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Nicole Adams

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Everything posted by Nicole Adams

  1. *lol* Reading the new posts in this thread is always a pick-me-up!
  2. A good solo cello at HammerSound is "Warm Cello w/vibrato".
  3. I've only listened to about the first ten minutes of it so far, but I must say your voice is very sexay Wingless.
  4. Use the iZotope Vinyl VST. It's free and you can get it here. Have fun!
  5. When the show is up and running again, good luck pixie and Wangless! I'm sure you guys will do a great job continuing where Rayza and Aurora left off.
  6. Great to hear! Out of all the remixes on the album, this is the one I'm anticipating the most.
  7. This goes out to any of you who have the small white OCR t-shirt. I was wondering if you can tell me what the chest and length measurements of the shirt are? Thank ya much.
  8. Yeah, there is a new edition for 3.0. More info here.
  9. SGX has some cool tutorials on his site. Check them out here.
  10. Yeah, that didn't work out. I was planning on giving NutS some vocals for his Boss 2 remix, but all I had available to use was a craptastic headset mic. I had the opportunity to borrow a great condenser mic, but waited too long.
  11. Yeah, that was great he listed all us remixers! *lol* I'm such a nerd! Yes, go buy SGX's "super green" (aren't I clever?) remix album! EDIT: Oh yeah, happy b-day, Rayza! :!:
  12. What about making the Sonic & Knuckles logo a pewter color rather than a bronze? Just a thought.
  13. I really like this idea of having a small info box for each track, like Kong in Concert. You could have the artists themselves write them, too, so that we could give a bit of background info on our tracks. Or whatever. I think this is a great idea. I thought it was really great when Kong in Concert did this. Also, I love the title Project Chaos.
  14. What is this poo, Sadorf? You disappoint me. ... *lol* Just kiddin', of course! You know I love this tune. I'm glad you made the lead fuller and panned the counter melody. Nice job!
  15. *rofl* Love the simile there, Aurora!
  16. You lucky, lucky man. I wish I could listen to it at my work. It gets really boring workin' at the Staples service desk.
  17. I can't recall voting for the show. I must do so now, though, since I've picked back up on it. I don't want Rayza to get irate or anything!
  18. Ooh, more ruckus! Fun times! ... Now for something actually pertaining to this thread. Great job on the show guys. Your laugh is so cute, Aurora!
  19. Well, okay can we not have this thread turn into the old one please?
  20. Cool stuff, Rayza! That goes for the soundtrack, too.
  21. Whew! I finally caught up and read the whole thread and some pages from the old one. I'm sure most of you noticed me and Gman are not doing Hydrocity anymore. Communication was frustrating and I lost all inspiration for the song. However, I am giving NutS some vocals for his Boss 2 remix. Hopefully it'll turn out as cool as we hope! Anyway, glad to see this project rollin' along quite nicely! Keep it up everyone!
  22. Heh, it's been awhile since I've posted in this thread. You got some tight stuff in your Carnival Night WIP, Hadyn. I agree with whoever said it needed to be more goofy. Whenever I hear the source tune I can't help but picture someone beatboxing. *lol* That's probably just me, though, and I'm not saying do something like that in this.
  23. I switched from FL Studio to Reason over six months ago and I didn't think it was hard to learn Reason's interface. It's just...different than Fl Studio's. Personally, I like Reason's interface more cause it's like your dealing with actual hardware.
  24. I agree with Sadorf. The project still has a long way to go and the album title is the least important thing at the moment. Album title posts clutter up the thread and do make it kind of hard to find the imporant posts. There is also no point to calling Sadorf a cry baby. He isn't being one. He's just trying to get the point across in a very agressive way. He's one of the few here that's brave enough to do it.
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