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Everything posted by Raenok

  1. Oh, right, I don't think I've ever exclaimed that I had a Shaman. Now, discussion on the Caverns of Time. We know about the different periods we will go to, but it's interesting that it could easily be tampered with. For example: - One could go back and prevent Sylvanas ever becoming a banshee, thereby preventing the rise of the Forsaken. - One could go back and prevent Arthas from ever becoming a Death Knight, though I don't know how. - One could even go to the battle of Hyjal and help Archimonde obtain the power of the World Tree, dooming Azeroth. So many possibilities could happen if the Caverns were to be messed with. Lore-wise, that is.
  2. Alleria (PvE) : Rexnuma - Level 36 Orc Hunter Shadow Council (RP) : Briswald - Level 3 Dwarf Paladin
  3. Aztec-Roman Republic here, Orange, right on the Yucatan penninsula. But I doubt I would last too long. Doesn't look like is has any REAL improvment pages. I need more workers...
  4. Fortunately, it only applies to the new races. As for the Blood Elves, I think they might just actually renounce thier addiction to magic, and maybe start following the Light or Elune, even, when they find out thier "savior" is nothing more than a crazed wanderer with no real intention to guide people. According to Malfurion in the intro to the World Dragons, Illidan doesn't exactly have a stable mind at the moment.
  5. I'm not liking this at all. It just makes me sad. Of course, I wonder if in the future Blizzard finally makes both factions equal in raid and PvP survivability, making all those who rerolled Alliance feel embarrassed. Might not happen, might happen, who knows? I'm sticking it out.
  6. Hunters have plenty of uses. Pet tanking, Ranged DPS, FD + Jumper Cables (Engineer only. I love that profession), Pulling mobs...there's more, but I can't think of them at the moment.
  7. BUMP damages you for 1337 damage.
  8. Does it say anything about Narraxmas? If not, it's not the Patch. As for waiting, remember AQ? They probably don't want to make the same mistake again.
  9. Exactly. DPS is the Hunter's job.
  10. http://www.wowinsider.com/2006/05/16/the-inspiration-for-the-draenei-dance/ It's Tunak!
  11. Awesome. Is there a second part? Or is that just teaser?
  12. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/315613 Oh, those silly Gnomes...
  13. I want to see floating pyramids above the cities too.
  14. That's poor sportsmanship if I ever saw it. I similiar occerence happened to me when I rolled need on a Meteor Shard with a Rouge and won it. But it was mostly from the guild. The rouge didn't mind at all, though, since the only thing he wanted was a Blue ring from the same instance.
  15. These new bosses for Narraaxmas may change the way guilds use "strategies" for certain high-powered bosses.
  16. They ride single file, to hide their numbers. Oh, hey, look, it's like those carnival games with the ducks and the single-file lines and the targets and the rifles.
  17. Only if he kicks ass and takes names as a supermove. I've honestly been thinking about the music more than any new characters. I wonder what nostalgic bit of goodness they will draw from the Kid Icarus soundtrack? What music will be played in the MGS level (if there is one)? I hope for the Rex's lair.....maybe ON the Rex! Even better: Snake's supermove.
  18. I have NEVER once seen a female Megaman. Watch Captain N: The Gamemaster then. You say that like it's a bad thing...Though, from what I've heard, it probably is... Mouser X out. It is. Considering they had an ugly GREEN midget Megaman to begin with(With a visor too for some fucked up reason), and their form of a female Megaman was pink with blonde hair. Also, there's no need to sign your posts. That's what your signature's for. Hmm...pics?
  19. I have NEVER once seen a female Megaman.
  20. So, anyways...I saw a wonderful spectacle last night. Usually on Alleria, Alliance guys usually ride through the top of Org to get to Thrall. But THIS time, I got to see 20-25 of them have the courage to go through the gates and barrel thier way through. Of course, my team pushed them back outside the gates and landed in a stalemate. Never got o see the end. Had to go do something. But dang if it wasn't wonderful.
  21. Not exactly. From the official WoW site, the eredar were transformed to the Burning Legion, but a few resisted, and escaped to find a save haven, with the BL in hot pursuit. They eventually settled on the Dreanor, wich they had a neutral stance with the Orc clans there. Of course, the BL found out, and used the Orcs against the draenei ("Exiled ones", thier official name). After being almost wiped, only 20% of them fled off to remote corners, were they found the source of the corruption of the Orcs. Of course, some were mutated into lesser forms, like the Draenei in the Swamp of Sorrows we see right now, and soon tried to find a new home. But the Blood Elves stole a technology from them, and forced them to crash on Azeroth. They saw that Orcs were settled on the planet, and decided to ally themselves with the Alliance instead, since they now detest the Orcs. That's at least what I gather. Speaking of them...they look quite nice. But LOOK. A THIRD RACE OF PALADAINS?! ROFLOMGWFTHAX
  22. Link doesn't work.
  23. As a level 30 Hunter, I must say, Feign Death is one useful ability. Take, for example, when I finally decided to hunt down Steelsnap in 1k Needles. I figured it would be a long aimless search though the northwestern part, but I guess I was lucky since a found him about to cross my path with his two minions. So I waited until he was at a prime position to fire at him, sent Scavenger (my wolf pet) after him, and fired upon him until he died. Well, my shots are somehow more powerful tan my pet, SOOO he charged after me. He was a half HP, though, so it was easy to take care of him. But I forgot about his two lackeys. so, I sent my pet after them while I looted Steelsnap. Unfortanately, Scavenger was killed, and his two lackeys came after me. I tried to run, but I figured it would be worhless, and went for Feign Death to see if it would work. Worked like a charm. After the coast was clear, I got up and ran off to TB to get the second quest. In conclusion, I might be using that a LOT more from now on in tight situations. Also, reading the article about Naxxramas on the WopW website made me ponder about a possible insult-fight between Sylvanas and the Lich King. Might not be funny to you guys, but it is to me.
  24. I only saw the beginning and end of the movie (Went to see Scary Movie 4). The church scene? Bad-ass. That's what they get for shunning a child who only wanted to be accepted. Then again, I'm not sure Alyssa was eveil to begin with...
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