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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. I really don't understand the importance of graphics in gaming anymore. For the last decade console developers have touted thier graphics technology as the selling point for their consoles, which made sense as technology evolved from blocky 2D to blurry 2D to blocky 3D to humanistic 3D (PS2 era). More advanced technology certainly makes sense for buying a new console at a higher price point than "older technology", but to what extent should that technology be spent solely on graphics? Is better graphics even a priority for consumers? Nintendo has convinced me otherwise. The touchscreen on the DS and Wii remote have improved User Interface in ways High Definition can not ever do. I feel far more involved in DS/Wii games than anything else on the market.

  2. Of course I broke the character limit. Here are the hard sentences. ;[

    hsen001 = new Array(new Word("This", "PRO"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("particularly", "ADV"), new Word("hard", "ADJ"), new Word("sentence", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("define", "V"), new Word("because", "CONJ"), new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("might", "ADV"), new Word("have", "V"), new Word("labeled", "V"), new Word("some", "ADJ"), new Word("words", "N"), new Word("incorrectly!", "ADV"));
    hsen002 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("refuse", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("listen", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("them", "PRO"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("will", "V"), new Word("not", "ADV"), new Word("allow", "V"), new Word("them", "PRO"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("control", "V"), new Word("me.", "PRO"));
    hsen003 = new Array(new Word("On", "PREP"), new Word("Wednesdays,", "N"), new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("walk", "V"), new Word("three", "ADJ"), new Word("miles", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("movie", "ADJ"), new Word("theater.", "N"));
    hsen004 = new Array(new Word("You", "PRO"), new Word("won", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("trip", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("Alaska", "N"), new Word("but", "CONJ"), new Word("have", "V"), new Word("only", "ADV"), new Word("three", "ADJ"), new Word("weeks", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("go!", "V"));
    hsen005 = new Array(new Word("Sonia", "N"), new Word("or", "CONJ"), new Word("Karen", "N"), new Word("will", "V"), new Word("babysit", "V"), new Word("their", "PRO"), new Word("sister", "N"), new Word("after", "PREP"), new Word("school", "N"), new Word("today.", "ADV"));
    hsen006 = new Array(new Word("Under", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("tall", "ADJ"), new Word("tree", "N"), new Word("on", "PREP"), new Word("our", "PRO"), new Word("front", "ADJ"), new Word("lawn,", "N"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("bird", "N"), new Word("found", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("worm", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("ground", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("flew", "V"), new Word("with", "PREP"), new Word("it", "PRO"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("its", "PRO"), new Word("nest", "N"), new Word("above", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("bushes.", "N"));
    hsen007 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("desert", "N"), new Word("was", "V"), new Word("so", "ADV"), new Word("hot", "ADJ"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("desolate,", "ADJ"), new Word("but", "CONJ"), new Word("we", "PRO"), new Word("had", "V"), new Word("plenty", "ADV"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("water", "N"), new Word("with", "PREP"), new Word("us", "PRO"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("survive.", "V"));
    hsen008 = new Array(new Word("She", "PRO"), new Word("came", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("baseball", "ADJ"), new Word("game", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("cheered", "V"), new Word("for", "PREP"), new Word("our", "PRO"), new Word("team;", "N"), new Word("however,", "CONJ"), new Word("they", "PRO"), new Word("still", "ADV"), new Word("lost", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("our", "PRO"), new Word("rivals.", "N"));
    hsen009 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("battleships", "N"), new Word("raced", "V"), new Word("over", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("sea", "N"), new Word("like", "PREP"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("school", "N"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("hunting", "ADJ"), new Word("sharks", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("search", "V"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("their", "PRO"), new Word("prey.", "N"));
    hsen010 = new Array(new Word("Last", "ADJ"), new Word("night,", "N"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("moon", "N"), new Word("shined", "V"), new Word("brightly", "ADV"), new Word("over", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("homes", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("my", "PRO"), new Word("neighborhood.", "N"));
    //Teachers are wrong all the time. That's why they don't have proper jobs.
    hsen011 = new Array(new Word("Teachers", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("wrong", "ADJ"), new Word("all", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("time;", "N"), new Word("that", "PREP"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("why", "ADJ"), new Word("they", "PRO"), new Word("do", "V"), new Word("not", "ADV"), new Word("have", "V"), new Word("proper", "ADJ"), new Word("jobs.", "N"));
    //why is a viola better than a violin? A viola burns longer.
    hsen012 = new Array(new Word("Why", "ADV"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("viola", "N"), new Word("better", "ADJ"), new Word("than", "PREP"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("violin?", "N"), new Word("A", "ART"), new Word("viola", "N"), new Word("burns", "V"), new Word("longer.", "ADV"));

