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Everything posted by Raenok

  1. Does this dude EVER post outside UnMod? I think once, and then he crawled back to UnMod, leaving some GenDiscers wondering what the hell the unintelligible garble he left behind meant. I haven't seen him. Maybe he confused himself with one of his own posts and his head exploded.
  2. I don't think I've ever seen Atomic Dog post in UnMod. He certainly isn't a regular there, at any rate. Formidable: no idea, I never have any use for the id3 tags that winamp doesn't support anyway. D-Block: Yes, you can use Quicktime, it'll install a browser plugin. But you shouldn't, because it's a waste of OCR's bandwidth. You are right. Watch out for him in GenDisc. One false move, and he snaps. More the philosophy forum, now that it exists, given that most of the threads he posted to in GenDisc were or became philosophy threads anyway . Yeah.....Mrmoeo was his blasted name!
  3. I don't think I've ever seen Atomic Dog post in UnMod. He certainly isn't a regular there, at any rate. Formidable: no idea, I never have any use for the id3 tags that winamp doesn't support anyway. D-Block: Yes, you can use Quicktime, it'll install a browser plugin. But you shouldn't, because it's a waste of OCR's bandwidth. You are right. Watch out for him in GenDisc. One false move, and he snaps.
  4. When you wander into the dangerous jungle known as UnMod, new people, watch out for these people: Metsubo Mrmero Atomic Dog Radical Dreamer Little Johnny Urine ..And that's about it.
  5. My friend beat him as X. Pretty easy, if you know what to do. On each form.
  6. I have another. Necron, FFIX: I never really fought him, but I saw him. He looked HARD! And he was, too. Killed my friend in 20 minutes, i think. Anyways, I want to see a picture of him. In fact, I NEED that picture. The only thing I remember about Necron was 2 floating rings around him.... And also, Protoman, from stages in MM3. I could defeat him, but he kept jumping, and took out mosst of my life.
  7. Me? Easy. Hilgigars, Final Fantasy 9. My lord, he beat me EVERY FLIPPIN' TIME!!!! Then someone showed me the magical little tactic called "move mages to the back, and warriors to the front". Easy victory. But then, I lost my save file, and I have to start it AAAAALLLLLLLLL over again. Crap. And.....My sensei is right: "Never go into battle, unless you know the enemy, know it's weakness, and are fully prepared for it."
  8. What, no answer from the wise masters of Silent Hill? I thought i would get an answer but...i guess not. This is a *BUMP* by the way. *Another side note(Yes, i will make many of these): I have actually thought of an anime avatar for Dr. Eccles here. Complete green medical outfit(Scrubs with jacket, V-neck on shirt), Stethoscope around neck, Surgacal mask covering mouth, Blond, wavy hair stopping at waist, Sea Blue, shining eyes, Green cap on head, White medical shoes....And a 2-foot sword that resembles the Medical symbol(The one with the two snakes wrapping around somthing....I don't know what). As for Cuddly PyramidHead, well, his avatar would be a petite version of PH, Head smaller, and almost resembles a collectable plush.
  9. Hello. I would like to join in on this little thread of yours. I myself have never played Silent Hill, but i have watched a friend play SH1&3. I hope i soon have enough courage to go buy them and play them....without having to quit for long periods of time and play it again(I have been known to do that). If you wish to speak to me, my AIM address is Firephoenix8969, and my e-mail address is Alienofdoom@yahoo.com. Thank you. *Personal note: There is a third ending to Silent Hill 3. It's called the "Revenge" ending and you must have the Anime suit, and some item in order to get it. Look in Prima's Official Guide to Silent Hill 3 if you are stuck on getting it.
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