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Posts posted by ocre

  1. I've had mine since launch and been on the store several times, but I didn't check the "news" section of the eshop to see that ambassador message. I guess Nintendo removed it for everyone now that the price has dropped. I hope Nintendo has their criteria all together and there's no confusion about which people are and are not ambassadors.

    Pretty sure you're good, brother. Anyone who logged into the estore before last night's deadline was put on an e-list, I'm pretty sure. I don't think you had to click on the Ambassador notice.

    update: Yeah, you're good.

  2. Yeah, right now my dilemma is "buy an original model 3DS at a reduced price with hardly any games to play on it now; support the 3DS so it might shake off this "failure" stigma" or "wait til they redesign/lower the price even more possibly, and a slew of games I want are available for it". Hmm.

    No place in the US has the system at a reduced price as of right now, do they? I'd like to get in on the free games, if possible, if I decide to pick up the system before the price officially goes down. :|

  3. This theme set the tone for the season as you shifted from fresh Spring to the scorching and sweaty Summer days in the farming sim. I like this theme cause it just feels so summery. Gotta love that catchy part at 0:40.

    A great track from a decidedly 'summer-y' game, Super Mario Sunshine. This is the theme that plays in the Noki Bay area, and I've always thought it was a p cool theme. The airy vocal/synthy tones remind me of seashells, which is appropriate at the Noki are basically walking talking shellfish. The percussion is really good too. This is def one of my faves from the soundtrack.

  4. Hooray! Just saw a link here over from GoNintendo (definitely one of my go-to news sites for all things Nintendo), though let me point out to GN readers, this isn't so much a traditional OC ReMix Album Project (FFVII/DKC2) so much as it is a ReMixing competition. Tracks can be found in the first post; divided up by Round for both the Mega Man and Proto Man brackets. Note that THIS ReMixing competition has completed but keep an eye on the forums for announcements about upcoming Robot Master (and Maverick) ReMix Battles.

  5. My neighbor and I used to love playing this game.

    We called that one shellfish-looking ship "Fishburger". Hehe.

    Great music. I'd love to hear a remix of one of these. Stage 7 def is the bomb. Stage 3! :) Oh man Stage 2/6. So iconic.

    For anyone intersted in seeing what the game is all about. (not the best player)
  6. I have no complaints of a price drop at all. But the only problem is that feeling that if this doesn't help boost sales of the 3DS, then this will be the Virtual Boy 2.

    I think it's good that Nintendo finally had to eat some humble pie, so to speak, but how aggressive are they going to be now that they see their handheld market is threatened? Not to mention that they can no longer fall back on, "We're Nintendo! People will ALWAYS buy our games!".

    Hopefully they will learn that it's a mistake to launch a system without a AAA title for it and a fairly steady stream of titles following your launch.

  7. I don't see why people can't be upset with Capcom about this cancellation. I would understand telling us to shut up if this were not an announced title or even if there was only one screenshot floating around. No, this was a high-profile announced game and a very long-awaited one at that.

    About the game mechanics "feeling old": These are professional game developers. I would think they'd be smart enough to figure out a way where the game feels more intuitive than the over-a-decade-old PSX games. Then again maybe they couldn't.

    Some are arguing that Capcom pulled the plug on this game because it didn't offer enough to cater beyond the niche who enjoyed the first two games and wasn't going to be profitable. Does that mean all game developers should cancel the projects they perceive to be 'risky' and just develop FPS games to be "safe" and ensure their product meets a profit quota? (Don't get me wrong, I loved Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare/W@W and MW2.) Kindly spare me lectures on your understanding of business.

    I don't care if Capcom isn't lining it's pockets with gold by withholding this game from us. I care that they're not lining our pockets with this game.

    Dear Game Developers,

    Next time don't promise shit before you're sure you can deliver.

    Love, OCRE

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