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Xerol Oplan

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Posts posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. Re: Jamspace/Concert videos:

    I'm going to get up some kind of database with each track/set listed with who played, what they played, and approximately when they played, and if I don't know one or more of these (I'm terrible with remembering names and identifying VG tracks) I'll post stills from the video and short audio clips so other people can help identify.

    Once that's up people can then just click a button next to each clip requesting it be uploaded. Once clips are uploaded there will be youtube/google/vimeo/whatever links next to them (still doing some testing as far as what encoding/quality to use on my side and what sites they work best with).

    I'm not going to do individual videos for concert songs yet, instead just putting each set up in a single video on google video or some other site that allows long videos. Most sets were an hour or less.

    I've got a small list of videos I want to get up first, which I'll take care of myself, and then sometime after the middle of the month we're going to have an in-person meeting to do a shitload of editing and get a lot up at once (most requests will be taken care of then). Off the top of my head the ones I'm putting up soon are mostly from the open mic concert, including Princeofdarkness, Shael, The Megas, and Taucer's group, and I have a couple other clips in mind too that I can't recall right now (but will find eventually).

  2. if your gonna do video and some people are talking about doing recording - you guys should coordinate if possible to mic and take a submix in from the board to send to the camera so the audio is better than just whatever mic is on the camera

    Dom's going to have a full recording straight from the mixer, I'm going to sync things up later.

  3. Okay so I was on track to have a great 2 camera setup for recording jamspace 24/7 this year, but an unexpected bout of unemployment put an end to that. Now I've got enough to at least set up a single camera but what I lack is the disk space to record the entire weekend. If you're in the Baltimore-DC area only (basically within reasonable driving distance) and have a 500GB or greater SATA drive I'd like to borrow it for the weekend. I need about 2TB total space and have about a third of that. The reason I ask for locals only is because I'm going to need to process the video down to a reasonable size and that's going to take a couple days afterward, and I don't really trust anyone to ship a non-new drive so I'm going to return it in person. If it's in an enclosure it should be easily removable as I'll be sticking it inside the recording PC. Thanks in advance.

  4. It could be an over-the-air HD signal; broadcast stations can't yet use the full bandwidth of their digital channels (until the switchover) especially in VHF bands where there's still analog overlap. Therefore they have to compress the stream a lot more (it's a modified version of mpeg2, if you re-encode a DVD at a lower bitrate it'll look similar).

    I'm still not yet getting high-bandwidth SDTV in digital, and the digital signals are flaky at best this far out from the station, so I'm going to be watching the analog stations until they go off the air. Hopefully after that happens they'll boost the digital signal power enough for me to get a continuous image. Right now the signal cuts out on average 5 to 6 times a minute for 2-3 seconds at a time, which is the main problem with digital - there's no such thing as a "partial" signal, it's all or nothing. My analog stations are a little fuzzy but at least they come in continously.

  5. I remember on CF, before all the 'upgrades' they did, everyone's sig could be as tall as you wanted it, but it was in its own little area with it's own scroll bar. I don't know what it was called though.

    That can actually be done with a little CSS. Something like

    max-height: 250px;
    overflow: auto;

    Not sure on the first one, maybe it's just "height".

  6. I doubt either the Spy or the Engy update will create any balance issues. After all, did the Medic, Heavy or Pyro packs (minus the overpowered Backburner which was fixed) create balance issues? No. Half the time I don't even use the weapon "upgrades" because they're mor like sidegrades or alternatives. Generally Valve doesn't make items that are obvious switches over existing ones, unless they are very situational - eg. the Axtinguisher or Ubersaw.

    No, but none of those classes has a synergy with any other particular class like the spy and engineer do. The only thing that even comes close so far is the Ubersaw which isn't really useful enough to change the game. I can't think of a way they can upgrade either of these classes without changing the game dynamic in some way, and at the same time making the upgrades something people will want to get.

  7. Or just being able to re-earn acheivements would be nice too, like you start accumulating stars next to each acheivement for each time you've completed it. Maybe you could get a notification every time it happens past the first but the server doesn't announce it to all players because I can imagine constant acheivement messages would get annoying after a while.

    Although I would like to know if someone could hit Pyromancer twice.

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