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Everything posted by Raenok

  1. After some time thinking, I believe either Paladin or Preist would be best suited for me. However, I want to join the faction of the Alliance, BUT, I want to play with people who won't act like a bunch of retards. Now, the questions: Which would be more highly valued? Priest or Paladin? How well do they fare in PVP? PVE? Would they be worth it to play as? Oh, and I don't really care about how many Paladins there are. I could always go Priest. Oh, and I am on the Alleria server.
  2. Radical Dreamer. He also had his spirit come into my bedroom at night, lay on top of my chest, and nearly suffocated me. Hard. And repeatedly. All night long. A WITCH I SAY! Actually, I said they were good at burst PvP. Beyond that burst factor, they kinda suck. But you need a class that's able to withstand that initial explosion of damage. Oh...well...never mind. Sorry for the troubles, Mr. Dreamer.
  3. No, they've addressed that. The items you can wear are based on your highest lifetime rank, not your current rank. That was the latest patch change. ...So, that means if you get Warlord and then drop a few ranks, that will be your highest lifetime ranking, and you will be able to equip all the items you gained as Warlord, including the those war mounts? If so, then that was a really smart move.
  4. But eventually, people will complain, which would make Blizzard change the rules a little to appease those. And to anyone to disagrees, Blizzard may have hold of thier liesure time, but the customers are the ones that keep them alive.
  5. ...That sucks.
  6. Most of the higher ranks get armor sets. The top pvp person can get the set, then when he drops down again can still wear it, so even that's not limited to one person. That's another question I wanted to ask. Say a person recieved a weapon from the honor system that he/she really likes. But after leaving the game for a few days (vacation, school, extra shifts in work for the holiday season), he/she drops a rank or two. Does that person keep the item forever even after they drop a rank, or does it dissapear?
  7. Some questions: Is there a way I could turn off that regeneration thing that happens to my Health and Mana after a battle? What holidays does Blizzard celebrate in WoW? Are there any special items relating to those holidays? I've heard about Artifact-type items. Do they apply to be held by only one person in the entire server, or can there be multiple? I have also heard that PVP is mostly just a capture-the-flag type deal. Will Blizzard just give us an option to have an all-out battle royale?
  8. Radical Dreamer. He also had his spirit come into my bedroom at night, lay on top of my chest, and nearly suffocated me. Hard. And repeatedly. All night long. A WITCH I SAY!
  9. Rogues are also essential for crowd control, and a good one will be able to stop a potential wipe in progress 75% of the time. Also, I don't know about your server, but on Smolderthorn, hunters are pretty rare endgame.. everyone and their mother is either shaman, paladin, warrior or rogue. Raenok: Orcs don't make the greatest rogues. Not that you CAN'T use them, but you're wasting your racial axe mastery and pet mastery by being a rogue. Trolls or Undead make better rogues. Trolls even get throwing weapon mastery, which is handy for rogues. Plus I don't know what the hell zircon is going off about, but the health regeneration is also pretty sweet. And then you go berserk and kill the fuck out of things. Orcs are better off as Warriors (Axes FTW), Hunters or Warlocks. Or even Shamans (but then again Trolls and Taurens probably make just as good Shamans). I'm not saying you can't do it, but you'll be doing yourself a disservice. Though I really shouldn't be talking, considering I'm a Tauren with Engineering... Yeah..I've decided I will stick with an Orc Shaman for my mainstay, despite the warnings of them not being good in PvP combat. That's what trial-and-error is for.
  10. So, I now have an Orc Rouge. She looks to have potential, but I'm not sure Orcs were meant to be rouges. Also, since Halloween is coming up, I want to know if Blizzard celebrates this holiday with themes and special items. Plus, I want to switch to be a an Undead Mage. Think I should? Or should I stick with the rouge?
  11. After some time procrastinating, I have finally installed WoW. Now, what to choose, what to choose...
  12. Err. Really, whatever you want. Race doesn't have a HUGE impact. That said, here's my recommendations. Orcs make good Warriors and Hunters because of their increased resistance to stun, improved Axe skill, improved pet handling, and the ability to give themselves a temporary attack boost. Undead can do pretty much anything. Their "Cannibalize" is great for melee classes because it reduces downtime, and Will of the Forsaken makes them much harder to kill for Priests and Warlocks (dispels Charm, Fear, and Sleep and grants immunity to those temporarily). Undead Priests get one of the best offensive spells in the game, Devouring Plague, Trolls... are one of the most gimp races in the game. They have no really useful abilities, since Berserking doesn't quite work properly. But, Berserking probably makes a lot of sense for Warriors and Rogues. Guess your right. Looks like it's going to be either an Orc Hunter, Undead Warrior, or Undead Warlock.
  13. RWISE FROM YO GWAVE. Okay, so...what would be the best class for Troll, Orc, and Undead? Just wondering. ...To tell you the truth, I can't really decide on what to choose.
  14. EDIT: Ah, I'll just do this: If Troll, Warrior or Hunter. If Undead, Warlock or Mage.
  15. Alright, help me decide. I want to take up a class that can perform well in battle (PVP, Instances, normal), a wide range of weapon choices, and is useful and effective in both solo and parties. And, it must be relating to the Horde, perferably with Trolls and Orcs.
  16. I forgot to mention this. The Silent Hill comic? It's already out. Its' title is Silent Hill: Dying Inside. Be prepared for F-bombs, artistic violence, and a bratty little girl. Oh, and pick up Sticks and Stones while you're at it. For a book without words, it's pretty emotional.
  17. Oh yeah. Sorry, I didn't really notice the name change. It just seemed a little too convenient that after making a post about the movie, people would start jumping on board. Sorry for jumping to that conclusion, but I thought it was funny anyway. No hard feelings. And as for the movie, Silent Hill was a dump the first time we saw it.
  18. As long as she doesn't go Matrix on the monsters. Where the hell did you two come from?! *Lights a holy candle and curls up in the corner* Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me. Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me. Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me.Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me.Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me.Can't sleep, gaybush will eat me. You may remember me as Raenok. I have visited this thread numerous times.
  19. As long as she doesn't go Matrix on the monsters.
  20. I don't know what you're talking about.....really... Woah. Getting hit on by a lesbian. MY LIFE IS AWESOME. *ahem* Okay, in all seriousness, UnMod has had a couple run-ins with people who did that. The results were too horrifying for words.
  21. To all newbies: UnMod isn't really a bad place. Sure, some people post disgusting pictures, but otherwise, it's a reletively nice place. Just don't post a thread asking if you love FF7 or not. Trust me.
  22. I friend just got SH4 yesterday. I have a question (Note: Spoilers). It concerns about these "Victims" creatures somone posted a while back. Do you eventually fight them? My friend played up to the lower levels of the Ashfield Subway, there were these creatures that climbed out of the walls, and you could not kill them. Are these the "victims", or are they something different? (End spoilers.)
  23. Like Little Johnny Urine. Watch out for him. Can't spell even if his life was on the line. I say we nuke him, and get it over with.
  24. Robot Clown, Robot Museum, MM7. Took me a couple of tries, but I beat him. Hard, too.
  25. Boogie's sig sounds like a VH1 special....
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