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Everything posted by ocre

  1. Did you buy Tank Tank Tank at retail or digitally? Because I think they made it F2P on the eShop recently. There's still some content locked behind a paywall but not sure.

  2. F-1Grand Prix on N64 is pretty dang bland and dumb. And the dumbest movie I own is Elf. Ugh.
  3. All of my enemies make me laugh. Oh, in videogames. The Merenguy from Kid Icarus was pretty funny. (While I'm at it, Thanatos and Hades were hilarious in that game too.)
  4. Just seems shamelessly abusive when their last Kickstarter(two Kickstarters in less than a year seems bad enough) exceeded its goal by almost $200,000 and now they start another one (asking for $10 or not, they knew they'd get more.).
  5. Actually, today IGN revealed a new 9-minute trailer that includes some exploration gameplay. Also for anyone who wants to see this thing made, the crowdsourcing site just went up and is off to a healthy start. (and remember, if the project isn't successfuly funded you get your money back.)
  6. The teaser looks pretty dang good. I spotted Oublie cathedral directly taken from ED, a Hellish Chattur'gha-esque dimension, and the iconic sanity-draining monster stares. But something feels kind of off about this reveal. For instance just who are 'Precursor Games'? Could this whole crowd funding thing be a sanity effect? THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!
  7. Title of the video gives it away but: *watch it til the end*
  8. It may not be morose but it's Morse! This is for when you realize that you're a beautiful person and the world is yours to enjoy! Now get out there and breathe!
  9. I've been attempting the Extreme Daily Challenge and I can barely get a Bronze Cup. They don't call it Extreme for nothing! Update: So I've gotten three Diamond Cups on the normal Daily Challenges and 2 Gold Cups for the two Extreme Daily Challenges I've attempted (and will be getting a Diamond Cup for the Weekly Challenge in about 24 hours.) As of earlier, I was ranked 6th in da world out of like 60 thousand players. ;3 Today(Sunday)'s challenges seem fairly easy so I'll tackle them later this evening.
  10. There's the wishful imaginary crisis that people who irrationally hate Nintendo always assume they're in. So no, no crisis.
  11. If you're itching for something to play on your expensive new Nintendo console, Ubisoft was good enough to throw us a bone and offer up a free 'Challenges Mode' app that challenges players to beat the clock in various stages (that are updated every day). There are Daily Challenges (so far, yesterday there was a Murfy-controlled stage and today there is a speed run challenge where you control Rayman), Weekly Challenges (the first one is a Lum-based collection speed challenge), and there are even Extreme Daily Challenges (an 'Infinite Tower' 'see how far you can get' type stage). There's also a Weekly Extreme Challenge too but you have to reach rank 4 in 'Awesomeness'. You compete for Bronze, Silver, Gold (and the fabled Diamond Cup) in each challenge and there are leaderboards so you can compare how you're doing compared to your friends. Daily Challenges are closed after 24 hours - so you really have to hustle if you want to up your score. I'm really digging it. Apparently I'm ranked 7th overall in the world so far.
  12. Oh Brandon, living up to your reputation as biggest troll ever. They have plenty to show(and they will be showing software on the show floor). They just want to bypass the usual E3 dick measuring contest and do two Nintendo Directs instead of a catch-all press conference. While everyone else is zigging, they have chosen to zag. They already said they were showing off Mario Kart and the next major 3D Mario game. Retro are expected to blow the lid of their project as well. We may even get our first glimpse of Smash too. They are still holding a more business/marketing-oriented meeting for their partners in the Nokia theater, but that event won't be the usual E3 presser. Your stupid comment about not being able to afford a press conference is ridiculous.
  13. 1.Pikachu (Pokémon) 2.Kamek (Yoshi's Island) 3.Professor Layton (Professor Layton)
  14. Not to burst any bubbles, but Mother 3 hasn't been translated*. EarthBound was and look how long it's taken to get that. Now, do I think people inundating the inevitable Japanese Mother 3* Miiverse Community with pleas to release the game here will help? Not to mention I believe Earthbound will sell pretty well on VC. I could see Nintendo of America devoting a small localization team to it if both of those happen. But I wouldn't hold my breath. *Don't make me laugh. **We know GBA games are hitting Wii U VC.
  15. Wrong. "In an interview, Fils-Aime says Nintendo has sold 8 million 3DS devices in North America since launching in 2011, ahead of the original DS' pace of 7 million during the same period of time." Consider that we're already 6 months beyond the 2-year point at which Nintendo released the DS Lite variation of the original DS (where sales saw a huge uptick. Also, the system has been hugely successful in Japan and has sold 10.5 million units as of February 2013, so North American sales are a bit behind (also consider that the system launched a month earlier in Japan - and they've already received many titles that we haven't; notably the uber-successful Animal Crossing New Leaf). LAST YEAR, the system outperformed the PlayStation 3 for Lifetime to Date sales in Japan. Animal Crossing is coming in June. Pokémon is coming in October. I don't see 3DS having any trouble gaining traction this year. Now the Wii U on the other hand... (though I'm optimistic it will become a very attractive system eventually as the 3DS has, today's announcement of an August release date for Pikmin 3 leaves me frustrated at Nintendo's handling of the launch lineup.)
  16. It would appear that Nintendo of America have stepped in to publish SquareEnix's 'Bravely Default: Flying Fairy' 3DS RPG (spiritual sequel to the DS RPG 'Final Fantasy Four Heroes of Light') in North America (and I think Europe too). Awesome. And I don't get to say this often enough but: Thanks NOA! The downside is we have to wait til 2014 for it to come out.
  17. It looks like Vanquish, Metroid Prime and Mega Man Legends had a baby.
  18. I'm actually not against Formes when they're appropriate, even if its a 1st Gen Pokemon getting one. This has more to do with it not feeling right that Mewtwo, a manmade clone of Mew, can alter itself so drastically in the same way that more natural Pokemon like Rotom possessing machinery to change shape, Giratina changing it's body to adapt to different dimensions, or Castform altering itself to suit the weather- can. It makes more sense that perhaps a new organization picked up Dr Fuji's work and out of pride attempted another Mew clone. That said, either way, I don't get why Mewtwo's tail would change places to his head, or why an improved clone of Mew would have a tail on his head(no, it's not an elongated head, it's a tail).
  19. ^ Hahaha, basically. My sentiment toward that abomination: If it's an alternate Mewtwo forme, I hate it. If it's a separate new Mew clone, I'm fine with it.
  20. Glad you got to the bottom of that, DS. Thanks. I wonder if the 3DS might see a further new model. A 3DS XLi, if you would. I've been wanting an XL but NoA REFUSES to give North America the beautiful silver one. So I wonder if I should just wait for a new model. I'm giving them til E3.
  21. Happy birthday good buddy arek

  22. Don't forget adding villager portraits back in, then that game would be perfect!
  23. Remove the item limit in Riviera: The Promised Land!
  24. We may not be able to agree that this is the best BioShock, but can we all agree that stuff like *potential minor spoiler* THIS is genius?!
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