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Xerol Oplan

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Posts posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. roms.png

    UStream Channel | Facebook Page

    So Monday and Tuesday nights don't have a lot going on these days, especially in the summer, so I'm spicing things up a bit with some old-school emulator action for an hour each of those nights. I've got a short list of games I'd like to get through, and then I'll be taking votes/requests.

    Weeks 1-2: Godzilla (NES) (UStream Week 1 - Week 2)


    Even though I'll be playing on an emulator, I won't be using savestates except for at the end of the show (so I can pick up where I left off next show), which won't matter much with this game (I've been playing it at least once a year since 1998, plus the majority of the last 24 hours in test videos) but should lead to some hilarity and/or frustration with some other games.

    Weeks 3-4: Air Fortress (NES) (UStream Week 3 Week 4) (YouTube Highlights:



    I'll be providing live video and audio commentary alongside the game footage as well, using my amazing new vibration-proof mic rig:


    The gameplay starts at 8:30pm Eastern every Tuesday unless otherwise announced. I'll try to announce any cancellations at least a week in advance and make up for it with an extended show or extra show as soon as I can.


    Why am I doing this?

    I'm not doing much else on Monday and Tuesday nights and have a lot of old console games to catch up on.

    Why should you watch?

    What else are you doing? Plus you might catch a tune that you might want to remix.

    You should play ______.

    That wasn't a question.

    Can you play ______?

    Better. Post your request here and I'll put it in a bin for consideration. Basically I'm looking for games that can be completed within 2 hours (maybe 4 at the most), can actually be completed (exception for sports games here), and are less commonly known or popular. Once I get through my personal queue I'll put up some requests for a vote. For now, let's keep it to NES, SNES, and Genesis games, at least until I can get a beefier computer that can run ePSXe and video capture at the same time.

    Why did you play ______ like ______?

    This probably only applies to the games I've chosen but basically if there's glitches or game-breaking exploits to be done that I can pull off live I'll be showing off whatever I can.

    Can I be on the show?

    A co-host can be a good way to liven up the broadcast so if you have a UStream account and want to co-host let me know.

  2. unsynth.png

    Many of you have probably heard the beginnings of these tracks in compos and such over the last year or so. I feel the time has come to finally get into the business side of things and sell this one, and while a lot of it has made its way around in a free form for a while, the versions on the album are, for the most part, very different from what's been previously released.

    The webpage has 30(ish) second previews of all tracks, and here's a full free track for preview purposes.

    Now through February 13 you can pre-order for $9.99 + Shipping, $3 off the list price, and your copy will be autographed, satisfying one of the five achievements the album comes with. Yes, the album has achievements. Due to this your "pre"-order may arrive a little later than if you bought it through the store, but you save 3 bucks and get a little added value.

    I'd like to thank everyone around here (and not around here) who helped with my music, especially zircon and sixto, and ThaSauce for hosting the compos that seeded the majority of the tracks.

  3. Why not just come over to my place, I have all the M7 footage and pieces of previous footages. The problem isn't that we don't have it, it's that we don't have the manpower to wade through it all. This year will be somewhat different, I'm planning on taking almost all of January to get the M8 footage cut and ready to roll, leaving the rest of the year to tackle the backlog.

  4. MOPS (Media Operations) is doing semi-official filming for magfest this year, which is just me and Kroze at this point. There's two hurdles to a live stream: One, the terrible hotel internet. Two (and I haven't dicussed this much with others yet, so this is just my opinion), I feel it 'cheapens' the event if people can just stay home and watch things online. We spend 11 1/2 months of the year trying to get more people to come to magfest.

    We will be recording all the panel rooms this year and we have HD cameras available to float around to select events. It's my plan to spend most of January just going through all the footage we're going to get, last year's was over 80 hours and I just haven't had time to go through it all, this year will be different. I want to have a few videos turned around within a week and a steady stream after that.

    So in short, there will be good video of the panel, don't worry about that, just remember to bug me (and Kroze) constantly about it after magfest.

  5. Re: Live judging: How about taking two tracks, a narrow yes and a narrow no, and do a "you be the judge" thing? Then after a few audience members go up and judge it (maybe pick 5 people out and make a panel out of them) reveal the results and go over the finer details of why each was what it was.

    e: Might also want to make sure the NO'd guy is okay with his track being paraded in such a manner.

  6. So I've recently picked up my needles again and started working on some designs:



    Which got me to thinking about TF2-themed apparel. I want to do a full set of hats, solid team color with a class emblem on the front, 18 in total. I can't seem to find good quality images of the class emblems though, I'm trying to find something like this in at least 100x100 each.

    I'll be selling them for an amount that covers my costs and labor to an extent, right now that's looking to be about $12-15 per hat. If anyone has any requests they want done first PM me and we can work something out.

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