  3. Why didn't I think of this sooner? I'll just post all the sentences and have you guys pick at it.

    esen001 = new Array(new Word("Joe", "N"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("hungry.", "ADJ"));
    esen002 = new Array(new Word("Mario", "N"), new Word("broke", "V"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("block.", "N"));
    esen003 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("poodle", "N"), new Word("ran", "V"), new Word("away.", "ADV"));
    esen004 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("dinosaurs", "N"), new Word("lived", "V"), new Word("before", "PREP"), new Word("man.", "N"));
    esen005 = new Array(new Word("Bill", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Ted", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("on", "PREP"), new Word("an", "ART"), new Word("excellent", "ADJ"), new Word("adventure.", "N"));
    esen006 = new Array(new Word("People", "N"), new Word("learn", "V"), new Word("from", "PREP"), new Word("their", "PRO"), new Word("mistakes.", "N"));
    esen007 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("police", "ADJ"), new Word("officer", "N"), new Word("eats", "V"), new Word("donuts", "N"), new Word("often.", "ADV"));
    esen008 = new Array(new Word("She", "PRO"), new Word("told", "V"), new Word("them", "PRO"), new Word("two", "ADJ"), new Word("jokes.", "N"));
    esen009 = new Array(new Word("Bob", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Jim", "N"), new Word("play", "V"), new Word("golf", "N"), new Word("together.", "ADV"));
    esen010 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("eat", "V"), new Word("peanut", "ADJ"), new Word("butter", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("jelly", "N"), new Word("everyday.", "ADV"));
    esen011 = new Array(new Word("Julia", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Jules", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("brother", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("sister.", "N"));
    esen012 = new Array(new Word("Rainy", "ADJ"), new Word("days", "N"), new Word("make", "V"), new Word("me", "PRO"), new Word("sad", "ADJ"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("depressed.", "ADJ"));
    esen013 = new Array(new Word("Harry", "N"), new Word("has", "V"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("magic", "ADJ"), new Word("wand.", "N"));
    esen014 = new Array(new Word("Stop,", "V"), new Word("look,", "V"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("listen", "V"), new Word("before", "PREP"), new Word("you", "PRO"), new Word("decide.", "V"));
    esen015 = new Array(new Word("Greg", "PRO"), new Word("likes", "V"), new Word("pie.", "N"));
    esen016 = new Array(new Word("We", "PRO"), new Word("climbed", "V"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("mountain", "N"), new Word("quickly", "ADV"));
    esen017 = new Array(new Word("Everyone", "PRO"), new Word("loves", "V"), new Word("a", "ADJ"), new Word("compliment.", "N"));
    esen018 = new Array(new Word("Easy", "N"), new Word("Mode", "N"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("not", "ADJ"), new Word("very", "ADV"), new Word("easy.", "ADJ"));
    esen019 = new Array(new Word("Some", "ADJ"), new Word("dog", "N"), new Word("ate", "V"), new Word("Jim's", "ADJ"), new Word("homework.", "N"));
    esen020 = new Array(new Word("Rocks", "N"), new Word("are", "V"), new Word("hard.", "ADJ"));
    msen001 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("skinny", "ADJ"), new Word("brown", "ADJ"), new Word("squirrel", "N"), new Word("ran", "V"), new Word("over", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("broken", "ADJ"), new Word("fence.", "N"));
