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Electro stuff with trip-hop/big beat breaks things and strings and synths and stuff like that. I think? I was going to keep this exclusive to my album, but I'm working on some new tracks that I want to keep exclusive, so I decided to let this one out for free. Hope you enjoy. http://www.sgxmusic.com/music/SGX%20-%20Have%20No%20Tyrant.mp3
Suggest some podcasts (music or otherwise!)
sgx replied to supremespleen's topic in General Discussion
I listen to a lot of podcasts at work. All the 1up podcasts are pretty good, I especially like the GFW podcast even though I don't play PC games - a couple of the guys on that are really funny. I like Nobody Likes Onions also - its a comedy podcast done by a couple semi-pro comedians. Produced well and they do like 3 podcasts a week. If you're offended by anything basically, don't listen to it though. -
OC ReMix @ Otakon: Site Staff Presents Panel on Video Game Music ReMixing
sgx replied to djpretzel's topic in Announcements
It was between 3 am and 7 am Sat morning....probably dark. I was sleeping 30 ft away. Dag. My wheels were sorta special stock rims that came with this limited edition '06 tC I have, so MAYBE they are rare? I dunno...its hard to imagine STOCK rims being worth anything (other than to the dealer jacking the prices). Plus I scraped some curbs like a newb and my rims that were stolen had a couple gouges in em. Suckit, wheel-steelers! Geico looses in this instance. -
OC ReMix @ Otakon: Site Staff Presents Panel on Video Game Music ReMixing
sgx replied to djpretzel's topic in Announcements
You're drinking. -
OC ReMix @ Otakon: Site Staff Presents Panel on Video Game Music ReMixing
sgx replied to djpretzel's topic in Announcements
Well, insurance pays for it, and I should end up making money because the Scion rims are ridiculously expensive for some reason. I can go buy some sexy non-scion rims (pimp my whip, yo) and I should end up with money left over from insurance. Plus I got free cinder blocks. -
OC ReMix @ Otakon: Site Staff Presents Panel on Video Game Music ReMixing
sgx replied to djpretzel's topic in Announcements
This is my car: And this is why I will be late to Otakon today: My wheels got stolen overnight. I must have wheels to drive. -
I'm going to miss the panel . I have work on Friday. I should be coming up to the con friday evening after work at like 6:30. Then I should probably make the noon meetup on sat and be around most of the day. Don't know if I'll be coming back on sunday or not. I live in College Park, so if someone is along the way and needs a ride at the times I will be coming and going, let me know, and maybe we can work something out.
No they don't. People thought the Elites would have the new chip, but they don't. The new chip is not out yet.
Glitching is cool, but its already pretty played out. It can definitely be used to cool effect, but the artist has got to use it in the RIGHT context now. You gotta be careful. It's like autotuning vocals...wait is that ever cool now? The cool thing about BT's StutterEdit is that it does all kinds of exponential time variances and shit I think. BT can use it all he wants - he basically MADE the style.
Glad you guys like it. I'm copy pasting some junk I blabbed about this song on my forum: It is a cool track...I just had some problems with it that were frustrating, plus I felt it wasn't going to gel with the rest of the tracks I'm brewing for the next album. The problems were mostly that while I like most of the elements in it, I only LIKE most of the elements. I try to either REALLY like or LOVE almost piece of a track I do. I do LOVE the huge saw synth arpeggio riff. The rest of it mostly just seems like a vehicle for the saw riff. I like the bass, but I was trying to make it so I LOVE it, spent like 3 hours tweaking, thought I had something awesome, saved my progress, then listened to it in context with the rest of the track and my love turned to hate. Poo. Sometimes that happens. No biggie. But I saved over my old bass synth settings. SGX, you stupid fuck! I tried and tried to rebuild the old synth but couldn't figure out what I had done! So, now I have a crippled bass synth. All I have left from before that was a render I did of a live jam I did with the song. It is an 8 minute, somewhat repetitive jam-fest with like 4 minutes of indulgent synth keyboard soloing by yours truly. It was a live performance - In real time, I arranged the loop pieces I had made previously, modulated some filter cutoffs and other effects with knobs, and played the solos. I wasn't intending for it to be heard than anyone other than a few select internet buds, but it is pretty cool and it is all I have left without putting in a lot of work to overhaul all the things I don't love. Usually that work would be worth it, but I've decided not to put this on my next album. The next album is really beginning to get a distinct sound...an SGX style that is more identifiable than my older stuff. I'm very happy about this. Previously, I sort of just tried random genres, sort of flexing and building my song-making muscles. I made cool stuff, sure, but I feel like Chroma and Synesthetic are big mish-mashes of tones, styles, genres and ultimately not very cohesive works as albums. Variety is good, yes, but I feel that focus will make my next album stronger as a whole musical idea, or artistic 'statement'. The new album will still have a variety of genres and styles, but I feel the tone and feelings it produces in myself at least, are more focused, coherent and powerful because of it. This track I'm releasing is too upbeat, poppy, 'happy.' I like it. But it just doesn't fit. It would stick out like a biotch if I included it, and it would take me a lot of work to overhaul into something I'm happy with. So, next friday, you can enjoy some rough-around-the-edges SGX jammage. 8 minutes of it. It may resurface in the future, following a TOTAL re-imagining. If I do get back to it, I expect to take my awesome synth riff I mentioned earlier and TRASH every other element. I'll make a new track around the synth riff. This may not be the last you'll see of this track!
