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Everything posted by ocre

  1. If you mean Shantae GB, DSi has no Virtual Console and the new Shantae game was built for the 3DS so I doubt either will see release on DSi. Do games come out for DSiWare still?
  2. I agree. The games are the most important thing. They're coming. And luckily 3D Mario, Smash Bros, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart don't seem like games that will rely much at all on the touch screen. I know Wonderful 101 makes use of the touch screen but I'm confident it will be used interestingly. You really didn't find NintendoLand enjoyable? I will never ever say it's a must-have but I thought it would be terrible and ended up being pleasantly surprised with it. And yeah, Brandon, you're right about it sucking not being able to play all the attractions and the game not having any online function.
  3. Wha- What are you even arguing?
  4. The New Play Control versions of Pikmin 1 and 2 and Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition (which sold over a million units) made amazing use of the Wii Remote. I actually much prefer to control those games with the pointer.
  5. "The only games that made good use of the Wii Remote were shovelware"? lol Wii U didn't 'fail'. It's had a rough start but Wii U is struggling for reasons that have been explained a dozen times by now in this thread, not because "people don't trust Nintendo and their wacky new controller" (which is not really all that wacky in comparison to the Wii remote. It's actually a very traditional controller with touch screen capability. And two analog sticks, since you mention that specifically.) There's no reason developers can ignore the touch screen or use it. That's on them. I know EA (we're in 'Gen4' to their knowledge) and stupid people like to define that word to their own convenience but I don't think you guys understand what 'generation' refers to. (Hint: Not system specs.) Some PS3 games won't ever see release on Wii U because the developers won't port them over. The Wii U can handle anything the PS3 can run. How well the ports we've seen run or look depends on how much effort the developers put into them. Need for Speed Most Wanted, like I said before looks better on Wii U than on the PS3 or Xbox360. Wii U "can't handle Frostbite" according to EA? EA sure do lay on the excuses when it comes to Nintendo but they sure are putting out a version for mobile devices. Excuses. Lame ones. Anything else?
  6. I figured you would find that funny. Doesn't surprise me that you don't understand the difference between truly repackaged annual sports drivel and NSMBU.
  7. Yeah, because NSMBU was totally a port of NSMB Wii. No new levels or new power ups or anything. Troll. At Brushfire: Whoa! Multiplatform games whose demographic are the common bottom-feeding troglodytes who don't realize they're buying the same game every year (FIFA 13 was literally FIFA 12) sold more than anything else? Who would think?! Also Wii U is getting the next Call of Duty.
  8. Wii survived (and thrived) despite not getting the vast amount of third party support PS3 & 360 enjoyed. Core titles year after year. Wii U doesn't need to be the first choice console (and in fact would probably benefit from being the "secondary" system) in the coming gen. Wii U won't get FIFA? It's getting 3D Mario. Wii U won't get Star Wars? It's getting Smash Bros. You can buy Star Wars and FIFA on those other systems EA feels are more relevant. (How many Star Wars games did Wii get? Wii sure was the sports game fan haven of last gen, wasn't it?) Damned: Colosseum and Gale of Darkness were not main series Pokemon games made by GameFreak. They didn't have the same mechanics (or quality) of the handheld games. Apples and oranges. And yet you're both days late 'breaking' this news. Nintendo aren't taking down videos so Nintendo-centric content on YouTube will still be made. LPers just got into a hissy fit when they found out Nintendo were cutting off a source of income for them. It's not like when Sega launched a video take-down campaign.
  9. Yeah, was just about to post that that's what some rumors are buzzing about. On the thread topic, I find it kind of funny that Nintendo doesn't understand that all they had to do to ensure health for the Wii U launch is put a main series Pokémon game on it (I know, I know. "Pokémon games are for portable devices." "GameFreak doesn't know how to make 3D games.").
  10. And we already know Wii U is technically more capable than the Xbox 360 contrary to what most 360/PS3 to Wii U ports would indicate. Need for Speed Most Wanted (port was developed by Criterion and not some outsourced team) for instance makes use of higher resolution textures more in line with the PC version than the past gen "HD twins". Just an example of a more optimized port. Ubisoft doesn't have a problem supporting Wii U (though the higher ups at the company ordered Rayman Legends go multiplatorm(understandable). They are doing Wii U versions of Watch_Dogs, Assassin's Creed 4 and more. Ubisoft know it takes time to build a userbase for any system and their employees have more respect (and common sense) than to publicly burn bridges with lies and childish insults.
