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Xerol Oplan

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Posts posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. ROTATION: Could you please move the placement of Goldrush so that it is not next to Dustbowl? I feel these maps are very similar in that everyone is very familiar with them, even if one is Payload and the other is Capture Point. Other than that, I'm OK with it. Thanks!

    This and also maybe move a couple things around so we don't have two cp maps right after each other.

    Also I know this might be too much work but I'd really prefer several smaller rotations that get swapped out on different nights. Right now you have to wait almost 10 hours to play a map if you can't get people to vote.

  2. (Semi-long technical post incoming)

    The game attempts to compensate for high ping by taking ranges of movement rather than single points. For a class like sniper, this makes the collision detection area much larger, since the server doesn't know exactly when during that 167ms period you actually pulled the trigger. It assumes a range and if there was a head inside that range during that time, boom headshot.

    This is more problematic for classes like Pyro where, while sometimes it's nice to cover a large area, generally you're trying to hit something specific. So, if you're wildly flailing around (like I usually do) it sees the range I was firing at, divides up the damage amongst it, and for every second of playtime it only counts about a quarter second of burning.

    Throw on top of all of this that the program only calculates stuff on a framewise basis and you start to see the problems I was having before getting a new video card. Realistically in order for the game to process everything 'properly' you're going to need 60+ fps and a ping low enough for two roundtrips per frame, which comes out to 4ms. That's never going to happen in online play, so the engine is forced to make a compromise, and as a result some classes are better than others in high-ping low-framerate situations.

  3. I've got a semi-broken Yamaha PSR-275. It was only in the $150-200 range when I bought it but I'm pretty strapped for funds (as many of you know). The problems with it are all with the key board itself - one key has stopped working entirely and a couple certain key combinations will instead fire off an entirely different note. The non-working key I'm sure is just a physically broken switch, it presses funny and tries to jerk off to the side.

    I'd like to know if it's possible (and reasonable) to either repair the board or find another broken Yamaha (busted logic board or something) for cheap/free and swap the keys out. Does Yamaha use the same parts in different models (i.e. can I find another 61-key touch-sensitive non-weighted board and use that)?

  4. On the TF2 blog when they were talking about the Heavy Pack, Valve was discussing a way they could make heavies less medic-dependent, without them being overpowered with a medic on their back. Sandvich - take cover, sit down, eat, regain health? And somehow make it a ranged damage alternative to the shotgun too? Maybe?

    Still, how else will heavies eat 100 "sandviches"? We'll know tomorrow I suppose.

    I was speculating earlier in the week that it would heal a certain amount, but leave you unable to shoot or move for a period of thme.

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