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Xerol Oplan

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Posts posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. Aww :-(

    Even as a non-musician, that was one of my favorite parts.

    Well at least with my laptop, I'll be able to play with instrumentals! :wink:

    (if you were at MAGfest 6 you know what I'm talking about...)

    Edit: Sad you won't be there, Wes. Hopefully next time.

    If you can hang around for Sunday my house isn't very far away, and I was hoping to rope in enough people to have one last big Baltimore BBQ.

  2. I'm trying to send money for a shirt (to pick up at a meetup) but the paypal page is completely broken, I keep punching my login info in, and it keeps sending me back to the same page. I'm 200% sure the password is correct, and farther down on the page it's actually got my credit card info punched in already (even though I've never filled out my CC info on here).


    Also Larry has been completely unhelpful.

  3. I'm guessing the details are that since New Years is a terrible day for a convention, of course it's gonna be cheap.

    From what I understand the difference in price didn't even make it an option, in order to afford the other weekend there'd need to be both a badge price bump and a significant increase in attendance.

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