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Posts posted by phill

  1. The IPod, or atleast I thought, could divide itself into partitions for music and data. Music portion will have to be FAT32 while the data portion, assuming it works like I thought, can be NTFS. But, doing a little looking around the inter-tubes shows me that you can't do that easily.

  2. FAT is pretty much the only thing everyone agrees on and implements. All the other file systems that could be used (NTFS, HFS+, ext2,3,4 etc) would drasitically limit compatiable OSs (without forcing the user to install file system support) and I can't imagine Sony implementing support for all of them just because a few tits here and there want huge files. Plus the overhead of these journalled file systems makes it kinda pointless for the smaller usb sticks (<16GB)

  3. I will make a single assumption, you have the drive formatted as FAT32, which limits the size of the files to 2^42-1 bytes, aka 4.398GB give or take. You can not make files bigger then that and if you try...well you can get a bunch of different errors but running out of space is common. Now, I thought VirtualBox allowed you to split the drives into smaller chunks (2GB is best) and this would save you alot of problems. Otherwise try formatting to NTFS.

    edit:Gah, this is what I get for getting distracted halfway through a post.

  4. Their policy now is not to take PC games at all, perhaps because of piracy concerns (buy game, rip game, return game, give to friends, torrent).

    Are you sure thats the policy? The local EB/GameStop are still buying games from the consumer, they just don't sell used PC games anymore.

  5. i wasn't talking specific to quads, i was talking in general. yeah, clock speeds are the same, but look at the timings on a chip. for some mid-level ddr2 ram, 5-5-5-15 is a standard timing - 15 clocks to close one row, read the next one, and prep the next row! no wonder there's such a big gap.

    I thought you were going to go a different direction with your comment about memory. Though I do agree with latency being a problem with current RAM and how effects a CPU regardless of the number of cores. Though, in terms of mult-cores processors, its not the only issue contributing to 6+ core systems.

  6. memory simply isn't expanding fast enough for cpu demands.

    Its more then just memory causing problems with larger number of cores on a single chip. Anything shared, processor cache, memory, nics, audio cards, video cards, hard drives and raids all have to be managed so that one core does not interrupt(or worse) another core well its doing its thing. Then if you get into a situation where one core is waiting for another, it turns into a big mess. Unless you start assigning specific tasks to certain cores, floating point ops on one, hardware interaction on another, etc. (like the ps3 I believe) it becomes a nightmare to mange these thing and keep the overhead of that management from screwing you over.

  7. what is the other hand

    is it good

    Not as good as one would think. Quad-cores walk a fun little line where the increase of processing power...for a lack of a better term, is negated by the overhead needed to manage shared resources. It's one of the reasons you don't see 6, 8, 12 core CPU's being pumped out yet. That's not to say quad-cores don't have a performance increase over dual-cores, they do, but the two extra cores do not play the substantial part in that increase that most people expect or assume. The design on the other hand does.

    Then there's the lack of a consumer market for programs that take advantage of these multi-core processors. Sure, a lot of programs run a bunch of threads, but unless the OS is tossing them on random cores, they will likely be executing on the same core.

  8. First, open the command line and run 'tasklist /svc >> c:\tasklist.txt' and either upload tasklist.txt somewhere and post a link or post the contents here if its not too long. svchost.exe is a host process, as it say, it is suppose to manage services running on your computer. The number of svchost.exe running at any given moment depends on how many services you have and how the services are started. You will generally have one svchost with a low PID and a number of services attached to it and a number of others with higher PIDs and a few services attached to them.

    Now, generally speaking, low temp is not usually a problem, hence why cooling a computer with liquad nitrogen tends to speed things up. It kinda sounds like your motherboard is failing you, and since you describe a relation to temp changes, it may actually be a physical break somewhere on the board. Are you lucky enough to still be under warrenty?

  9. I wonder if Visual Studio 2008 works in Windows 7. I know version 2010 will be tailor-made to it, but are there any programmers out there that have gotten it to work out of curiosity?

    From what I've heard, everything installs and works fine.

