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Posts posted by ProjectSpam

  1. It's going to be really, really tough for me to work on something this week because I'm going to San Francisco for the next couple of days but I SHOULD have some time Friday to at least get something out. I won't go down without some sort of fight.

    Plus, I'm incredibly excited to listen to this week's mixes and to think of ways to meld Toxic Seahorse and Storm Eagle together. Two great themes.

  2. Right that's it, I'm done. I actually got the track sounding okish and my fucking program crashes and I haven't saved for fucking ages and it's 2:30am here and I have work tomorrow so screw this I'm going to bed. Very sorry for dropping out but I'm finished here.

    I think instead I'll start looking at designing the banners tomorrow as no-one else seems to picking that up.

    Noooo!!! My seahorse was all prepared to do battle, too.

  3. I think I'm going to have admit defeat on this one. Mt opponents source is awesome and u could definitely make something of that, but mixing it with my source is far beyond my meagre abilities.

    Seriously, Trism -- I just started a couple nights ago and I have no idea what the heck I'm doing with my track, either, but I've been struggling way too much with my track to not have an opponent!! Keep going!!

  4. Hope this doesn't cause any major conflicts, but I know there will be separate brackets, so I just wanted to say that I am pretty much unable to start mixing until after September 1st, because I'm moving to LA on Sunday and driving there, so I won't be settled in until the 31st or 1st. After that, I can manage my time better. I mean, I COULD mix during my stops on the way there, but my entry would be exceptionally bad. So if it's entirely possible, I would really appreciate it if I were in the bracket that begins later.

  5. I would love to give this a try this year!

    My top 5 choices:

    1. Storm Owl (MMX4)

    2. Toxic Seahorse (MMX3)

    3. Flame Mammoth (MMX)

    4. Gravity Beetle (MMX3)

    5. Web Spider (MMX4)

    EDIT: Just saw that prophetik was a runner-up with the Cyber Peacock theme in the last GMRB, so I changed up my preferences.

  6. And newer stuff does get posted sometimes even though there are songs from 2010 waiting. :-o

    And 2 mixes shouldn't be posted at the same time, one always gets hidden by the other. Should be 1 mix per day.

    I disagree with this SLIGHTLY. I think there should be 2 mixes posted when one is an album track and another one is a non-album ReMix, just because the album has been highlighted in the past and continuing to highlight albums just gets redundant; however, it looks like djp has been doing that more recently, so I think that's a good trend.

  7. Yep, we've already picked out names. :)

    Boy: Alexander Wolfgang Getman

    Girl: Isabella Carol Getman

    We should be finding out the gender on Friday, I'll keep you posted!


    Side note - love the names. Can't help but deduce that you must have picked out middle names that reference music!

  8. Such a cool idea. I know I've been around the community for a long time and I dick around with music, but I'm not much of a musician. But I really enjoy making it and want to learn how to make better stuff. So, I would definitely be interested in this. I'll have time for this if it happens this month or next, but after late August my schedule probably won't allow time for participation.

  9. Yes, I saw you! I saw the movie a second time today and I saw you! You had the black shirt and the black hat, although you were a blur so I couldn't see the glasses :P What was it like being so close to actors like Scarlett Johansen and a big film crew?

    Yeah! I saw it again in theaters the other day and spotted myself for that split-second. THAT was a weird moment and I think it will be every time I watch it from now on.

    Being on set was awesome! 80% of the time, as extras, we were sitting in a holding area waiting for calls to get on set! Unfortunately, I didn't see Scarlet Johanssen, but I did see Chris Evans (Captain America) and the director, Joss Whedon (which was neat watching him work with the actors and his crew from a distance)! Probably one of the coolest things about being on set though is recognizing the setpieces and other people you met once you see the movie.

  10. So when I go see this, where are you so I can point you out to my friends and pretend I'm incredibly well connected?

    I am one of the running/screaming NYC pedestrians in the film's final act. I wore a black shirt with a trendy hat and hipster glasses. I unfortunately couldn't spot myself when I saw it in theaters, but a friend of mine swears he saw me run right past the camera in a scene where people are being rescued from a bus. In any case, I won't know for sure until I am able to freeze-frame some action!

  11. I'm not a huge superhero film fan but I was an extra for the film during the scenes shot in Cleveland, so I was all about seeing it opening day. Plus, with Joss Whedon directing, I expected witty dialogue and characters with depth. That's precisely what Whedon delivers in 'The Avengers' -- a film that perhaps represents the most fun you can have in a theater. It's formulaic but well-done (and the second bonus scene is fantastic).

  12. this really COULD be the perfect soundtrack to a bizarre mashup of the Battletoads & Seinfeld universes, which I suppose would either entail Kramer as a playable character in the game OR an ironic television show about amphibians doing nothing, take your pick. I think I'd choose the second, but it's a tough call.

    Haha, the second one had me cracking up as I read this. Nice one, djp!

    But the vibe is spot on. The mix totally channeled Seinfeld to me, though i do want to check out Michael Manring's music now. This is some sick-nasty bass work here. Love it. And I love how the soundscape just bounces back and forth, back and forth... really fun stuff. Great work as usual!

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