    msen002 = new Array(new Word("Ben", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("Jill", "N"), new Word("went", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("moon", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("find", "V"), new Word("cheese.", "N"));
    msen003 = new Array(new Word("Steven", "N"), new Word("often", "ADV"), new Word("sleeps", "V"), new Word("during", "PREP"), new Word("English", "ADJ"), new Word("class.", "N"));
    msen004 = new Array(new Word("The", "ART"), new Word("blue", "ADJ"), new Word("dress", "N"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("prettier", "ADJ"), new Word("than", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("green", "ADJ"), new Word("dress.", "N"));
    msen005 = new Array(new Word("At", "PREP"), new Word("noon,", "N"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("lunch", "ADJ"), new Word("bell", "N"), new Word("will", "ADV"), new Word("ring.", "V"));
    msen006 = new Array(new Word("One", "ADJ"), new Word("slice", "N"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("pecan", "ADJ"), new Word("pie", "N"), new Word("fills", "V"), new Word("me", "PRO"), new Word("up.", "ADV"));
    msen007 = new Array(new Word("George", "N"), new Word("Washington", "N"), new Word("was", "V"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("first", "ADJ"), new Word("president", "N"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("United", "N"), new Word("States.", "N"));
    msen008 = new Array(new Word("Sally", "N"), new Word("loves", "V"), new Word("James", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("writes", "V"), new Word("love", "ADJ"), new Word("notes", "N"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("him", "PRO"), new Word("often.", "ADV"));
    msen009 = new Array(new Word("She", "PRO"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("her", "PRO"), new Word("friend", "N"), new Word("live", "V"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("a", "ART"), new Word("cave", "N"), new Word("during", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("summer.", "N"));
    msen010 = new Array(new Word("Sunshine", "N"), new Word("on", "PREP"), new Word("my", "PRO"), new Word("shoulders", "N"), new Word("makes", "V"), new Word("me", "PRO"), new Word("happy", "ADJ"), new Word("most", "ADV"), new Word("of", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("time.", "N"));
    msen011 = new Array(new Word("They", "PRO"), new Word("sat", "V"), new Word("under", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("tree", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("ate", "V"), new Word("strawberries.", "N"));
    msen012 = new Array(new Word("Some", "PRO"), new Word("parents", "N"), new Word("work", "V"), new Word("more", "ADV"), new Word("than", "PREP"), new Word("two", "ADJ"), new Word("jobs.", "N"));
    msen013 = new Array(new Word("There", "PRO"), new Word("is", "V"), new Word("never", "ADV"), new Word("any", "ADJ"), new Word("food", "N"), new Word("in", "PREP"), new Word("the", "ART"), new Word("house.", "N"));
    msen014 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("do", "ADV"), new Word("not", "ADV"), new Word("like", "V"), new Word("green", "ADJ"), new Word("eggs", "N"), new Word("and", "CONJ"), new Word("ham.", "N"));
    msen015 = new Array(new Word("I", "PRO"), new Word("really", "ADV"), new Word("want", "V"), new Word("to", "PREP"), new Word("play", "V"), new Word("Snowboard", "N"), new Word("Kids.", "N"));

    Hopefully it's close to errorless. I want to put the game on Newgrounds tomorrow.

  4. [10:01:20 PM] Arek says: watching a reporrt on hold your wee for a wii

    [10:01:21 PM] Arek says: cause

    [10:01:25 PM] Arek says: it was a local occurance

    [10:01:26 PM] Arek says: -_-

    [10:01:29 PM] Atmuh says: this was the craziest first 4 hours ive seen

    [10:01:30 PM] Atmuh says: oh

    [10:01:31 PM] Arek says: it happend here

    [10:01:34 PM] Atmuh says: how local?

