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Xerol Oplan

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Posts posted by Xerol Oplan

  1. Still plenty left over from today, I'd definitely be down for that. The cooking was masterful, and that pork surprise was awesome.


    I'm freezing most of the hot dogs/burgers for later use, the salads and stuff aren't going to last though. I'm having another smaller one tomorrow night for some of the MAGFest people still in town, anyone who's still around can come too.

    And I had to toss what was left of the pork surprise (now officially called Baltimore-Style Cheesesteak) because the flies really got into it. (Note to self: bring extra foil next time.)

  2. The BBQ is officially starting at noon but since I just got paid today and still have to go buy food/stuff it'll probably actually start around 1. I'm not sure when most people are planning to show up. Things will probably be going late (at least until 11 pm) so there's no pressure outside of travel plans to get there or leave at any specific time.

  3. I'll be holed up in Jamspace all day so make sure to swing by and participate a bit.

    Little bit of bad news about the BBQ: We're getting replacement windows in August and as a result the patio's a mess. There's plenty of space out in the yard and whatnot, it'll just be a little more crowded than previous years. And if it rains we'll have to run inside the house.

  4. Important BBQ Info

    1. I've decided to run it from 12 noon to Really Late on Sunday, this gives everyone a chance to swing by.

    2. Cover is 5 dollars. I don't mean to be a jerk about asking for money but this does cost quite a bit with the spread I have planned, make sure you have the cash on hand or in Paypal. If you want to bring some food/drink instead, PM me and we can work something out.

    3. Invite other people! Don't feel like you can't go because you have a friend with you that doesn't know me, or something like that. I'm going to have a tremendous amount of food/beverage so we need lots of people to eat it all!

    4. We should have an FF4 listening party at some point.

    And once again if anyone wants to pay in advance send $5 Paypal to xerol@xerol.org, just make sure to put your username in there somewhere so I know who you are.

  5. If anyone's coming through BWI I can probably give a ride to one person, although I'll also probably be heading down a day+ early.

    My room this year will probably be a staff thing, since we've got a lot of things to do with video and having a room as a "secondary HQ" is probably ideal. I'm still figuring out my plans so it'll probably be a month or so before I know exactly what I'm doing.

  6. I'll probably be up for going Xerol, and I'll probably bring a friend along. Also, any interest making it an FF4 project listening party of sorts then too?

    Yeah, actually last year we listened to whatever project had just come out.

    Additional notes:

    -The pool will be open, bring swimwear if interested, I've got extra towels.

    -Since we're getting new windows put in early August the patio's going to be a big mess, so everything's going to take place out in the yard. This means we might have to run inside if it rains. It also means not much shade will be available, so bring/wear sunscreen.

  7. The official deadline is Saturday, August 22nd, 23:59 EST. But we may extend it a bit in deference to the delays in getting out all the challenges.

    Basically, 2 months to the day from when you got your challenge should be fair, no?

    Stay tuned.

    I didn't think we were supposed to start until everything was finalized, and having different end dates isn't really possible with C:TS is it?

  8. basically there is no reason for any map to be on the rotation more than once

    There are 17 maps on the rotation, and consider a 30 minute minimum round time (more for some, less for others, and with overtime it probably averages out to even more than that) you won't see a map more than once (unless it gets RTV'd or changed) without playing for at least 8 1/2 hours. Which is probably why Dustbowl and Badwater are on there twice, and that's still 3+ hours between seeing those maps.

    It'd be nice if we had 2-3 different rotations that got swapped out daily, but I don't know if that's too much work for the admins or what. Give every rotation a dose of valve maps, and a custom or two, and no more than 8-10 maps in any one rotation. That should do pretty good for keeping things mixed up since it would change daily.

    Also, is there a way to make the pre-load friendly fire time melee-only?

  9. The difference is between "hey let's organize this little thing for fun against some friends" vs. "hey let's organize this thing that some people may see as professional gaming". I like the idea of having a "league" of just community folks, as a slightly more organized version of our usual play. I'm all for it as long as it doesn't disrupt normal play which is why the 2nd server would be nice to have.

    P.S. [bACON] needs more people.


    I'd join if there was room for pyro/engie.

    I guess the other thing we can do with it is "break the mold" of standard 6v6 TF2 (2 soldiers, 2 scouts, demo, medic) since we wouldn't be doing it under anyone else's umbrella. I wouldn't want it to be too rigid but there should be some guidelines in place to keep it competitive.

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