  11. Now that right there is a pretty damn valid complaint! Our purchases should definitely have been tied to our 'Nintendo Network' accounts. Total missed opportunity there and it's a big one because if your console stops working those games you downloaded are gone. Part of why I always go physical over digital on 3DS.
  12. I'm not going to discount the nice discounts (see what I did?) of PS+ for titles you buy, but as for the 'free' games/instant game collection titles, I think it's worth noting that they disappear as soon as you stop paying your monthly subscription. And lets not forget that we(yeah, I have a PS3 too) won't be able to transfer our owned PSN game content over to the PS4, the deal gets a bit less sweet. Brandon: You're right, I did tell you that, several months ago when websites were reporting it. Apparently they got it wrong.
  13. Let's review: - Every game on the eShop should be 32 cents. - Nintendo needs more games like one that sold disappointingly across two systems. - EA is a lost bastion of innovation. - Super Metroid is praised due to nostalgia alone. - Wii U doesn't upscales games in any way. Did I miss anything?
  14. Actually quality is always relevant. And not all games sell as low as Shadows of the Damned where they have to go in the discount bin by week 2. EA had to recoup costs and retailers had to eliminate stock so the price fell. That's what happens when no one buys your game. In the case of New Super Mario Bros U, it was released alongside the Wii U because it was relatively easier and less costly to develop than something like Shadows of the Damned and can pay for its own development and bring in a nice profit too. 2D Mario sells (New Super Mario Bros on the DS sold for YEARS at full retail price.) Hence no price drop. You're complaining about Nintendo not price-matching online retailers. Psh.
  15. Weak. I already explained why sales fell short of expectations. Why shouldn't Nintendo charge the industry-standard price for a quality videogame? As for EA not ever delivering any 'interesting' titles from a "quirky developer", I also explained in my post how they DID treat the Wii U when they WERE supporting it. They treated Wii U owners like a 2nd thought. If EA had released a complete Mass Effect Trilogy on Wii U like they did for all the other systems and it had bombed, I wouldn't blame EA for pulling support, but their behavior just seems very self-sabotaging.
  16. Um. Suda51 made Shadows of the Damned. And it's funny you should mention that specific game because its sales were disappointing (and it was multiplatform.) As for pricing, Nintendo lets game makers set their own prices on the eShop.
  17. lol 10char
  18. Honestly, if your reason for buying a Wii U already was anything besides the staple Nintendo games we know we're going to get eventually, then I really don't know what you expected.
  19. Brandon is right about one thing: it comes down to a severe lack of games. Wii U like all Nintendo systems will spin its wheels in mud until Nintendo themselves lead a charge with high quality exclusive content (mostly 1st Party). It's completely understandable why the thing isnt flying off the shelves when Nintendo themselves have put out only two games, but they are working on new stuff. To name a few games: We know Pikmin 3 is hitting in August. We know 'Wonderful 101' is hitting in September. We know Wind Waker HD is hitting around October. We know Mario Kart U and the next 3D Mario will be playable at E3 both possibly seeing Holiday 2013 release. We know Smash Bros will be shown at E3. Bayonetta 2 is locked down as exclusive. The new Sonic game is locked down as exclusive. And we know during E3 there will be even more games we don't know about announced for the future. As for the system ending up being another "Nintendo games only" system, that's nothing new to be concerned about. EA seem to have had an agenda to half-assedly 'support' (and then justify not continuing support of) Wii U from the get-go. How smart was it to release Mass Effect 3 (without DLC) and then announce a Mass Effect Trilogy pack at a lower price for everything BUT Wii U. Supposedly EA are bitter toward Nintendo because Nintendo didnt want to heavily integrate Origin in their online platform and EA cut off support. In regard to Nintendo hitting the 'panic button,' "Panic-mode Nintendo" tends to bring out better games for us, anyway. They're being made now. Just like they were for 3DS.
  20. They added some new levels, rolling and the ground slap are now controlled via buttons and it's now portable. Enough reason for anyone who didn't play much of the original to pick it up.
  21. New Nintendo Direct (focusing on Summer Wii U and 3DS releases) tomorrow at 9am Central time. Be excited!
  22. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance will be 10 dollars on Best Buy's site today as their Deal of the Day. Get 'em while they last. Edit: AAAAND all gone online. I'm sure they'll honor the internet price if you actually drive down and find a copy in-store.
  23. Absolutely. Always trying to raise awareness and save my buddies money!
  24. Happy birthday, therex! :3
  25. $10 off select 3DS titles (including Fire Emblem Awakening, Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Ocarina of Time 3D) ($29.99) Paper Mario: Sticker Star at $24.99. In-store pickup or direct shipping.
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