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Everything posted by leokef

  1. I just wanted to let everyone know I like St. Elmo's Fire. By John Parr, you know. Great, great song.
  2. I suppose the problem popularity presents is its conflation with value. The heights that single works of art can reach these days are staggering. A CD of lame, trite trash can sell millions worldwide these days--that's the common example. Yet little if anything at all truly deserves to produce so much income, or have so much spent on its mass production and marketing. It's merely a massive population, technological marvel, and simple barriers of scope and choice that place a limited selection of texts (songs included), both remarkable and unremarkable, in the popular domain. Take heart, chthonic, the problem will be mostly solved when all information eventually becomes free and widely available.
  3. Maybe I'm mixed up here, but aren't component cables only compatible with early Gamecube models? Just a slight precaution, maybe.
  4. I might post something in the next 7 hours.
  5. Laurence Fishburne
  6. I'd say supply and demand are nearly at equilibrium. I myself walked into Best Buy a couple days ago and found a pyramid of twenty or so with only a few missing by the doors. This was late in the evening, mind you. If only I had six hundred dollars.
  7. It's good you're back. Your chances of being blown up by an Iraqi insurgent have fallen to nearly zero.
  8. I'm sorry, we appreciate Decrescendo's service and all, but if you read the forum's description it clearly states it is for discussion of oc remixes, games, music, anime and similar things... and unless his ship stopped in Zanarkand to battle Sin, I'm afraid introduction threads are a no go.
  9. I'm sorry you guys, really I am... explanations are great and all, but if you read the description for this forum you'll notice it is specifically for oc remixes, games, music, anime and similar topics... and unless you're explaining how Rikku can see shit through spiral irises, I'm afraid this just won't fly here. Locked.
  10. Thanks, Rama. This has really saved me a headache.
  11. Has anyone seen Silent Hill on blu-ray? I'm just curious as to what the experience is like--I loved the film's visuals myself.
  12. I know Something Awful started the comparison, but could we not link horrific porn to Silent Hill, please? Even in a comparison that is meant to be insulting to the porn?
  13. Yeah, he's confirmed as in the movie. You needn't cross your fingers, except maybe for the general quality of the film as a whole.
  14. Jacob's Ladder is very important to mention, since I'm of the opinion that the Silent Hill series is more or less based off it, in the way that RE can trace its origins to Romero's Dead movies. The confused, disoriented protagonist who finds himself in a subjective and disturbing version of reality (and with a James Sunderland jacket to boot). Strange, freaky monsters who follow him, and who may or may not be torturing him for his personal sins. It's pretty much Silent Hill the movie (though with less actual confrontation with the monsters, as its not a videogame). Hell, the subway in Silent Hill 3 is based off the area of the New York subway that the protagonist is in at the beginning of JL. That movie is awesome. Some really creepy stuff in it. The only thing I didn't really like was how they beat you over the head with the symbolism at the end. I understood the metaphor, and then they basically explained it to me like I was a 2 year old. Overall good movie though. Yeah, Jacob's Ladder is the only film I can recall that really hits upon the same atmosphere and themes of Silent Hill. I always think of the scene wherein Jacob is sent for X-rays and the hospital gradually turns into a nightmare world, quite in the same manner of Dark Silent Hill. The insane people, grating, a fan, the box the shaking-head man is in, and especially the soundtrack which suddenly fills with ominous clangs and mechanical noises. And the fact that it's a hospital, after all. And the symbolism of the broken bicycle at the start of the sequence... sheesh, the whole Silent Hill series could trace its roots to those five minutes of film. Man, I'm watching that film and returning to Silent Hill 3 tonight.
  15. Emerald and Ruby WEAPONs from FF7. And Sigma from Megaman X3, I think it was... unsure.
  16. Hmm, and ImageShack has... ...served its purpose.
  17. This remix rocks. Funky, quirky (I dig that whistling-ish effect), and full of Shinobi. The only issue I'd bring up... there's always an issue to be found anywhere, everywhere... is the bass, like Xelebes mentioned. I would've liked a heavier, thumping sound too, but I suppose You Can't Always Get What You Want.
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