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Nicole Adams

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Everything posted by Nicole Adams

  1. So what's a way to still use pan and have the compression affect each side equally?
  2. So the piano roll's pan won't affect the FX plugins I take it?
  3. Is this the panning knob in the mixer? I don't really understand what you said.
  4. How do you know what all the things the Fruity Compressor affects? Yeah, it's kinda hard to explain what I'm trying to say. Let me try this again. If you set the panning of the notes in the piano roll, will the panning also affect the effects tacked onto the instrument?
  5. I use FX plugins a lot and I didn't know that. Thanks, that's good to know. I have a question about panning. When you set an instrument's note's panning in FL Studio's piano roll, are the FX plugin effects affected by how you set the panning?
  6. Yeah, but it sucks so I suggest not to use it. It doesn't even sound like you added swing to your track. It just makes the notes sound like they're wiggin' out or somethin'.
  7. Say again? Sorry, I couldn't follow your explaination.
  8. How do you add 32nd notes in FL Studio's piano roll?
  9. How do you fade in when using the mixer?
  10. Check out the "Samples and Soundfont." thread for links.
  11. Thanks, Xelebes. I lowered the master volume just a tad and now the two instruments play clean and clear.
  12. Okay, I fiddled around with the Fruity Compressor and I think the drum sounds much more powerful. Unfortunately, when I have the bass drum and my lead instrument play, there is clipping. It's frustrating cause when the instruments play by themselves there is no clipping. By the way, what are pitch envelopes?
  13. I am creating an electronic song, but am having trouble with the bass drum. As you guys know, electronica music sometimes has a powerful bass drum. Can you please inform of how to achieve a loud bass drum sound without the clipping? Also, should I look for percussion soundfonts or are there some decent ones in FL Studio (with some adjustments)?
  14. This is one of the coolest electronica songs on OC ReMix so far! I love the piano part; it's a nice touch to the song. The drum work is pretty sweet too. Great job guys!
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