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Posts posted by jmr

  1. I really haven't got that much to add.

    I don't mind unobtrusive advertising, so anything without sound, popups, offensive content or seizure-inducing flashing colors should be fine.

    As others have mentioned, there's plenty of unutilized space to the left below the navigation sidebar that could be used as ad space (on both the main pages and the forums).

    As for the in-thread advertising between the first and second posts, I'm completely okay with that, as long as it doesn't appear when I'm logged in.

  2. HMMM well that's given me a lot to think about. Thanks dude :)

    Hey whats the situation with copying games (provided you scale down the videos or some other resource since we don't all own gd-rom burners) is there ANY copy protection measure on it?

    Yeah, the fact that they're GD-Roms, which can't be read in CD Drives. Now, if you have a coder's cable or a broadband adapter, you could probably rip the games using the dreamcast itself as a drive. In most cases, though, you would have to scale down the video or do some compression or something in order to fit it on a CD-R. Not to promote piracy or anything, but it's probably MUCH easier to download and burn versions that are already pre-compressed or modified.

    As for game recommendations, here's what spends the most time in my DC (some of these have already been said, but whatever):

    Ikaruga (Japan only, but worth it if you can find it.)

    Soul Calibur

    Grandia II (I've only started playing this one recently, but it's shaping up to be pretty good.)

    ChuChu Rocket!

    Crazy Taxi 2 (Very addictive. There are a lot of extras and unlockables, which is pretty sweet.)

    Worms World Party (great for multiplayer.)

    ...the next few are non-commercial, so it's pointless to look for them in stores.

    nxDoom (a homebrew port of the Doom engine. Requires the original Doom WADs, or, if you want, modded versions.)

    NesterDC-Special Edition (What can I say, I really love NES games. This emu is probably the most compatible and the easiest to burn out of all of them; it comes with a builder program that automatically adds boxart and cart photos, manual scans, NSFs, and all of that to the disc.)

    Also, be sure to search online for the Street Fighter 2 Turbo "ReMix" version, which has the in-game soundtrack replaced by Blood on the Asphalt.

  3. I listened in to most of last night's show, and I enjoyed it enough to want to listen again next week. The Daniel Brown interview was pretty interesting as well. His Final Phantom project seems like a pretty neat concept; I think I might check that out later.

    How long after the show are the MP3s and Playlists posted? There's one song in particular that I really enjoyed, but can't find anywhere (I think it was Yuu: "The end of 1000 years" [Melty Blood]), so I'd like to have the show recording, if only for that one song.

    EDIT: Found it. Once I found this, it was no problem.

  4. i havent got genesis to run properly either :/

    I've been using a modified version of GenesisPlusDC. It runs fullspeed on most games, but the sound could use some work. Here's a link to the sbi (sorry, that's all I can find right now), which you use with Selfboot Inducer.

    Can you get other ps games to run other than tekken3/mgs/whatever the 3rd one that bleemcast did was?

    Yeah, you can. Like I said, look for the hacked versions of the bleemcast bootdisk (I would give you a link, but it's legality is questionable). The compatibility is, well, not quite as good as I remember it, and apparently saving doesn't work with the hacked versions. For some reason, though, I remember it working pretty well with the games I tried...

    In some cases, you can find PSX games that have been have been modified to selfboot and not require the bleemcast bootdisk. I found a version of Megaman X4 like this that works pretty well, save for a few small graphic glitches.

    EDIT: As for the SNES issues, you can usually improve performance by using PAL roms with the latest DreamSNES. They run much better than their NTSC counterparts.

  5. There is a program called XMSNES that allows you to convert XM, MOD, and S3M files to the SPC format. As far as I know, that's the only way to create an actual, original SPC.

    EDIT: Here's another option that I forgot about: You can use the Zelda 3 rom editor Hyrule Magic to edit the music in the game, which you can dump to SPC with nearly any emulator. However, if I remember correctly, the editor's interface was pretty complex to me and I wasn't able to accomplish much with it. Maybe someone more familiar with tracking software could figure it out. There may be a few legality issues as well (for one, you need a Zelda 3 rom, and any SPC files you'd create would retain some elements of the game's code), so you may want to avoid going this route. I'm just letting you know your options.

  6. This page has a pretty large collection of DC Homebrew software, games, and emulators. Definitely worth checking out.

    Most emus dont run at any sort of decent speed...
    I don't exactly agree with that statement. Sure, the SNES and GBA emulators don't work that well, and N64 is pretty much impossible for the system, but with a bit of effort, you can get near-perfect PSX emulation with a lot of games. (Look for the hacked Bleemcast demos.) With a bit of searching, you can find a few NeoGeo games that run excellently as well. And of course, the NES, GBC, Sega Master System/Game Gear, Genesis/Mega Drive, Atari 2600, and nearly all of the older systems (including portions of MAME) are emulated nearly perfectly.

    As for something to use with the keyboard/mouse... I don't have either of those accessories, so I can't recommend anything.

  7. I posted this a few days ago in the OC ReMix Albums thread, but it didn't seem to get any attention. I figured that re-posting it here would be the best course of action.

