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Posts posted by ocre

  1. It appears the game may not be all of San Andreas, but just Los Santos and surrounding country-side. As I stated before, I haven't played San Andreas, so what's everyone else's opinion on this news?

    In the very same press release they state something along the lines that this is the largest and most ambitious game they've ever attempted. Sounds like it would have to be more than just Los Santos to me. Even if it is, I'm happy.

    Speaking of which, I liked how each city had it's own separate police force and fire fighter force in the original SA.

  2. I for one am super-jazzed(yeah, you just read that) about returning to Los Santos(/San Andreas?)!

    As for this game being a step up from GTA IV, I hope they're taken as many steps away from the mistakes they've made in IV as they have bumped up the visual flair. If so, I know we'll have a game worthy of the roman numeral upgrade and fitting into the legacy of the original San Andreas. More clothes and being able to buy properties would be appreciated. It's looking very good. I couldn't be happier that it's set in San Andreas again.

    Hour zero purchase.

    Also, I agree with Strike911. And Tensei on there being a dichotomy. Though I don't think it's so weird as it is an intentional artistic choice. It wouldn't be the successful Grand Theft Auto seriess if there wasn't a co-existance of over-the-top crass humor/violence and engaging storytelling (even if it is a bit of cheesy drama). Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, San Andreas and the rest of the popular modern entries in the series have had these elements present.

    And we shouldn't ignore the fact that this is a video game. It can have both.

    Granted, an imbalance of those two halves (or a decidedly stronger emphasis on realism over over-the-top/variety) won't be well-received, as we've seen with GTA IV's backlash, but I think Rockstar has learned from it's mistakes and it's feedback of the GTA IV 'experiment'.

    Another thing, someone online had put foth an idea that one of the playable characters (if not in the main game then a DLC?) might be an illegal immigrant. I could see how that would tie into the setting well as well as offer a fresh perspective. We'll see.

  3. I've done my part and have both registered mechafone and purchased SML2. I've even BEATEN SML2 as of right now. It's a little sad that we didn't get a Fire Emblem trailer as part of that batch of upcoming game trailers. I'm still holding out hope that we'll get it. : ( I don't think the Japanese even got the trailer, so there's that going for us.

  4. Yes. Yes, you do. And yes, they do.

    They have a way of preserving the aesthetic and gameplay of the previous titles in the series they are made in charge of while still building new content that manages to be appropriate and please fans.

    I definitely know DKCR delivered as the return-to-form title DKC-series fans (and fans of DK's old masters, Rare to boot) were waiting for.

    I'd also love to see them take a stab at Pokemon (Hear me out!)

    I know it'll never happen, as Pokemon isn't exactly your typical in-house Nintendo development. Though Pokemon has been developed by people other than GameFreak, I very much doubt the big wigs in Japan would let their golden egg-laying Swanna be handled by a Western developer. That said, I know Retro is more than capable of giving us the console Pokemon main entry we've always wanted.

  5. Animal Crossing 3DS

    Oh man, there's this concept art sketch of what might be the total playable area of AC 3DS floating around; apparently screencapped off the AC3DS Japanese site. This looks to includes an expanded city, what might be a StreetPass neighborhood (where the houses of people you StreetPass show up for you to look at), an island, the return of the train, and even a cave we might be able to explore.

    Très exciting! Dare we get our hopes up for new music?

  6. You know, you raise a great point. The system does look kind of sexy with the triggers. If only we had gotten a more symmetric, sleek 3DS with the triggers and 2nd pad from the get-go(I'm thinking it would basically be a PS3 controller with two screens, like you alluded to), I think Nintendo could've saved itself some of the ire of this attachment making the system look wonky.

    As for the sacrifice of portability the media is lamenting and given how snug the current 3DS is in my pocket, I can't imagine even a redesign would be much better.

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