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Everything posted by bLiNd

  1. if i manage some kind of break before december we will be there but as of now we are too broke to eat :/
  2. Honestly creamware has some of the highest quality of the three for certain processors...but its not worth the hassle. its now sonic-core, bought out, so they wouldn't go into insolvency. Can be VERY finicky to get everything up and running but once it is, its insanely rock stable with an amazing platform for synths fx and supreme asio drivers. Of the 3 though, if i had to choose, it would be the uad-1. If you want to be set for life (for now) get the uad-2 quad extreme ultra mega hugeness and you won't really need anything else. I use all 3 together though for certain plugins on each platform, each one has their strengths and weaknesses which is why I have all of them
  3. Oh thats no problem, I can totally instruct. But this once again comes down to plugin quality, hardware quality etc. My reverbs, eqs, and compressors, are all hardware replicas 1x1 perfection = high quality mix. Ive made good mixdowns in reason and better ones in cubase with uad, creamware, and powercore plugins and the results are insanely huge in contrast. Im not necessarily saying im better at leveling your tracks, but I have some nice tools at my disposal and am putting it out there for use to those that want it.
  4. Actually you are right. I've talked to Jade about this several times, that I am actually willing to take unmixed tracks (as in, no eq, compression, reverb, delay etc) and mix and master for anyone that needs help. Most mixers on the project are already extremely capable of this but I do have a specific mixing style and every genre has a different way to mixdown. But the offer to mix AND master stands for those that want the help. I have good monitors and ears for the WIPs I received, when I check production. But one advantage people submitting WIPs to me have is that I can help them on a technical level by DOING it for them, instead of telling them HOW to do it and making them spend money on stuff and learning it etc. So yea
  5. Yes I used to think the same thing. Regardless of how good you are at mastering, the actual sound quality depends on what you are using to master it. I have an extensive collection of pro software for mastering (all non-native DSP based stuff, spent probably 2000 bucks on these plugins alone) If you want to look into the uad-1 precision mastering plugins, sonic-core mastering plugins, and powercore mastering plugins, you will see what I mean. So I recommend giving them to me anyway
  6. alright well you drink....control your temper. If you ever do meet with us you dont want to get into a beef with my wife or me. And we are only coo, if you respect her, has nothing to do with my music. Just take it easy on the forums and get your reputation by respecting people.
  7. i admit it man, this songs lyrics are cheesy. but hey it was worth a shot hahaha
  8. The reason she LOLs is cuz shes fully satisfied at the bLiNd household sir. Dont attack my wife to get your post count up
  9. You know if you guys all vote, OC PEEEPLE VOTE! and you get all your friends and family to vote, you might actually get me to magfest this year for a new set! DID YOU EVER THINK OF THAT?! hahaha jk...
  10. which is why i started it 6 hours ago its for freebies, worth a shot hehe
  11. Black Eyed Peas Contest for gear weeee Yea I started this song like 6 hours ago http://www.beatportal.com/remix/detail/i-gotta-feeling-tenjii-remix/ You know the drill <333
  12. OCR Got me a career goal and a wife. Dreams really do come true
  13. absolutely. jade and i came up with something to mention about genre and styles. it will be made known in the final project information post when this goes official
  14. Absolutely. We shouldn't limit but there needs to be some kind of theme to stick to as well. Lots of points to consider...
  15. Yes I agree about your points 100%. It wasn't necessarily genre specific cohesiveness, but everything had a similar tone, one string that made it work or glued it together. One idea thats been discussed is having genre specific cd's so you don't have some super soft piano or orchestra piece and then it slam into a rock or dance song thats decibels louder in dynamics. The ff4 project had that problem especially when my stuff came in. Thats why I offered to at least mix and master tracks so it has a similar quality or tone (gear wise) throughout. That offer still stands and something I definitely excel at is production and production quality, I have thousands of dollars worth of plugins and gear that can bring quality sounding mixes and masters (and I am experienced in mixing all genres) The earthbound project point I actually mentioned in an early post. Joe cam had a project that worked because he knew exactly what he wanted because he knew what artists he wanted. All the artists involved knew their craft and consistently put out quality music. The cohesiveness there was quality. Genres need to be separated at the very least, so your ears don't have to adjust so much, or at least the track order needs to be considered by genre.
