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Posts posted by Navi

  1. Good to see this on OCR. Funny thing, thanksgiving weekend, star snuck into #ocr pretending to be a noob and asking people about remixing. Good times for everyone, but when he was unveiled and semi serious conversation happened (as best as you can get with Star) he wondered what the status of his submitted mixes were, this one included. Having gotten this mix from VG a bit back, I was hoping that it would show up on OCR soon, and now it's here.

    Good stuff from Star. I'm a big fan of his vocal mixes, and his instrumental stuff doesnt fail to deliver either. A grooving track, with some interesting things going on. Not star's best, but still a good listen on repeat.

    Looking forward to more Salzman. Hopefully, perhaps...the CT Hourglass remix? :)

  2. Okay, this just sucks.

    As some of you may already know, I had an almost finished WIP and I even uploaded it on my server a few months back. Since no one showed any interest, I eventually deleted it, having it on my computer and all. As a matter of fact, I tried to re-upload it to Mikseri a few days ago, but I had some trouble with mp3 conversion, so I decided to try to fix the problem later.

    Now, the problem with this is that somehow my dad managed to format the C-drive while trying to install Linux or whatever. That means that approximately two years worth of my work is gone and I'm left with nothing but few random mp3-files that I have uploaded to Mikseri. There was a shitload of WIPs that I was planning to release and, of course, my almost finished E2M2 remix. I don't even have a fucking mp3.

    Right now I'm trying to get Windows working along with FLStudio. My regkey is propably also gone and my password for FL members area. Even if I manage to get them working, all my VST's, soundfonts and samples are gone.

    This doesn't mean that I'm off the project though, I'm trying to restart working on E2M2 ASAP and I'll try to at least get a rough sketch done by deadline. But yeah, I'm pissed off right now.

    Dear god, that sucks....

    If you can give me something small by the deadline, it should be fine, AA. I understand the predicament.

  3. As of right now, I think i've mailed this notification to everyone, but if I missed you, I'll go back and double check.

    The Doom Remix project is finally moving to Site Projects! I talked to Protricity and he deemed it far along enough, and solid enough (Yes!) to be moved to SP. If you don't see it in GD anymore, be sure to check Site Projects.

    On a personal note, I'm glad this project is back on its feet and I hope I'm doing the best I can to run it. If there is anything you have a real problem with, contact me and let me know. Also, I can't hold this project up on my own. Everyone involved is doing a great job of getting WIPs into the thread and confirming themselves, saving me some trouble.

    If you need WIP assistance, there are many people you can look to. I won't name names, because that would be rude, but OCR is filled with people willing to give you tips on mixing, arranging, mastering, etc.

    Remember! The first deadline approaches fast! I want a significant WIP (work in progress) by that deadline. What is significant, you may ask? Significant, to me, would be more than two minutes worth of the track, reasonably complete. Remember, you have time until the final deadline. If you finish your songs early, clean them up, polish them, make them shine.

    This isn't a half assed fad project; if it was, there would be no point in me keeping this thing alive. I would have let it die with klm's incarnation of the thread. This project has loads of potential and I know it will sound good in the end. Here is the projected timetable I have set up:

    December 10th - 1st WIP Deadline

    In between this - (Get started on website, tentative title of project, etc)

    January 24th - FINAL SONG DEADLINE

    January 24th-February 4th:

    • Vote on vote needing songs
    • Decide on the track list
    • Finalize the Web site
    • Finalize the cover art
    • mixers opinions on the other songs on the project

    The website is going to require: graphics (I might be able to do those), Mixer Bios, Web space, etc. The album title? Who knows, now. Album cover? We can worry about these when the time comes, but I would like them to be in the back of everyones minds.

  4. while the deadline hasnt passed yet, here is a list of people with WIPs shown to me thus far. It will be updated as the time passes. SIGNIFICANT SIZED WIPS MUST BE IN BY DECEMBER 10th.

    Sorry if i don't have you down. I'm in the middle of a thanksgiving thingie, and i dont have time to run through the thread. Just leave a post with a link to the wip if i missed ya and i will correct it.

    E1M1: The Hangar (EvilHorde): YES

    E1M2: Nuclear Plant (Joker): YES

    E1M3: Toxin Refinery (LordMaestro):

    E1M4: Command Control (Mr. Anderson):

    E1M5: Phobos Lab (Richter)

    E1M6: Central Processing (Beatdrop): YES

    E1M7: Computer Station (DJ Carbunk1e/Sanguineuniverse) YES/

    E1M8: Phobos Anomaly : (DJ Carbunk1e)

    E1M9: Military Base : (TO) YES

    E2M1: Deimos Anomaly (Nasenmann):

    E2M2: Containment Area : ArseAssassin

    E2M4: Deimos Lab (Mythril Nazgul): YES

    E2M6: Halls of the Damned (Adhesive_Boy)

    E2M7: Spawning Vats (Bill): YES?

    E2M8: Tower of Babel : Xelebes

    E2M9: Fortress of Mystery (secret level) nousentre

    E3M2: Slough of Despair (Larsec?): YES

    E3M3: Pandemonium (analoq):

    E3M8: Dis :

    1. The Text Music (episode outro) Larsec - YES

    2. The End (Episode 3 Outro iirc) (Bart Klepka)

  5. hmmm. :?

    Anyways, Larsec PMd me in IRC with some good news. I hope he doesn't mind if I share it.

    [02:58] <Larsec> Talked to Mahoney. He said at least 2 of the girls would much likely be very interested in joining in on this project... I am off to the library where I can sit in peace and write some lyrics and hopefully manage to get the music into BETA today...


    I would like it if I could get a status check in from people. Leave me a message on AIM, IRC or PM me.

  6. What say you both to that?

    At this point in time, I don't like that idea, but that might change when I hear what TO is doing. I still think the idea i proposed is better but it's your call, MN, and if there will only be room for one mix in the end I'll pull mine out, since I wasn't supposed to be working on it in the first place :)

    If that doesnt work, I have no qualms about putting both mixes on the actual project. TO can choose to remove one for the WAD, but in terms of the actual project, I see no reason not to have both tracks on IF IT BECOMES NECESSARY.

  7. I came up with this idea.

    TO, your songs are usually dark moody...err, I hate to make an error in genre judgement here but...ambientish sounding electronica pieces, right? Why don't you create something like that and then it will FADE into Larsec's section. We can either have it as two remixes, or one long track (I don't think one seven minute track will harm anyone). What say you both to that?

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