  10. I get the feeling that allowing users to remove IE among other applications, is just a way to shut the European Union Anti-Trust group the hell up. As much as I do like being able to un-install and replace software on any OS, it's nothing more then a fucking joke to demand Microsoft include other browsers with their OS. Though, considering the tools at the EU, in an attempt to remain relevant, I could see them demanding that Microsoft un-install all browsers and force the user to use the command line with wget to pick their own browser.

  11. Don't forget registry files!

    Junk reg entries generally have no effect on your system because one, they do not execute, and two, even if you have a million of them, the registry will still function fine(because of how it works and is used). The exception would be when important registry entries are modified, or added, in which case you should decide if deleting or fixing is the best idea (Think services and start up items).

  12. oh for the love....

    .... You will also notice the suggestion of using the diagnostic tools from the manufacture, which is probably the single most useful suggestion in this thread and for dealing with any hard drive problems in general.....

    literacy, learn it.....oh, when I said I was impressed about getting data off your drive, I wasn't joking. Even on 5400rpm drives, the head making contact with the platter for a brief moment can cause a huge amount of damage. Regardless of it failing, the fact it worked long enough to get substantial amounts of information off of it is impressive. A short fall off of a desk is enough to render a HD useless, the CEO of the company I worked for found that out the hard way.

  13. No one mentioned freezing to be a fix-all solution. We are trying to help this person by supplying possible solutions for him to try. What are you trying to do?

    If you read his post and through the thread, you will notice several people comment on his question about the freezer trick, that would be his main question by the way, amounting too a last ditch effort(and putting it into a bag). You will also notice the suggestion of using the diagnostic tools from the manufacture, which is probably the single most useful suggestion in this thread and for dealing with any hard drive problems in general.

    Based on his description of the problem (flashing read light and constant activity) many of the other suggestions, like booting into another OS to see what happens, won't help because it is more likely to be a problem with the drive and not the connection to the computer.

    Then you come in and suggest to freeze it without giving further information. That really isn't helpful, it doesn't make you look all that good to other IT Pros, and if it breaks because of your suggestion with its lack of information, well it makes you look stupid. Though I am impressed that the freezer helped after your father banged your drive around, I would have expected damage to the head and platters.

    An option I avoid giving to inexperienced users....and almost never without more information on the drive itself, is to hope and pray its 1)just a re-packaged sata/ide drive that can be taken out of the external case and 2)it is the USB controller that has bit the dust and not something related to the drive. Bad idea if you don't know what you are doing, with the breaking it further. so I tend to not suggest this.

  14. more emot-words.gif

    Lets start with something simple, the platters are not the only component affected by condensation. To yell out "freeze it" without any further information on protecting those other bits makes you a tool. Yes, the drive is almost dead as it is, but that key word 'almost' means you should at least try not to screw it up further...until you get the data. Screw it up the first time you stick it in the freezer, guess what, you just lost any chance of getting data off of it.

    Now, as I mentioned before, freezing the drive is NOT a fix all solution to hard drive problems. At best, it is a temporary solution for a small number of specific problems which end up being common enough to allow this fix all myth to propagate. Since this method can still cause internal and external damage due to the cooling and heating cycles, it really should be the last thing you try...or if you don't care.

    and OnTrack...I don't think anyone actually suggested professional data recovery...though I may have skipped that post....the only time to use a data recovery service is if the data/time lost is worth more then the service fees. I don't think there are too many people on the OC forums that can honestly claim that and don't already use a back up of some sort.

    Oh and yes, its my industry, because I have to deal with users who talk to idiot IT folk and try to pass that off as computer knowledge. NO, rebooting won't help with the smoke coming from the PSU.

  15. emot-words.gif

    I demand you leave my industry now, NOW I SAY Damn it.

    Those funny looking circuit boards that sit on the outside of the drive, ya water doesn't play well with those either. Short the disk controller out, and guess what, your drive be fucked tool....now even with a sealed external drive, only the platters with be sealed in such a way that this is less of a worry. The disk/USB controller may be sealed behind a pretty plastic case, but I doubt its going to be water/air tight.

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