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Posts posted by Navi

  1. Marijuana? ...but why?

    Anyways, after much deliberation on my part, I have decided that as of this day forth, the title of this project is The Dark Side of Phobos, or DSoP. Put your complaints here, if you must, but I feel that this title works quite well.

    Moving on, I still need mixer bios, pictures, and MOST importantly songs. ;) Most likely I will extend the deadline of this project, in order to accomodate perfection to the best I can in terms of this project's quality.

    Here is the new proposed time table. NOTE THESE DATES.

    Mixing stage *continued

    Point of No Return (from this point you cannot drop from the project): January 17th

    Final WIPS (I say WIP for a reason) due: Jan 31st

    Evaluation period: Feb 1st+ (during this time other mixers will critique the WIPS and give input for improvement on the songs. I don't know how long this period will last. However, this is a vital time for the songs, as it allows for touching up and perfecting the songs. Thus: DO NOT DELETE YOUR SONG FILES, FLP FILES, ETC>I know there are a few people who already have, but if you havent DON"T.

    Thats all for now.

  2. yes:

    David Lloyd has been making electronic music of various sizes, shapes and colors since he fell in love with synthesis and purchased an old Casio CZ-101 many years ago. In late 1999, he founded OverClocked ReMix, a site dedicated to remixing / rearranging video and computer game music. Encouraging the exploration of multiple genres and acting as a learning grounds for many aspiring electronica artists, OverClocked ReMix has been featured on Slashdot, Salon, and Tech TV, and in print by Game Go!, Shift, and Edge magazines and the Sunday Herald Sun (Melbourne, Australia). His musical influences range from Wagner to Talking Heads, including Laurie Anderson, Erasure, Portishead, Yoko Kanno, Danny Elfman, The Clash, and more recently Sleater-Kinney and The Strokes. He believes in salvation through music, technology, film, caffeine, and love . . . in that order. By day he administers servers, writes code, and does other web things, but by night he transmogrifies into his secret alter ego, djpretzel . . . who writes code, does web things, writes music, and most importantly doesn’t wear glasses (for anonymity). One day he will unlock the secrets of the universe and document them in eloquent and precise prose, but until then is content to play Street Fighter Alpha 3 and watch Serial Experiments Lain. His studio consists primarily of a Yamaha Motif, using Nuendo for sequencing and a variety of softsynths as well. His initial mixes, however, were made using solely an Ensoniq ASR-10.

    probably something a bit shorter than this.

  3. Caleb, from you I require these things:

    4-5 30 second to 1 minute garbled transmissions. they have to sound like they are over a radio, so static and distortion and whatever you can to make it so. Vary the voices, perhaps, and keep the element of FEAR in all of them.

    2-3 short, garbled transmissions. No more than 10-15 seconds. Short, distorted, so you can barely hear what is being said, but you CAN understand it.

    I don't need to give you a script, I hope. ;)

    As for the rest of you, I want updates! Updates! Bios PMd to me! Pictures! WORK WORK WORK!

    Ps: I am coming up with tentative ideas for site design and cover design, however my internet at home is gone for the moment, so I can't show it to ya.

  4. I would like all the mixers to check back in, in the thread, in the next few days please.

    edit: with an idea of progress, please.

    also: Danny B has offered his vocal skills for anyone that needs a vocalist for their track. get into contact with him if you can, via his secret AIM account and maybe something could come of it.

  5. I received a reply from my model friend.
    About being the "cover model" :P Sure, I don't mind doing it. It will be a bit of a buzz I guess!!! I guess it does depend on what the guy wants me to do, but I can look demonic haha. Would he be editing the picture? Cuz i have a mate who is really good at photomanipulation and he would probably be able to do something to make me demon-like if you dont have anyone that can do it (although I'm sure you would have someone that could!) Ryan has a pet snake (actually two at the moment - he's borrowed his friends as well) so I could even get a picture of me with a couple of snakes wrapped around my arm, if that sounds cool and demon looking! You can suggest it to your friend anyway.

    Let me know what you want, draw up some readable poses in paint along with explanations to make them clear and I can get them taken for you. I assume you can digitally manipulate the photo the way you want. Snakes Yes/No. And tell me how many photo's you want and how big. I'll get them here asap.

    I'll let G-T know.

  6. First of all, EvilHorde, Bllllaaaagh ;P

    Now, Example of a biography paragraph? Errr...Just a little bit about yourself, ie:

    Remixer VanderGoot is the alias of Martin Von Hibleheim. He has been remixing for 10 years...blahblah...a guitar player...blah blah...etx. A structure would work fine, but i guess you could say this is similar to the mixer bios on OCr. nothing big. Just a small bio.

    as for the song, a small description of the song. This will help me when I write a write up of the song for the site.

    Hartza, we'll see. This is still just an idea.

    TO: that idea could work quite well. We'll have to see.

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