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Everything posted by phill

  1. It is always a good time to backup your hard drive, those people that walk down the street with a smile on their face, those people back up on a regular basis
  2. I don't dispute that, however the Internet along with a few thousand web based corporate applications were broken around IE. Due to hundreds of hacks, tweaks, and piss poor programming, IE works “correctly” (and I use that very loosely) on more html based pages then FF. Also IE is still used my the majority of the people out there making this hacks, tweaks, and piss poor programming a requirement.
  3. I assume your talking about standard support(css, html, xml, etc.) and not the number of html pages (don't limit yourself to internet webpages) that the browser will work with.
  4. The cards will come with the little converters
  5. I hope you only purchased one of the cards, assuming the A8N-E is your motherboard, you can't do dual PCI-E cards. Is this your board? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813131530
  6. Thats called poor programming.
  7. First, make sure you have your windows disk handy (that or a disk with the I386 folder on it), and go 'Start>>Run' and type in 'sfc /scannow'. This will check your system files and make sure that none of them have been altered, if any have it will ask for your windows disk and it will then replace the system file with a good version. Update your virus scanner, and malware scanners, boot into safe mode and do a complete scan with the new defs (make sure to disable sys restore) after that, you can always try a repair install
  8. my suggestion for a mid-range card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814130073
  9. You are able to change your name, under 'Profile' you should be able to add your extra p
  10. its time for one of my random, but half useful posts another good site for fonts is http://www.dafont.com/en/ its only got around 4100 different fonts for win, mac osx, and max os9
  11. Its not a remixing question...I want to know what an ID3v2 tag is, and how it works so I can submit. Is this not the "newbes/tech help" forum? Indeed it is a tech question, and like Mythril said, thats all you have to do to edit it. All the ID3 tags are, are comments. Like those you can add to a word doc, or other such files.
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