  16. I have to agree with this statement. Seems that the queue for project spotlights is almost as massive as the queue for mixes to be posted :/ And i seem to be involved with a big percentage of them haha If you read mazedudes interview I have to agree with him...a lot of mixers are no longer doing what they love..remixing their favorite game music, because they end up doing a slew of project songs. Dont get me wrong, I love doing these project songs, some of my best work comes from them. I like doing them because they are a challenge and force me to try new things as a remixer instead of just getting comfortable. They have also taught me how to have an insanely fast workflow. I seem to get tracks done faster than ever now (well as soon as I start them at least) lately I have been having problems with my setup so I have been on hold, but these projects also force me to discover new music so there are definate pluses and minuses. But there is also something magical about taking a track that means a lot to you and doing amazing magic with it. I think thats why Bahamut did this new project the darkness and the light. He wants people to choose some of the best music they loved from rpgs, that they are passionate about and have a strong connection to, to make the remix have SOUL. Instead of just another cover or interpration. I think all future projects need this motivation otherwise we will have lots of great looking and sounding projects that have no soul to them and no umph. If I co direct I really want people to have this mindset, bahamut has it down. We need people that understand this though, to remix everything, and EVERYONE, seems to be tied up. So realistically this will be an even bigger endeavor that may take a very long time. I dont want it to be all about just finishing the remixes for a deadline and cracking whips to get people to finish their songs. Because that result is always mediocre music. Regardless of how many projects tho, and the scope and size of this one, it CAN be successful, but it will take lots of time and patience for this one to bust out and be different. Thats one of the reasons I never wanted to do a site project because my vision for one seems to be hard to meet. Protricity had the right idea and I still stand on that statement but super metroid is a much smaller soundtrack, so this vision is much larger in scope. I think the tracklist should be a selection, we dont need to cover everything, but everything that is mixable and worth covering should be. Just my thoughts anyway
  17. Shes right.... She knows more about this site than me when it comes to remixes and artists...::shame:: Now this is truly cool, you guys are awesome to support Jade and encourage her. You don't necessarily need a good rep to organize something, but you DO need reputable mixers to make the project worth a release. Joe Cam had a cult following underground remix project that was a huge success and there are tons of projects with project leaders ive never seen before. Honestly OA and audio fidelity came out of the blue and then later I find out audio fidelity has lived right around the corner from me my whole life You never know what kind of talent is hiding in the forums, and to look at a join date and make a judgement of noob status IS VERY IGNORANT. thats somethingawful forums style of behavior and its not accurate. Jade has been listening to OC remixes and coming to this site longer than I have. She didnt join the forums until she became involved with me but she knows more mixes than even mr oji himself. At magfest she turned his head with her knowledge actually hehe. So to settle that issue talent comes from all directions and if there are enough people to rally behind it, then its something positive, regardless if it succeeds or fails as a whole. Ive been involved in lots of failed projects but they all had something positive result from it. What we are doing here is recognizing an amazing composers vision for this widely known game and celebrating its great melodies and music. If it releases on the site or it doesnt, it doesnt really matter, we are having fun and paying tribute.
  18. Alright, this thread died long ago and somehow got resurrected. Shes been talking of this for quite some time and figured it was more trouble than it was worth plus with people saying forget it, she figured she would. I told her there are lots of things involved in a large scale rpg project but the more people helping the better. I can co-direct. Yea im busy but not too busy for my wifes interests. Chances are i will be rescuing many lost WIPs and tracks for this project if and when it gets started..I seem to have a reputation for the rescuing remixer for projects that are ALMOST DONE and need a track to be finished QUICKLY haha but I digress. This project would be very strict if it were to take on a life of its own. My thought is, instead of floods of ocremixes in all styles and genres, it would have to be cohesive in a sense...if not by genre, by quality. Im extreme with the quality of music, im hard on myself, which is why I get the quality I do when I create. So I am open to making this project a success by helping artists push themselves over the top, or even helping them mix and master if it needs to be done. I still think the best project on this site is protricity's super metroid project, it was the VERY first one, he created the concept and successfuly executed it. Its an extremely cohesive album that works. A lot of the projects i have been involved in are not cohesive and the reviews show that. Its got to have an album feel and that takes lots of work when multiple artists are involved. Now i have tons of remixes to do but its all preliminary and there are no rushes....not to mention TONS of projects lined up to be shown in spotlight. So this project, if it were done and released, would be a couple years down im sure. The soundtrack is worth it though, its definately worth celebrating and it looks like I have some planning to do.
  19. When I put on my shades I am totally like 100 percent bLiNd, but when im making music I can magically see the computer screen to make music.
  20. hahahha I KNEW you would throw that in my face! Well you see..when i wrote that i had about 4 to do, then i got invited to one that i couldnt turn down. And THEN! bahamut decided to make like 2 more projects all within a week. So I was just letting all the leaders know I wont be early this time, but maybe on time hehe. But yes im human....and i was just being sarcastic that time cuz its a project you cant pass up
  21. ok people...I am definately better physically than last year. Im in total remission with my colitis. Jade and I are living fairly comfortably even thought one dollar can be a very precious thing...its hard to buy groceries right now. This is the thing, I HAVE TONS OF OCR PROJECTS TO DO. seven total now, i seem to get more pms as invites to projects than Hey bLiNd whatsup?! Half of them are bahamuts fault but regardless I got a huge quota to meet not to mention my outside of OCR music and projects im doing (some of them for money) So the purpose of this post is to let all project owners/managers/directors know not to worry, most of the time I get my tracks done early but this time it will be hard because I can be tired after work in the hott vegas desert sun all day. Once I am on a roll I can pump out quality as many of my friends/fans/jade know. She is keeping me accountable too so I wont slack off but a guy needs his rest sometimes. I WILL FINISH MY PROJECT SONGS! dont worry. One last thing. There a lots of people that want us to come back to MAGFest this year and for me to put on another set for you all. By then I would have tons of material ready for one too, only one problem. With the plane tickets, the unpaid days of work, hotel, and ultramega supporter tickets, the total is roughly 1400 bucks that we definately dont have right now. So I dont want anyone to have their hopes up for another set unless we get some kind of jackpot or something. Theres nothing we want more to travel cross country and be with everyone again but finances this time around are much tighter since Jade got laid off and my boss is cutting my pay. Its hard so pray bLiNd gets his break or something (lately labels are flakey). expect lots of new music in the next few months <3333
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