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Posts posted by KWarp

  1. 24 hrs an no meaningful feedback? I must be doing something wrong...

    Wow, KWarp, it's been a while since you last showed this. I thought you were done with it already.

    I though so too, but as the months went by, I constantly received emails from teachers asking for a way to make their own sentences. It has taken a long time to happen, but I finally fulfilled their request.

    1. What the hell is this.

    A popular flash game.

    2. Do I have any use for it.

    Only if:

    -You are a teacher

    -You want to butcher the english language :twisted:

  2. EDIT: I've put the software on my website and started an online message board. If you know any teachers or English majors that might like creating sentences for Grammar Ninja, please contact them. I'm starting to feel like no one cares. :?

    Grammar Ninja is a flash game I designed months ago for a school project. The game is back with new functionality: You can now create your own sentences.


    I started work on sentence creation functionality in response teacher requests over the past few months. Last month, I discovered importing XML data could make custom sentences possible and got to work. The software is essentially done, but is untested. You can download the file (OSX and Windows) by clicking here. Feedback concerning errors, usability, and anything I didn't consider would be greatly appreciated.

    I still have a couple things to do:

    1) I’m looking for an End-User License Agreement to include in the ReadMe document (ie “You can use this game for non-commercial purposes and this software comes with no warranty of any kind”).

    2) I am also considering which free message board service to establish a community on (ProBoards.com or Jconserv.net or a better alternative if available). This game really needs a community of users trading sentences online to be successful.

  3. Gotta be skeptical when money is involved. Sponsorship could be a good thing when done well.

    Personally, I'm happy with the way OCR is running at the moment, and I don't feel change is necessary. If sponsorship stresses the community here in any way, I am against it.

  4. I've been playing Ouendan 2 for a while and after beating the 3rd bonus song on "Insane" mode SPOILERS I unlocked and evil EVIL more difficult mode! What the hell seriously this is nuts. All the large circles that close in on the numbers are invisible, along with 90% of my tap-pattern interpretation. I have to go almost completely by memory. o_O;/SPOILERS

  5. I could totally write an essay on question three:

    3. What are your opinions on the relationship between games and cinema, as illustrated in the previous question? Do you believe this relationship is necessary?

    Cinema is an extension of storytelling mediums such as theater and literature. Videogames are an extension of non-electronic games. Their separate histories make the mediums independent of each other. Stories can be integrated into games, but they can never be the focus. Similarly, games can be integrated into stories (Reality TV), but are never the focus of the story.

  6. Also, your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.

    Phoenix Wright isn't something you play for mindblowing gameplay. The lawyer gimmick isn't as important as the actual story either. Storytelling is Phoenix Wright's claim to fame.

    I don't think it's storytelling in the conventional sense. I play Phoenix Wright for the experience of systematically breaking down and understanding the characters, motives, and crime scenes. It's an experience no other entertainment medium offers and few games rival.

  7. N'Gai Croal points out a very interesting problem with the gaming press concerning Wii:

    All this portends a sharp divergence between the people who faithfully cover games and the next-gen console with the most momentum, making the gaming press increasingly out of touch with what's really going on in the world. Has Game Informer put a Wii title on the cover since Red Steel? Has EGM put any Wii titles on its cover? I don't know for sure, but the bulk of the covers I see are for games that are leading on Xbox 360 and shipping simultaneously (cough, cough) for PS3. Wii games are relegated to cover lines or the guts of the mags. I don't think any of this is cause for Nintendo to be concerned, but I do wonder when the coverage is going to reflect the sales charts, if at all.

    full article

    Wii outsells rivaling consoles by massive margins on a regular basis. Why doesn't the press cover Wii games more? There are some serious grudge issues going on.

  8. I liked the second act too, but the third one doesn't seem to be related to any of the main characters and it doesn't have the excuse of being an introductory case.

    I think PW2 is following the footsteps of PW1. PW1's Steel Samurai case didn't have anything to do with the main plot unless you count Maya's obsession...

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