    [10:01:41 PM] Arek says: about 20 minutes from mmy house local

    [10:01:51 PM] Atmuh says: wowza

    and ya, that other thing happened at chico


    Come back to SoCal d00d.

  5. I didn't like them either.

    I found the only good part of Diddy Kong Racing to be the plane. That's it. There were other kart racing games. I didn't really see any difference between Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing that warranted any support on my end.

    And Majora's Mask... the entire game looked and felt like someone opened up a level editor and tried to use everything in it. The layout of the levels and towns, the overly vivid colors, the plain, recycled characters... everything just felt uninspired. And the whole three-days thing never caught my interest. I understand it's the entire basis of the game, but I found it frustrating and restrictive. A game series based upon exploring the world as much as you want, suddenly having a time limit? Even if you can go back in time and redo the same three days over and over... why? I ended up using walkthroughs to get anywhere in the game, and then when i read further ahead, I just stopped playing at about half-way. I felt no compelling reason to continue.

    I enjoyed MM a lot, it really touched me emotionally at some points, particularly the events leading up to the final dungeon. Oddly, I never felt compelled to fight or beat the last boss.

    What MM did really well was create a living, breathing community of creatures and people. Zelda TP's Castle Town doesn't even come close. I was very also impressed with the dungeon design. I would rate their designs above TP (not in atmosphere obviously). TP had some pretty bland moments.

  6. Added some new sentences, fixed noted errors.

    Lets not confuse the fact that a bug is a bug.

    Above is still not a verb,

    and yes anything that is incorrect is a bug, it may not be an AI bug, But I worked in QA for 5 years, I know what a bug is. Unless its your desire to have the game run improperly, anything operating outside of the intended output is a bug.

    You may not care about the problems, but the problem is still a bug.

    I disagree. Human error can not be considered a bug. Say I draw a Cello but others say it's a violin because I didn't draw an endpin. That's an error. Same applies here.

    And if you want to include such a complex idea on a BEGINNER level game of grammar ninja that its okay to use any part of speech as an adjective be my guest. Simple is supposed to be simple.

    You're acting rather high and mighty. For your information Easy mode exclusively asks for nouns and verbs.

  7. Please no...don't make spelling mistakes in a grammar game.

    Also, apparently I suck at English. If only I could remember what all those words mean...

    This folks is evidence I was writing sentences at 5AM after writing a research paper. >.>

  8. Fonts have cliches too now? <(o_O)>

    You get me a good Ninja font, tell me how to load it in flash, and I'll use it.

    Trenthian: This game has no bugs. All sentences are entered subjectively. A bug is an error in the AI, commonly found in Microsoft Word. The errors in this game are simply errors and nothing more.

    Also when a noun describes another noun it's an adjective. Example: video game

  9. Update Jan 12

    The game is essentially done, but the game can afford more content and the atheistic refined. There are currently about 30 sentences, please donate some, even if you ditch the code formatting completely and just write the sentence with parts of speech. I'll do my best to consider everybody's comments.

    Play the game here (click)

    New title screen thanks to Gman. :D


  10. Good suggestions, but unfortunately that's way out of my scope in terms of time, talent, and the way the game is coded. If you want to program a Grammar Textbook's worth into the game once the code goes open-source, be my guest. :P

    Grammar Ninja will hopefully be done on Thursday. Gman's made some great drawings, Usa has made great themesongs, and my English teacher has made great sentences. Overall we have a quality product for the simple purpose it aimed to serve. I've personally put around 45 hours into the game by now.

  11. I just lost another $105

    Cooking Mama (for sister) $20

    Kirby Squeek Squad $35

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney $20

    Gunstar Super Heroes $10 (AWESOME!!!)

    Snowboard Kids 2 for N64 $20 (good game, overcharged)


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