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Posts posted by KWarp


    Has a console's price ever been cut this early before? The Nintendo DS was cut $20 about 11 months after launch. Should this PS3 rumor be true, that's 8 months...

  2. So wait, people are actually going to get together and play pretend music together with toy instruments?


    Stranger happenings have occured. There's pretend war in most FPSes, pretend who-knows-what at Anime Expo, pretend magical card games (pokemon, yugi-oh) and videogames of pretend magical card games. There's also fantasy book club, Wii Sports parties, pretend epic hero games... it just keeps going...

  3. I remember there was a time when people said Katamari would never work on Wii. Hehe.

    I wanna buy a second Wii as a present for someone, but can't find the damn things anywhere... still... stupid cultural phenomenon. :-?

  4. I'm thinking of upgrading to a DS Lite soon. Even though I've still got a fully functioning red DS in awesome condition, I'm convinced that a Lite definitely helps your gameplay. Seriously, I find the screen/stylus combo better and I do like the brighter screens. The main point of this post is to ask if you guys think that a redesign of the DS will be released at the next E3. There's been some chatter about it, and it's definitely worth waiting for...if it's really coming. Opinions?

    I'm against a redesign, whatever it is. I've heard they're actually making the screens bigger and more readable.

  5. Yeah, first day was rather hellish. I waited in line for FOUR HOURS to get my badge. Thankfully I won't have to deal with that again. Picked up some neato gaming merchandise including a kirby plushie, mario coin plushie, an edible mario coin (yum), and Band Brothers for DS (wtf it's out of print!? sooo expensive).

    Dude Greg, your voice so does not fit this picture.

    I imagined you to be all "white and nerdy".

    Do you have any idea how deep my voice is? -_o

  6. A full day and no response? I gotta chip in here...

    You say you have an iMac, but both RAM products label themselves as Notebook/Laptop memory. That might be the issue for whatever reason. Otherwise I see nothing wrong with the directron.com chip, although it's quite a bit cheaper... It could either be defective, or you didn't push it in all the way (my fingers still hurt from my last RAM upgrade). Good luck.

  7. Mario Party 8 is TERRIBLY BORING. The game suffers from slow pacing and boring, sometimes broken minigames. Really this series has been lacking for a long time. I'm going back to play Mario Party 2 again. ;[

    Big Brain Academy is a step better. At least the games work properly...

    Also got something fresh off the rumor mill: Nintendo will announce WiiWare tomorrow. The service provides original downloadable Wii games much like LiveArcade and Playstation Network. However, no games launch until 2008 apparently. There's more details in a blog you can probably google. Dunno why the blogger couldn't wait a day, breaking NDA isn't quite worth it for this one...

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