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Nicole Adams

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Everything posted by Nicole Adams

  1. *lol* I had a dream I was a host on VGDJ. I didn't take pixie's place; she was just busy or something. Yep, that's it!
  2. ...and I'll take a picture of me with my VGDJ sticker. I kid, I kid. *lol*
  3. ...but it will never be the same without The Wingy.
  4. Sorry if this is considered "host talk". *lol* Why do you say that? I don't find myself to be a very talkative or funny person and you have a cool accent on your side.
  5. *cries and applauds The Wingless* I loved you guys both as hosts; you two just totally clicked, in my opinion. John did a great job and I wish him all the best at Midway. I'm gonna miss his super sexay voice. *lol* I hope you find a new co-host soon, pixie!
  6. I like to sing, but I've had no professional training. To help stay on pitch I use breath support (taking a deep breath and keeping your abdominal muscles tight) and also opening your mouth kinda wide helps. Somebody get pixie in here.
  7. I gotta get myself one of these! Jill, can you tell me what size yours is so I can use it as a guide when ordering mine? Thankies!
  8. Heh, thanks!
  9. I know, I know. However, I just knew it wouldn't place. The vocal quality was pretty bad since I had to record into my headphones and I didn't even mention VGDJ in the intro either.
  10. I object! *lol* Yeah, please don't play mine since it's kind of embarrassing. (Sorry, Andy.)
  11. Heh, that's pretty cool. I believe Reason's NN-XT device can do something like this, too. I'll have to give it a try.
  12. The problem is, though, I don't have a mic yet so I had to record into my headphones. Therefore, the quality is kinda crap.
  13. Don't worry about mine. It won't make it. *lol*
  14. How many submissions have you guys received so far?
  15. *lol* I meant not that kind of underwear.
  16. *rofl* That's not the kind of "female support" VGDJ will be getting from me!
  17. I'm glad you like it! Though, if I was to ever have the opportunity to become a host, I know I could never do as awesome of a job as Aurora and pixie. I'm actually more quiet than outgoing. What can I say? I'm kind of a sucker for pretty melodies and stuff. Above all, though, vocal stutter effect = win! "Chickiest", eh? *lol* Come on, Aurora! Let's make this thread even chickier! I'd love to create a little intro, but after making "WinglessMix" reality hit me and I gotta deal with college stuff. Gee, college just gets in the way of so many things!
  18. Hey, everybody! Get my... WinglessMix I just had to bust one out after hearing what pixie (thanks for the compliment ) and The Wingless said on the show. This was so fun to make and I hope you guys enjoy it!
  19. Get to steppin' eh, Wingless? *wink wink*
  20. Hee, hee; actually, I was just joking.
  21. *lol* Maybe I have a long lost relative in Ohio.
  22. Thanks for tip and examples, zircon. One thing I did start doing is once I get the key of the song I then write out the triads of that scale for a reference (I to vii° or i to VII). I guess I kinda went against what I said earlier.
  23. My outline contains the different parts the song will be comprised of and how long each section will be. I don't write out chord progressions since I don't have perfect pitch. One thing I always do, though, is figure out the key of the song.
  24. Wow, I've missed so much in this thread. Drama is everywhere! *lol* I would like to wish pixie and seph happy belated birthdays and a happy birthday to SGX, which is today.
  25. A few days ago I started a new remix, but before I actually opened up Reason and FL, I created an outline in Windows Notepad. I've been listening to a couple "inspiration songs" and have noted some of the effects, instruments, etc. used to help build my outline. Anyway, when I got to working on the song, the outline really helped. I don't feel blind at what I'm doing. The outline I made was pretty simple, but it still helps me know where to go.
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