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Posts posted by ProjectSpam

  1. 2012 Resolution: Finish what I start. I'm great at getting excited about an idea I have, only to work on it a little bit and then (just because I don't feel like working on it one day) never working on it again. I'm a writer first and foremost so I have a lot of stories, screenplays, etc. to hash out, but I may mix it up as the year goes on, I don't know. To give this resolution higher stakes, I decided that every single month I'm embarking on a creative project and making myself finish it by the end of that month. By creating monthly deadlines for myself, I'm hoping that the lazy resolution mindset of "oh, I still have 12 months to get this done, I'll worry about it later" will be fended off. With that said, I'm finishing a screenplay this month that I was super-excited about in May before my self-discipline completely went away.

  2. Thanks to Abadoss, who sent me the most AWESOME Secret Santa GIFTS ever! I can't post any pics right now, but I got a separate poster for EVERY SINGLE MAIN CHARACTER on the tv show Firefly (which, coincidentally, is one of my top five favorite tv shows of all time!!!). They will hang proudly on my walls! Thanks, man!!!

  3. So I've joined in on this. I figured the best way to do this was put my iTunes on shuffle and then whenever an OC ReMix comes up, I'll review it. I must say, actually thinking about the ReMixes and writing about them bring back memories, especially from the older ones.

    These are the ones I've done today:









    EDIT: Oh snap! Didn't realize OA had been defeated. I shoot fire wildly in the air, harking memories of peeing in the wind, unsure of what to aim for and what will happen.

  4. I remember when I first heard this ReMix. I was so surprised that it was an orchestral mix with a name like "Destroy Movements"; for some reason, it made me think I was about to hear some ridiculous super-electronic song. But it's orchestral, and really awesome orchestral at that.

    The instruments are beautifully written into the arrangement, although the song itself is pretty stressful (in a good way)! The writing is so intricate and brilliant and the sounds come together very fascinatingly. Many parts of this remind me of the final battle music for Asellus in SaGa Frontier. The sound quality in this better, but it's a good comparison to have in my book. Pretty good orchestral ReMix!

  5. This may have been my favorite track off the Kirby album. I love the way it's produced, what with the harsh-sounding drums and then the whimsical instruments that provide contrast. It makes me imagine a silly Kirby in space, not knowing what to do, just running around like crazy. Maybe that's not as cool as it sounds, but it provides some pretty amusing imagery.

    This is a great mix that manages to remain interesting throughout the entire song. I don't think it's aged poorly at all. Good stuff.

  6. This mix is absolutely fantastic. It caught me off-guard on the MM9 album, and I initially wasn't a huge fan of it when I first heard it. But then I listened to it again. And again. And then all of a sudden, it was all I wanted to listen to, and now it's been stuck in my head for the past week. All the energy brought to the table really makes this listenable, and it helps that it's catchy as all hell, too. Such a unique ReMix, and definitely one of my favorites from this year.

  7. Whatever I get I'll be happy with. I'm not picky, honest!

    However, if my secret santa person needs some help, here are some things I like: indie music, art films, short stories, game/movie/tv show memorabilia, food, fancy ties/hats. Anything creative or unique, really. If you must go the gift card route, amazon or ebay would be the most practical.

  8. I'm go ahead with a choice way out from left-field and say "A Blurred Line" ... which was an old game made mostly by one guy for RPG Maker 2000 and was never quite completed (if the creator ever does come through with his promise of actually completing the game, maybe one day I'll die happy), but damn it if that storyline isn't one of my all-time favorite story lines ever, even if the gameplay isn't the absolute best. Cyberpunk, emotional, intense stuff, ending on a cliffhanger. Did anyone else here ever play that game?

  9. Count me in for this, please. I had fun last year and I look forward to giving someone something witty and a good reminder of what this season is about: Giving.

    mechafone sent me a great gift last year! Thanks again, man, that was some damn good cookie mix.

    Count me in for this year as well! I can't wait to give someone something cool.

  10. Yes. Yes. YES!

    I have been waiting a long time to hear a great Epoch ReMix, and this completely blew my expectations. This is easily one of the coolest ReMixes I have ever heard.

    It's been a long time since I've been able to close my eyes and have a song take me somewhere else, but this is what this song does. It takes me to a completely new place and I love that. That feel you went for -- that being in the time machine feeling -- is evoked perfectly.

    Thank you very much for this. This is brilliant, beautiful, and inspiring.

  11. Awesome! I ReMixed this myself (not very well) last year for FBRC (I think Brandon Strader requested it, too) but I'm liking the direction you're taking it in. When I got the request, I was happy because I fell in love with the source tune but I'm glad that someone is finally giving it the justice it deserves. Can't wait to hear your progress and Sabrina's vocals.

    Wish I could offer something constructive to say but I already tried my hand at this source and failed so I'm just excited to listen!

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