Your site is fucked up in Firefox. The red text in IE shows as black in FF. Btw, you should put your album up on jamendo.com Pretty rad place for offering free download albums. They set up a sexy streaming player for embedding to webpages and myspace too (I used it for the player on my SGXRMX2 page). SGXRMX2 is on there and it has been downloaded fully about 100 times in 2 weeks. My Chroma demo album has been downloaded about 450 times. http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/sgx/
FoonG, DJ SBX, Ross Kmet, and wauterboi won the vote for favorite remixes. I'll contact you by email for your address so I can send CDs! Also, I'll be sending out TShirts to my fav 4 soon I think.
The disc is pretty sexy looking (printed by yours truly!)
This is pretty damn good, man. Your songwriting ability stands out - your tracks are more than just grooves, they've got verses, choruses, structure, etc. Very nice.
Shit wtf is up with this batch..... Hmmm...I mailed em all from a different post office this time...maybe the fatty mail bitches sat on em or something.
I hate to throw a wet blanket on things....but...I don't like that idea. I get weirdly particular about words in my songs...i don't know...words in songs suddenly puts a VERY specific meaning to the piece instead of the relatively vague "feelings" I like to emit with my music. If I put words in, it has got to be something awesome, or maybe something from somebody who is already recognized as awesome (famous quotes or passages from literature work decent for this). If someone has a good idea for a quote or excerpt of literature and has a good voice/good mic set up, I'll listen to your ideas, but B33J, I really do not like your idea . No offense! Anecdote - In Frame of Mind, Destructo had the idea for Aurora to say "Truth" (which does go with the theme of the game). I REALLY did not like it, but Destructo really wanted it in there, so I eventually relented. I still hate it in there. I also get weirdly possesive with ideas for my stuff, especially my original works....I want everything to be 100% my GENIUS idea! Man, I have so many hangups don't I? Thanks for listening though!
I thought this would be funny... I'm messy, but not usually this messy. I'm moving out (job + live at home for a year = $$$$$Income) next week, so I've been really lax about cleaning up after myself since I'm going to have to tear through all this junk anyways. Yes, I've still got kickass kiddy wallpaper (and YES, that fire truck has wheels in the middle of it for some reason). Kickin it oldschool (elementary school). Also featuring posters from 1998 (MGS and Gran Turismo, biotch). Dual monitor set up is the bizniss. Yamaha cs1x isn't actually hooked up right now. M-Audio Axiom 25 is. Also featuring...candy wrappers and assorted trash! This is where the magic has happened for the past year. I plan to work to get a super-spiff setup once I move into my new place. Maybe I can show some rad before/after pics.
Maybe I come. I haven't been nerdin' it up much lately. Plus, I have an SGX tshirt now. Maybe someone will recognize me walking around. That's right, I do music because I want to be famous. Oh, I also live in MD, so it aint no thang but a chickin wang to come on up to bmore, the #1 STD city.
Set up a new vote: http://tim.parnell.us/sgx/ Please vote (AGAIN!) for your favorite 4 mixes on that list. These guys get CDs. Vote ends next Tuesday. Thanks a lot!
Glad you guys are diggin it. I would like to get some cool voices in this or other tracks...but it is difficult because I need to think of something that is either un-copyrighted, public domain, or so obscure I for sure won't have any hint of rights usage issues in the future. You guys have any ideas? I got the spoken words for Composer off of historychannel.com and I believe that stuff is public domain. Any other sources I could scour? edit: I came across the afore-mentioned speech http://www.history.com/media.do?action=clip&id=cd4track03
Anything I should know about Windows Vista?
sgx replied to Nicholestien's topic in Music Composition & Production
Ugh...Vista is so junky right now...programs have a lot of random issues, the OS is slow, takes a crapload of ram... Oh and I think it is ugly. This "shiny" design fad was played out last year. I haven't used Vista for music stuff yet, but at work I use a lot of photoshop, premiere, after effects and it is no fun -
I was trying to make the "b" section of a track of mine (the last WIP I posted in here), I made this piano melody thing that happened to be totally out of key with the original track, but I liked it so I'm making it into its own little thing. Very ambient, moody, with some some uncharacteristic big beats. I've spent like 2 hours on this so far. Its got some nasty resonance, some weird(er) notes at 2:30, and has had basically 0 thought put into structure, but its a good sample of a mood I think. I like to make patterns that repeat and kind of go out sync...sort of like rounds, but messier. More interesting when messy I think! Pretty sure this one will be album-only when complete, as it works less as a single than as a piece of a whole album. www.sgxmusic.com/itransmitthis.mp3 I like the name a lot right now...of course I just thought of it and I usually change my mind about how I feel on a name the next day, but maybe I'll call my album this too.
Grabbin, and will drop on my iPod for listening at work.
Ok so the CD is all sold out. I should be shipping off tomorrow morning to those that bought if I don't wake up late for work! Thanks guys! Sorry to the two people who were late on 'dibs'.... Also, stoopid free online surveys does not let you view results after 10 days, which I did not know....so I can't look at the damn vote tallies. They want $20 a month to let me back into the data.....raaaar. I'm going to set up another somewhere.