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Everything posted by kLuTz

  1. Drats,I've lived in MA 7 years now and still have yet to check you guys out at PAX! The timing is not good I'm afraid..
  2. Hey neat, I live close to Boston.. maybe I'll swing by..
  3. Thanks! Glad you like!
  4. Oh, I meant the actual release date?
  5. Sorry if this is a repeat; been out of the loop for a while.. Is there an anticipated release date?
  6. Slowly but surely =D Good to see you Iggy, it's been a while..
  7. Haha, thanks for your support guys. Thought I was forgotten since it's been so long.. I guess I could try to submit the FF1, but since it was a long time ago, I'm a bit picky; and I wonder if most people have already heard that one..
  8. Haha yes, I'll give a go and submit more songs! I'm actually waiting on equipment to come in.. I was going to see how well this album was going to be received before I invested more time and money in the future, since I have a family, unlike my teenage and college years =D.. Thanks a lot for your support guys! Glad you enjoyed it..
  9. Hey guys, long time since I've been here. Hmm, not sure why I never submitted it..too late now though, I'd say.. My site's back up now, so you can get it at http://klutzmusic.com/music.php -Greg
  10. Hey guys, as someone above posted, I've just recently returned! Can't believe it's actually been 7 years since I last submitted a song here. As for info, I got married almost two years ago, and I'm a pastor, currently studying in seminary in Massachusetts. Music? I don't play as much piano as I did since I was a piano major in college, but I do keep up with it from time to time. Composition's been slow these last few years, but I did recently release an album that I'd been putting off for a while.. My site was down for years, but I recently revived it. http://www.klutzmusic.com Anything new around here?
  11. Good to see you're still around and making music.. I like it; groovy and hard..like the transition at 1:00; really digging that melody. What sounds are you using for this? This song also reminds me of a race track. Sounds nice, I'd keep it.. "The All-New Honda.."
  12. I probably won't finish most of these, but here are some demos and sketches; would love to hear what anyone thinks.. http://klutzmusic.com/samples/battle2.mp3 Actually wrote this 5+ years ago, when the first Pirates of the Carribean movie came out, but I still like it. Was inspired by it and sketched a battle scene..one day I'll finish it.. http://klutzmusic.com/samples/flow.wav Short sketch of..a winding corridor? http://klutzmusic.com/samples/space.wav Just messin around with some electronic instruments.. http://klutzmusic.com/samples/war.wav More recent than the other battle song; prob some kind of war.. http://klutzmusic.com/samples/Time2.mp3 Most recent WIP I've made. Don't mind the massive percussion at the end; it's just an experiment haha. I like this one, and plan to finish it..
  13. Hey guys, it's been a very long time since I've been in this community; actually first time I ever posted on this site was eight years ago, lol. Anyhow, my site continued to run, and I continued to make originals, until a few years ago, when it started to get slow, with a lot of changes in my life, such as marriage, etc. Finally released my first album I'd been putting off for years.. http://klutzmusic.bandcamp.com Here's the rest of my music, for those who want to hear.. http://klutzmusic.com/music.php Let me know what you think of anything! Appreciate any comments in advance, -kLuTz
  14. Ah, haven't been around in a while, but glad to come back to this nice, very pleasant mix..this one's going to be on play for a long time.. Very emotive indeed, as it's quite comfortable, creating a relaxed and calming mood.. Great job, love it!
  15. Awesome awesome!! Top notch work, very professional, nice nice! More!! =)
  16. Thanks guys!! All comments welcome indeed!! Time flies hahaha!!!! Anyhow, for those that asked for sheet music, I'm sorry to say that I never made any, since this piece was improvised. However, if you go to http://klutz.vgmidi.com/music.php you can find the midi, and open it with a midi editor. There are a few songs there, though that you can find that other people have transcribed for me. Or you can also ask in the Sheet Music section at the site to see if anyone's transcribed it. Thanks! -Greg
  17. Thanks guys! Feel free to check out http://klutz.vgmidi.com/music.php for more recent stuff! I'm not sure exactly how much I've progressed since this piece, maybe a little..
  18. Haha thanks! If you enjoyed it, glad you did!! =) April: No problem, hehehe.. hope everything goes well!
  19. FateHologram: hahaha..hmm..I see you're in Athens..I go to UGA too! =)
  20. I already commented on this at VGMix, but I just gotta say that this song is fabulous. This fits the huge gap on OCR as well, as there are very very few classical piano arrangements on this site (I don't consider my style classical at all). Also, speaking from a classical pianist's perspective, this song blew me away, as it is very intricate and complex, while providing great emotion, and the sense of direction is clear: they knew what he was doing. Black Omen's arranging, Dshu's playing, along with some of his flair, and MC's rendering go together quite well. A great inspiration and motivation to see people making things like this, and for games haha!! Very genius and well thought out. Don't hesitate to download this one..
  21. love this song; very nice
  22. Thanks to all your comments again! For those of you looking for sheet music, someone has transcribed this song for me. As of now, it is available in Overture (*.ove) format. Also, pertaining to the left and right hand positions, it may not be exactly how I played it, but play the piece how it would most be comfortable to you =). Check out http://klutz.vgmidi.com/music.htm for the piece. Thanks a lot Nana! -kLuTz
  23. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment! =) Glad you guys enjoyed it (for those of you who did). Yeah, it is true that this song is pretty old..improved since then..I don't know? About the sheet music some of you may be wondering about, I've never made any sheet music out of any of my songs before, but there is someone who has transcribed this piece for me, and it's in overture file format. Should I leave it in that format? Not sure of any other way to release it, anyways, I'll post it up at my site after I go back home from school and proofread it. I certainly don't think I'm an awesome pianist or anything, heh..I usually just try to create or arrange easy listening music. You guys do have an interesting point of the music growing a bit repetitive, hehe. While it is true that these pieces may be improvised, I'm trying to change my style of playing these days too, we'll see how that goes, I guess, heh.. Well, thanks again guys! -kLuTz http://kLuTz.vgmidi.com
  24. I don't usually comment on a lot of songs, certainly not cause they're not good, but..I dunno. But this song is.. Smoooooth . Nice and sweet =).
  25. Thanks for all the comments guys! Some people have emailed me asking about sheet music. I'm sorry to say that I don't have any at the moment; this will have to be a task I will have to attempt sometime in the future.. As for your comments and critiques, thanks again God bless, -kLuTz http://kLuTz.vgmidi.com
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