    • On the Project Chaos page: What about the third ("Special") disc? Not counting it?
    • All of the individual album pages have some sort of project logo to the left of the section with the links/generic info, except for Hedgehog Heaven. For consistency alone, shouldn't there be one? If you don't have anything suitable, I can find my original CD artwork files and send them to you.
      EDIT2: Looks like you had one there, but the image is no longer available. The red x doesn't show up in Firefox, but it's there in IE7.
    • I've also noticed a few (minor) issues with the last.fm implementation. The playlist widgets that are on each page only show the first 26 tracks in the playlist (up to Shnabubula's Stone Eyes on VotL and Hetcenus' Ivory Gadget on Project Chaos, doesn't affect other projects). Also, some of the track times in the player are showing up as 0:00. For example, the whole of Kong in Concert shows up like this, and on Rise of the Star, all but two are 0:00. (I'm not sure if these are errors on OCR's or last.fm's part, or if it's only some issue on my end, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to point these out anyway.)

  8. Is there a real difference between screen protectors? Do they discolor the screen?(I heard some give a yellow tint), do they make the screen dimmer? Is it harmful to the touch screen when you have to take them off?

    My brother uses a set of protectors on his DS lite. As far as I can tell, they've been working great. No noticeable effects with the touch screen, no discoloration, no dimming. I don't think he's replaced them since last Christmas, either.

    I can't remember the brand name of the one's he's using, though. They were bought in a Walmart of all places and I don't think they were too expensive.

    The only identifying feature I can think of right now is that the top screen protector is fairly rigid and has a white frame; it wasn't like the clear film-like protector for the touch screen.

  9. Nice. It's great having all of the main album info and links condensed down into one concise page. I noticed a few things that might need to be fixed, though.

    • On the Project Chaos page:
      Length: 2 CDs, 21 Tracks, 1:15:05
      What about the third ("Special") disc? Not counting it?
    • All of the individual album pages have some sort of project logo to the left of the section with the links/generic info, except for Hedgehog Heaven. For consistency alone, shouldn't there be one? If you don't have anything suitable, I can find my original CD artwork files and send them to you.
      EDIT2: Looks like you had one there, but the image is no longer available. The red x doesn't show up in Firefox, but it's there in IE7.
    • I've also noticed a few (minor) issues with the last.fm implementation. The playlist widgets that are on each page only show the first 26 tracks in the playlist (up to Shnabubula's Stone Eyes on VotL and Hetcenus' Ivory Gadget on Project Chaos, doesn't affect other projects). Also, some of the track times in the player are showing up as 0:00. For example, the whole of Kong in Concert shows up like this, and on Rise of the Star, all but two are 0:00. (I'm not sure if these are errors on OCR's or last.fm's part, or if it's only some issue on my end, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to point these out anyway.)


    Actually, this is just the beginning... the logical next step is to highlight album participation on ReMixer profiles...

    Will this be extended to forum profiles as well? I'd love to see some sort of indication of OCR album involvement in my post header.

  10. Equalizer settings are not exactly a one-size-fits-all kind of thing, so it's kinda hard to recommend particular settings. It depends on your speaker setup (for example: you wouldn't use the same settings for laptop speakers that you would for desktop speakers, and headphones are a completely different ballpark...).

    It also depends on what you're listening to. If you're listening to a poorly mastered recording (perhaps a concert bootleg or something like that), you may want to use a custom preset to compensate. What works with one recording won't necessarily work that well with another.

    To top it all off, what sounds 'good' to one person might not please another. It's really a subjective thing. I'd recommend that you just experiment with the different presets, or try making a custom one, and see what sounds best for you.

  11. It's not just someone highlighting random letters to form a message, as the Joystiq article originally led me to believe. The letters U and R in Super, M and R in Mario, and G, A, and Y in Galaxy all have a star / sparkle on the lower part of the letter.

  12. I'm pretty interested in the possibility of an official OCR blog system, but I don't know if I would be willing to pay for it. I'm always a bit uncomfortable sending money online.

    Plus, there are plenty of free blogging options, and I'm not sure if just having the OCR name on a blog is worth $15. Would there any other perks?

    If there's anything else to be gained by using an OCR blog, I MAY be willing to pay for it. Otherwise, I'd only use it if it was free.

  13. I've been using the RSS feed, and I haven't been checking out this thread that often, so I didn't know about the switch to wordpress / new url.

    It might be a good idea to make a post on the blogger page notifying everyone who just uses the feed of the change to the new URL.

  14. Personally, I could listen for hours. However, a podcast as long as the original VGF is probably not feesable.

    It really all depends on what you plan on including in the show. If you have a whole wealth of material to cover, obviously you don't want to be rushing through everything for the sake of a shorter running time. As well, you don't want the podcast to seem slow and dragged out. Pacing is important.

    Another thing to keep in mind is filesize. Keep it reasonable; you don't want to scare away any people who may still be stuck in the stone age of the internet.

    With all that being said, I think that anything within one hour would work well.

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