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Everything posted by sgx

  1. Good luck this month, folks! I removed all my songs but one I didn't think would do well (and it didn't!) after I won last month. I'll be back for June though.
  2. Ambient fight music - I like it!
  3. Sup, guys. I'm building a site, most likely based on the Drupal CMS and could really use someone to bounce questions off while I learn drupal and put the site together. I'm trying to get this built and functional asap and an expert on hand would help me out quite a bit. There could be some sort of reward in it depending on how helpful you are. Thanks for any help. Hit me up: AIM sgxroxsox
  4. My flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25310157@N08/ I got a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT recently...Haven't taken a whole lot with it yet and am just learning about it and photography at the moment. I managed to misplace the lens cap to the stock lens already though...wonderful.
  5. http://www.sgxmusic.com/music/SGX%20-%20But%20Underneath%20All%20That.mp3 7.5 min 224kbps mp3 This sounds like it belongs on my last album, Hero of the Grey Area, so if you dugg that, you'll like this, and if you like this, you should check out my album if you haven't yet! I should be departing from this style/tone/aesthetic in the future, so this track probably won't make it onto any album, hence the higher quality bitrate than I usually release free stuff in. Crunchy, plodding beats, lots of abstract sounds and cuts, orchestral and piano melodies, buzzin' bass. Hope you like.
  6. Awww....nice echoies fading out for ending...BAM IN YOUR FACE GOTCHA!!!
  7. Worst thing about that last clip was the voice acting.
  8. I just donated some monies. All late-like. OCR +$30 Probably wouldn't have won the ourstage thing if it weren't for the folks here, so why not?
  9. I don't give a shit about Banjo-Kazooie (the character designs are ALMOST as lame as fat italian plumbers), but this looks like it could be fun.
  10. So basically they don't have enough money to buy more Cops repeats, so they're going back in the vaults to play repeats of their old shows? Because I definitely want to watch video reviews of 4 year old games....omg how did Tommy like Halo 2? I have to know.
  11. I read through the His Dark Materials trilogy again a couple weeks ago. Awesome still. If they do end up making the rest of the trilogy into movies, it is going to be difficult to avoid even more controversy, what with the angel characters and Asriel's mission to kill God and all that. How do you make those ideas vague without just making something else up entirely? They better hurry up and start filming before the Lyra actress gets boobs! The change at puberty is kind-of a key plot element. Pullman just released "Once Upon a Time in the North" which is a short story with Iorek and Scoresby. I'm gonna go pick it up. The other short story, "Lyra's Oxford" was.....short...but I'll eat up any HDM stuff. I hope he finishes "The Book of Dust" soon.
  12. I live 3 minutes from there. Maybe I'll go. Hah.
  13. Hey, looks like I'm not coming. Some friends from out of town came down to visit before the annual bigass Cinco De Mayo house party my house mates and I are having tonight (Tres De Mayo!!!), so I gotta be a host and entertain and all that. I really wanted to come up and personally thank any of the people who helped me out by voting me up in the Ourstage competition. Have a good time, and I'll probably see some of you at Otakon.
  14. I got COD4 off amazon shipped for $35 the other day. The Darkness came free with Bioshock for $50 back in November on Amazon I think. And I recently found Guitar Hero III with Wireless guitar for $50 shipped. And I got a free $10 gift card with GTA4 at Circuit City. Oh, and Assassin's Creed for $40 a month after it came out. www.cheapassgamer.com !!
  15. Just got GTA last night. Good stuff so far. However I hate the blur/out of focus filters modern games employ and GTA has a lot of it. Blah.
  16. According to Rotten Tomatoes, this is the highest reviewed movie so far this year. Robert Downey Jr is a cool actor. I want to see it.
  17. So, what are you guys going to be doing between like 1 pm and 5 pm on Saturday?....this is when I might have a window to drive up there and visit for a bit.
  18. Oh dammit.....something broke. I mean, 100 people downloading a gig each in 24 hours will do that to a site...
  19. Hmmm. I'll look into it. You can always put in fake info since you aren't paying anything it is no problem.
  20. I got like 25 new orders from my webstore in 1 hour last night. So 25 people were downloading gigs of music at the same time. My host auto-disabled a script somewhere, but its a bit greek to me and the store still seems to be functioning. Let me know if you have any problems.
  21. FREE SGX DOWNLOAD ALBUMS/CHEAP SGX CD'S: www.protagonistrecords.net/buy/ Digital stuff will be $0, other albums have been made a bunch cheaper. Prices return to normal next Thursday around 1 am. Enjoy the tunes!
  22. Man, at 11pm I was resigned to getting like 20th or something and was browsing this thread....I saw Audix's post saying "don't look now, coactive in 10th" so I was like, "oh, shit....i better finish voting...I've got a chance!" YES Seriously, you guys are the best! Thanks for sitting there clicking a web page for hours for me! I'll let you know about the details of free SGX albums here very soon
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