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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. I beat Super Metroid today. Good last boss battle. Here's a name-free description of the experience:

    I'm like playing the boss and win and then I'm like this is lame, then he transforms and i'm like AHHHHHHHHHHH then i get hit by a beam and almost die then suddenly a buddy helps me out then she dies then i get A SUPER AWESOME BEAM and blast the hell out of the boss




    and you still get the super awesome beam as you escape, and you blast the hell out of everything

    Top 5 favorite battles, easily. :grin:

  2. I have Prime 3 sitting on my shelf unopened. I just beat Super Metroid today so I'll get to it in a little while.

    In the meantime, I've heard issues of Prime 3 corrupting people's Wiis (pun intended).

    Like in-game lag and not letting other discs play and stuff. Anyone experiencing that? Any official word on the issue?

  3. I'm playing Super Metroid and I'm stuck and it's REALLY ANNOYING. These green monkeys are wall-jumping up a corridor and I'm trying to mimic them AND IT'S NOT WORKING!!! :evil: Really Gamefaqs says jump, hit a wall, reverse directions on the dpad and hit jump again. Not working consistently.

    Help. :cry:

  4. Dedede would be a good comical character for the Kirby universe, but Dark Matter seems more suited for the Subspace Emissary plot. I'm sure the Kirby universe is well taken care of considering Sakurai made a few kirby games back in the day.

    But seriously, who would save Peach over Zelda

    I would actually. :-P Zelda's got magic. She can look out for herself.

  5. I doubt Nintendo's catering to the casual market is singlehandedly driving Wii sales. Fact is Nintendo created a low budget console experience with a value on accessibility and interface. The expanded audience gamer demographic responds especially well to that value, so that's how Nintendo's promoting their image at the moment. However, that doesn't mean Nintendo takes their old fanbase for granted if the Fall 2007 game lineup is any indication.

    Really it comes down to this: long time gamers have been feed "game consoles need better graphics to warrant a purchase" and many are unwilling to adopt out of skepticism, leaving the expanded audience to carry Wii's hype and marketing image. Nintendo knows and loves us; the problem is we're not showing enough support.

    Hehe I like that conclusion. :razz:

  6. I've heard Madden 08's online is better on DS than Wii. =\

    I don't see why Prime 3's narrative is all that important. The original Metroid got away with almost no narrative at all. Videogames by their very nature don't even need a narrative (see: Tetris, SimCity, etc). I look forward to Prime 3 for a beautiful aesthetic to complement the environments I explore. I'm also excited to use the Wii controller. :3

  7. I'd just like to say, in my opinion, the 2 Castlevania DS games are the best games for the DS so far. You can arguably say Mario Kart for multiplayer, but seriously those are the best two. Amazing music as well.

    I'm quite awful at Castlevania DS. Nice music though. My favorite DS series has to be Elite Beat Agents along with their Japanese siblings (Ouendan). I could play those forever.

    How long did it take for you to get bored of it?

    I really tried to like the game, but eventually lost interest after an hour or two. Some of the music is pretty nice, but otherwise the game's a generic kart racer, and a bad one at that. All the characters and places are boring and bland. Gameplay is slightly innovative with touch screen tricks, but ultimately unbalanced and unresponsive.

    I really liked the N64 SBK games. Hopefully they'll show up on Wii's Virtual Console soon.

  8. The IGN boards have some interesting commentary on Metroid Prime 3...


    I mean, watching the Trailer, I can't help but to think of Spider-Man 3...it says that Samus is being corrupted and what scares her is that she Likes it...

    Peter Park: "...It feels good.."

    Phazon = Symbiote.

    Samus = Peter.

    We are gonna see an Emo Samus Aran.

    I have an image in my head of Samus with jet-black hair, pale makeup and dark mascara, posting in her livejournal.

    "hi guys.

    today was the worst day ever. that ***hole Ridley broke my armor again.

    now I have to find all the pieces.

    life sucks."

    Emo Samus Pics please.

    sounds kinda hot to me

    Samus doesn't have a penis
    neither does parker.

    Remember, kids: don't be an emo kid. Cut along the arm, not across.


  9. EDIT: The music. Let me put my 2 cents down. They gave us stellar music in Melee and I want that same calibur of awesomeness to return. Synthesized music is often kind of bland and not nearly as expressive as the real thing... because it's not real. THEY CAN BE though... I'm cool with midi's, but make them damn good midi's... the Ocarina Medley on the SmashBros site was amazing, but.... this Kid Icarus one... not so much. Again I'm cool with Midi's as long as they're GOOD. Seriously, towards the end of the Kid Icarus song it sounds like a midi that someone has applied soundfonts to at the end... no lie. All those orchestra hits and stuff. I just don't want the audio quality from the second game to drop down a peg as the new one comes out. And I doubt that will happen, but... yeah, it does feel a little forced.

    That's all I'm saying.

    Gotta throw a fact down: Recordings of real instruments don't sound like the real instruments. You don't get the room-filling vibracity even with lossless recording. A recording of a violin isn't a violin. It's a musical illusion of one. That said, synths in live recordings are on the same level. However, live recordings phrase themselves naturally while synths need to be meticulously designed as such.

  10. I didn't buy all of them at full price!

    Full Price Games ($35)

    Mario Kart DS

    Mario 64 DS

    Pokemon Diamond

    Jam With the Band

    Osu! Tatake! Ouendan!

    Osu! Tatake! Ouendan! 2


    Tetris DS

    Yoshi Touch and Go


    Metroid Prime Hunters

    Yoshi's Island DS

    Mario & Luigi DS

    Snowboard Kids DS (HORRID)

    Elite Beat Agents

    Advance Wars DS

    Trauma Center

    Kirby DS

    Kirby Canvas Curse


    New Super Mario Bros

    Super Princess Peach

    Others (mostly $20)

    Sonic Rush

    Phoenix Wright

    Phoenix Wright 2

    Jump Superstars

    Jump Ultimate Stars

    Super Monkey Ball DS

    Big Brain Academy

    Brain Age

    Games I didn't buy

    Cooking Mama

    Castlevaia DS

    Frogger Helmet Chaos

    I'm out of high school and don't have a budget for this stuff anymore. ;_;

    EDIT: FYI I'm going to USC to study videogame design. This stuff's an investment. :]

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