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Posts posted by Navi

  1. Put down TO and Carbie for the respective songs. Also, i added Larsec as another remixer of the Text theme, as he has a WIP that he just showed me, and he's gonna get ahold of a female vocalist, apparently (the same one who sings for Mahoney of c64 mixing fame) to record vocals for it.

    Anduril, thats exactly what I was going for, as you can tell by the title. It's not over. I just havent finished it.

  2. E1M1: The Hangar (EvilHorde): CONFIRMED

    E1M2: Nuclear Plant (Xelebes): CONFIRMED

    E1M3: Toxin Refinery (LordMaestro): CONFIRMED

    E1M4: Command Control (Mr. Anderson):

    E1M5: Phobos Lab (Richter) CONFIRMED

    E1M6: Central Processing (Beatdrop): CONFIRMED/COMPLETED

    E1M7: Computer Station (DJ Carbunk1e/Sanguineuniverse) CONFIRMED

    E1M8: Phobos Anomaly : FREE

    E1M9: Military Base : FREE

    E2M1: Deimos Anomaly (Nasenmann): CONFIRMED

    E2M2: Containment Area : FREE

    E2M4: Deimos Lab (Mythril Nazgul): CONFIRMED

    E2M6: Halls of the Damned (Adhesive_Boy) CONFIRMED

    E2M7: Spawning Vats (Bill): CONFIRMED

    E2M8: Tower of Babel : FREE

    E2M9: Fortress of Mystery (secret level) nousentre CONFIRMED

    E3M2: Slough of Despair (Larsec): CONFIRMED

    E3M3: Pandemonium (analoq): CONFIRMED

    E3M8: Dis : FREE

    1. The Text Music (episode outro) TO - CONFIRMED

    2. The End (Episode 3 Outro iirc) (Bart Klepka) CONFIRMED

    is the new track listing. I dropped peeples, ralphis, damien krauss and chester. They can come back and reclaim the tracks, but i havent heard anything from them, so....those tracks are fair game.

  3. List updated.

    Don't forget the first deadline, people. And I'm still waiting on some confirmations.

    Also, Suzu's track is now open, to anyone who wants to take on a second track (TO, analoq?)



    I'm thinging of calling it "Ghost in the Lab". It's rough, right now.

    Also. I had an idea. It's not a concrete idea but I was just wondering if anyone is planning on putting vocals in their remix? I got this idea last night, where the entire project is dark and moody, and the last song on the track is a sort of mournful closing track with vocals (Female?). Just an idea. I dont know if anyone will actually make a vocal remix.

  4. Just a quick bump. Does anyone want to design the website and or have any ideas for it?
    I'm also an expert in php/mysql, css, javascript and xhtml if any web design/advice/whatever is needed. Lemme know.


    :D Sorry, I must have skimmed over that! You wanna get into contact with Caleb and plan something out?

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