend $50 on eBay, Capcom has em in stock on their website 29.95 + 5.95 shipping. http://www.capcom.com/xpml/game.xpml?gameid=800038 Also, Trauma Center is coming back to the shelves. http://ds.ign.com/articles/715/715154p1.html
  20. I knew I was right about my DS Lite! The D-Pad wasn't working well with diagonal movements. I exchanged it out today and man, this one is SO much better.
  21. They've all grown up and gone to college now.
  22. I dunno about you guys, but I fucking loved M64 and liked Sunshine.
  23. Nintendo really is trying to adapt to all ages of players. Games for pre-schoolers. Sorry that it's all in Japanese. http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20060622/ehon.htm
  24. DS GOTY. The game freakin rocks. It plays just like Secret of Mana, complete with ring system. What game is that? I've don't think I've heard of it, but I love the box art on CoM. When you press the button to go into your stats/menu thing, a ring of options would appear. Oh, and he means Game of the Year Gotcha. I'm an idiot. It's ok, I had to think about what it meant for a second ;P
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