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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. I opened Phantom Hourglass today. I charged my DS yesterday and the power's on red again. Sailing is fun, change in interface mechanics is interesting. I've died a couple times already. Good Zelda game.

    My least favorite Zelda game is Minish Cap. Short dungeons, weak level design, GBA doesn't do music well, DID NOT like the sidequests.

  2. Kirby Superstar is my favorite videogame. Ever.

    A handheld remake worries me. Particularly the downscaling from the 512 x 448 pixel SNES game to the 256 x 192 pixel DS screen. On the other hand, the AWESOME cutscenes look very promising. I will definitely purchase the game regardless. Maybe it's best I keep my stardards from skyrocketing.

    I liked Dreamland 3 more than KSS for a while... but then DL3 lost replay value with age (despite its wonderful aesthetic). KSS gets better with every playthough.

    Kirby's Dreamcourse is really hard and fun and awesome I love it.

    I have the original Hoshi no Kaabi courtesy of Japan.

    Dreamland 2 is the only game to cause me to feel genuinely depressed. I can't play those cloud levels anymore. (good game overall)

    Kirby's Blockball needs more love. That game had good music.

  3. Unfortunately it only seems to be the Nintendo titles that look good on the system. Some Japanese developers are starting to push the system at least...

    Zack & Wiki looks pretty good from an artistic standpoint. <(^_^)>

  4. Finished Phoenix Wright 2 today. That last case was intense, screwed with all my homework time. I look forward to PW3, although I don't think I'll pick it up for a while. Zelda PH is sitting unopened in front of me... so tempting..

  5. You're missing quite a bit. This is more of an audio masterpiece as opposed to a musical one, not to say the music is really lacking IMO.

    I'm probably not listening hard enough then. I've always had the music on for soft background. Time to connect to my Logitech 5.1 surround sound speakers...

  6. Has anyone played this Japanese rythem based game called Ouendan or it's sequel. It is a crazy amount of fun and the sound quaility isn't that bad niether. I think Elite Beat Agents was based off of it, or the other way around, or whatever.

    Hell yes! Ouendan 1, 2, and EBA are my favorite DS games at the moment. I beat all the songs in Ouendan 1, have a couple songs to go in Ouendan 2, and beat absolutely everything in EBA, achieving the highest possible rank of Lovin' Machine with a cumulative score of 081,459,588. I can still do better of course. I only have S ranks on half the missions. ;-)

    Ouendan is one of those games I can play forever. I will buy every sequel.

  7. So.. Advance Wars 2... (DS)

    EDIT: Check the link for more details, these initial impressions aren't completely accurate


    Just came back from the Micromania Games Show 2007 in Paris, where there was a crapload of things to play, and among them, much to my surprise :


    Well, I couldn't play for long, and security held us off for taking other pics, but enough to give quick impressions. AW DS 2 did receive a compelte overhaul in terms of design. Gone are Max, Andy and the others, replaced by a whole new crew. IS went with a whole new, more realistic, miltary look, and quite frankly, it seemed like a pretty wise move

    Graphically-wise, the look went with the new design, though it looked pretty much the same. New combat animations were pretty low-quality though, blurry and badly animated. Surely that's gonna be fixed by the time it comes out. Had time to notice a new unit - bike infantry unit - and that pretty much sums it up. Hopefully other people went there and spent more time wih AW DS2.


    I wish there was an official press release on this one. I'm interested but concerned.

  8. Picking up Zelda... but I have an exam that day. ;_;

    My best friend hails Golden Sun (series) as the greatest RPG ever (better than Chrono Trigger!?). I played the series and conclude the following:


    -Great artistry

    -Clever maps, puzzles, and level design

    -Deceptively deep battle system

    -Good plot


    -Unvaried gameplay

    -Random battles get annoying

    Music was hit or miss.

    A good RPG, arguably excellent. It really depends on the player's tastes.

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