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Everything posted by ocre

  1. The free Wii U Street View app is now live on the Wii U eShop. Gonna check it out later.
  2. New Nintendo Direct today confirms a new Mario & Luigi title (Dream Team) and a new Mario & Donkey Kong 'Minis' game, as well as a Donkey Kong Country Returns 3DS port. Cool. Animal Crossing New Leaf is now dated for June, HarmoKnight is coming to eShop next month an we're getting another Dillon's Rolling Western. And some sales coming to the eShop, including Crashmo for 6 bucks.
  3. Apparently the new Eeveelutions is named Sylveon. Possibly confirms flying type? (Sylv = Sylph?)
  4. Valve seems to be losing a handful of staff, including the TF2 art lead & Director of Business with a rumored 25 employees walking out.
  5. EGAD! New eeveelution?! Possible bug type (the ribbon things look like butterflies - then again, it looks too normal to be a bug type)?
  6. They're stylized characters. Sort of realistic with chibi legs that make them appear to not have feet. I dot know why it's such a big deal to some people. lol
  7. I don't know if its because I'm under the weather but the story in this one is a tad dull. Also, I think I've been overusing the Pair-Up feature and now half of my army is over-leveled and half is under-leveled.
  8. Oh, I was under the impression people who play games might play games. Now I feel dumb. (What's so confusing, dude?) I for one am going to buy GTA V and was going to buy Rayman in three weeks. I may well have to consider saving the 60 dollars that would've easily gone to Rayman this month for something else during that busy fall release period. Whereas if the game had released this month (since its a finished game and was only delayed to facilitate an even release in September; more than likely for development and marketing reasons) with no high profile competition, I wouldn't have to weigh my options. But that's fine.
  9. So Ubisoft wants to delay a finished Wii U game to September where it'll go up against GTA V and Wind Waker HD instead of this month where it has absolutely no competition. So smart! Anyway, guess it'll be nice to pick up Legends when it's 20 bucks a month after it comes out. Edit: Ha.
  10. Yeah, that's my beef with this news. I won't be able to play it til September. Eff that noise.
  11. Baby?! I am playing on Hard Mode, Classic. }:[
  12. Hot off the wire, the 3DS's soft reset feature is: L + R + Start Very useful for Hard Mode, which is a downright massacre.
  13. Happy birthdio!
  14. Glad you're enjoying it. Have you tried the Octopus dance game?
  15. You make it sound like you played through the whole game, when you just told me you played the demo. That game is very nuanced and is meant to be a strict resource-management survival horror game. The 'clunkiness' of the combat is a semi-valid complaint but you should realize that you're not supposed to feel powerful in the game. It's an intentional thing that you shouldn't feel like you can take on more than one zombie at a time. That's what flares, grenades, long range guns and mines are for. It's not a run and gun affair either.
  16. Netflix is amazing on it. You can be watching something on Netflix on the GamePad and yer wife can watch something else on the tv. It's great.
  17. Whoa, your birthday is a day after mine. Cool! :)

  18. Since Nintendo Wii U uses a brand new Nintendo ID instead of a Wii number, how about the ability to add that(and a spiffy Wii U 'U' logo icon) to our forum profile? Thanks.
  19. Yeah, I don't know how you wanted me to add you if you haven't even set up yer thang. Talky thing?

  20. You have your system already?

  21. A new unopened Wii U Deluxe Model (read: Black) will include NintendoLand.

  22. To be clear, the '50Hz' issue you guys bring up is only affecting the European (or PAL?) version of the recently released 30 cent Balloon Fight Wii U VC game, and not any actual Wii U games or the North American/Japanese Balloon Fight, right?
  23. I don't mind a help button/function as a side thing that you can bypass for the whole game, but to heavily infuse the progression of the entirety of the game (and every time you load the game) with a tutorial is just bad practice.
  24. I dunno about you guys but the part about them making the dungeons not linear and 'bringing the series 'back to the basics' immediately puts the first Zelda game to mind. I'd love to explore a section of the overworld early and beat the third dungeon before the first. I suppose that would make the game's progression less dependent on story, but whatever. Makes me think of Zelda 2 too.
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