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Posts posted by ocre

  1. Once you've signed into the Pokemon GL site, you can click on the "Dream World" square near the bottom of the page and if Fennel has finished processing your registration, you may play in the Dream World (website) for one hour for today. You may plant berries, set items collected in the Dream World on your Share Shelf, decorate your home (when you get furniture) and most importantly, visit the Dream Isle and explore the Pleasant Forest so you can befriend Pokemon (by playing mini games) and find items. :3 Be warned that you must have 1 berry to offer to the Dream Tree at the end of the path so you can trade in one of the pokemon you befriended in the Pleasant Forest into your game. Once the Dream World posts your chosen Pokemon on the Pal Board in your home, you can disconnect from the Dream World and sync the game again by "waking up" the Pokemon you put to sleep. You may then find the Pokemon you transferred over in the Entree forest on your game card. *phew* I hope I helped. ^^v

  2. ...Inafune LEFT Capcom, you dumb-dumb.

    Um, curse him for LEAVING CAPCOM (and subsequently not being present to bolster continued development morale for said projects)? Dumb-dumb. >=|

    Plus, it's not like they've actually cancelled ML3. So I'm not cursing anyone yet. (Except you. Dumb-dumb.)

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