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Everything posted by phill

  1. Long story short, it's aba's fault. He turned on the Tesla Coil mod which turns any stack of iron blocks 3+ with a power source into a Tesla coil. We have changed the block used for the mod to something else.
  2. I know some of you just love drama, however;
  3. That seems to happen a lot for you
  4. When you say defunct, I assume that implies that we should email fireslash@fireslash.net when we use the paypal method?
  5. I worry that the 'quickplay' system will bring a lot of undesirables to the server, you know the type, hard core halo fans, and not having it listed might be the better option.
  6. In the future use the code tags for those strings, it seems vBulletin adds spaces to spice things up.
  7. Updated my <<map>> and created a way for people to make their own claims <<here>> To use, right-click, select "add claim", then click around until your area is outline; right-click again and "save claim". At the moment, it does not automagically add the claim, you have to send me whatever the pop-up says along with whatever your MC name is.
  8. I would assume this applies to laptops as well, but I get the feeling you don't need/want one, so the point is mute. Will have to wait and see when this comes to Canada.
  9. Never mind, I no read all words before posting.
  10. Before the change in how the map was stored, it resulted in huge map folders.
  11. If this sort of thing is going to become common and given the fact you are working with ~15k records, you may want to consider switching to a database of some sort. Even Access would be better then a massive spreadsheet.
  12. Yeah...doesn't work because of duplicate values in A, forgot about that. Given the size of your dataset, I would assume you are going to have duplicate values in the first column and as a result the easiest way to achieve what you want is to create a macro.
  13. I expect all his buildings to be encased in diamonds......ignore my iron wall
  14. Assuming I understood what you are trying to do here, this is what I came up with http://mephisto-ocr.angryitch.com/ForProph.xlsx
  15. Now includes maps of both the Old World and New World. http://angryitch.com/Gallery/minecraft/
  16. I approve of this.
  17. I would normally agree with you, but since this really is only gman vs brush, a public discussion about power abuse, what constitutes it, is it actually occurring, etc. won't actually fix anything. Crowbar and Brush have to sort out the ban/donation issue and Gman has to step back and not touch anything relating to Brush. If it happens again, unjustified banning that is, I'll be the first to come in here and call them out.
  18. Please, for everyone's sake, take up private messages....all of you; as serious as the internetz can be, this has little to do with anyone else at the moment. So, rather than vetting your dislike for each other in the thread, take it else where. Gman, Crowbar, for the love of god, PM, I was happy the drama had left the thread.
  19. Such a wonderful time of year isn't it. Now, back to my studying of Bezier and B-spline curves and surfaces.
  20. Is it at all like real lighting, striking the tallest structure in a given area?
  21. You my friend need to study up a little:Assuming this is not simply a case of incorrectly assuming 'm' is miles, the earths crust ranges from 5km (thinnest oceanic regions) to 70km (thickest continental regions). North America sits between 30km and 45km and the depth as seen in game is well within that range (4500m to maybe 5000m) [url/]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structure_of_the_Earth Not sure I would consider portal2 to be as "hard" as the first one, most of the puzzles seemed to be solved by looking for the white panel where the portal could be placed. Not to say I breezed through all the puzzles, a few, specifically the one where you get the whiteout achievement, had me stumped because I wasn't looking in the right direction.
  22. You know what, I'll put my name on the line and vouch for him. Don't get my banned Subnormal.
  23. Game gets released, server went from 20-24 people playing to 10
  24. ಠ_ಠ ok you three, take it to the PMs
  25. Pics or it didn't happen.
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