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Status Updates posted by Lemonectric

  1. Yes, you do need to push Emunator out of the way. He always ruins everything.

    I'll be looking forward to the art whenever you have it! Make sure you're putting "Lime of the Season" on it and not "Season of Lime".

  2. I was going to ask about your signature, but apparently other people already have, haha. Every time I see it, I can't help watching the loop several times.

  3. Send it, post it, whatever.

  4. I don't mind bonus tracks, if you're ok with that. Wildfire's got dibs on the main slot right now, though.

  5. Quiet, alt account. I can't let people know I'm you. I mean you're me. Wait...WHAT IF I'M THE ALT ACCOUNT

  6. I don't do animations often, but there was no stopping me once I got the idea. :

  7. The name's definitely familiar. And thanks! The project came together nicely, and I'm really glad I didn't keep it as a solo project. I just wish I'd planned it as a community project from the beginning, haha.

  8. I'm looking at your sig. I'm inexplicably thinking "I have named it the sax." All of a sudden my dad starts playing sax music across the room. True story.

  9. I don't know. I'm also considering a September 14, 2011 release date, depending on how things pan out. We'll see.

  10. That's because we don't have a schedule.

  11. 1) Don't worry about it.

    2) The finalized tracklist with titles and everything won't be public until the release.

    3) Yes.

    4) There's really no reason to bump it. Anyway, the trailer will be done and posted before too long.

  12. 1) That it is. And there is a buttload of it.

    2) Turns out reminding people about deadlines isn't always as effective as it should be. He'll get done when he gets done.

    4) Something like that. I believe he had an idea that just didn't go anywhere.

  13. Yup, I'm using it for boss month, but Maverickk had already created it for the project. We'll have the full size version available on the site.

    No news on Hitori's track.

    Veran Defeated turned out to be a kind of celebrationy orchestra/acoustic guitar/synthy song.

    And Spirit's Grave is actually not being redone.

  14. I think that's a safe assumption.

  15. Don't worry, it won't be long after we get that last track in. We have a head start on mp3 tagging, site design, etc. :)

  16. y bt most especily wen tey r kirby KirbyUFO.png boop bop obp beep

  17. Happy birthday! whoooo

  18. Hitoriiiiiiiii


  19. Happy birthdaaaaaaaaaay

  20. You just go to someone's profile and click "befriend" under their little friend box.

  21. Why aren't you my friend yet >:c

  22. Hey, mav, nice work on Serious Monkey Business. Pretty cool stuff. :)

  23. nooo i didnt snd it 2 meh fredns in time n now its alredy hapning 2 me!! i droped a cookie on teh flor 2day!!1

  24. (happy birthday even though people here aren't supposed to know :

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