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José the Bronx Rican

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Everything posted by José the Bronx Rican

  1. I would've said something earlier, because I'd be certain to come, but the at-what-time and the for-how-long parameters are completely up in the air at the moment, and may be that way for at least a month. Factors include the state of my father's health, a possible position change and shift change at work, and - being on a Thursday - that I might be pushing my luck if, after getting one day off and maybe asking for another soon to accomodate MAGfest, I asked for yet another day off for this thing.
  2. Guys are sittin' 'round talkin' 'bout, [drama]"OMFG! (yes, they actually say "ah-mfffgh!") I was goin' to meetups only 'cause I figured I'd have a chance wit' her!"[/drama] *salute* to a lovely couple.
  3. I expect podcasts will usually be heard on portables, through headphones, so monitoring for headphone listening may be best. Mostly the BGM level seems fine to me in that regard. I dunno if you guys use any compression on the show's final mix... if not, maybe that might help.
  4. I'm officially a definite. w00t, and stuff. I'm gonna go register later today, fill out the so-called "SR-70" form at work to get that Friday off, then start planning the trip from NYC on the morning of Jan. 5. Hope I don't miss too much on the 4th!
  5. Thanks for the advance heads-up: we're talking a serious amount of planning on my part, especially since I dunno what's going on when in this fest. My big issue is getting someone to look after pops while I'm away for this long weekend. Once I work that out, I'm a definite. So now... The plan is to take Friday off from work and arrive in the afternoon, then to leave Sunday afternoon... that's as much time as I can probably spare. Depending on the availability of a ride from NYC, I may take an Amtrak to wherever is closest, and may need a small ride from there. Whether anyone can spare room for me, or four of us get another room, I can spare up to $120 for us. I'll be sure not to miss the panel. How's these panels work? Will OCR's be on one day, or every day of this thing? Anything I can contribute?
  6. Everyone's been getting sick. My co-workers, the weatherman on Fox... I'm just getting over a phlegmmy cold myself. My head was stuffed like a turkey, and I've been on a Theraflu AND Tylenol diet... because I found out they replaced the acetaminophen in the Theraflu. Sick sucks.
  7. VGDJ amazes me. I grinned ear-to-ear when zirc said he's big on smooth jazz and Paul Hardcastle, because I've been the biggest fiend for his music since "Rainforest." I'm talkin' two decades. I also snapped my fingers saying "damn, I wanted to be first to emulate his Synclavier stylings in a future ReMix." Then you talk about how "pixie loves her 'hoo-hoos'," and I couldn't have been the only one thinking, "I'm pretty sure everyone loves her- WELCOME TO DOUBLE-ENTENDRE LAND, WHERE EVERYTHING COMES IN TWOS AND YOUR FAVORITE BAND IS THE STROKES! ....Anyway, that "hoo-hoo" is a percussion instrument called the cuica, something that should be known to folks who program drums in MIDI.
  8. The delay probably works out... I'm sure I'm not the first to think of it: be nice to have ep #050, ReMix #1500 and a new torrent running simultaneously. Especially the torrent... haven't been catching up on recent remixes since August of LAST year.
  9. Well, since no one sees fit to keep UnMod's Caption thread running... "Ready in about an hour"? I don't THINK so! "Damn, overdone at an unwanted frequency; I need a parametric BBQ."
  10. I'm here 'cause two things happened: 1. My T-shirt just came in 2. I finally have a digital camera, and I'm fooling around with it
  11. That's fine for me... My take is always the same: give me notification and credit, and you can do what you like. And if vocals are a problem, the instrumentals are at my site.
  12. I was waiting for the unveiling of this site so i could update my own site. Ta... da, then. Head to bronxrican.com if you'd like lyrics and instrumentals for the two tracks I've done. And speaking of lyrics, I thought I'd hear more of them on this project besides mine and the two BotAs. It's all great, however; this whole thing's a keeper. Sagat, Dhalsim and Fei Long tracks are something else.
  13. It's what a windy day does to a mic. And I expect "kills/dead" will be credited to me eventually...
  14. Whether I can send a pic by the end of Saturday depends on whether anyone with a digital camera and a means of sending pics from that camera by email is able to oblige me during tomorrow's meetup in Philly. Worst-case, you'd get a pic of the Kitty.
  15. Yes and no: I covered for that by removing the files completely... they're somewhere else now, until I know the files were received by Malcos.
  16. Sorry: I somehow misunderstood "send me the links" to mean "post the links." Links gone, PM'ed to Malcos.
  17. Done! Finally, completely, mercifully. Finals, and both mastered: LINKS REMOVED - José Two hopes: that I kept things interesting after not being able to record some of the extra vocals I wanted, and that I didn't mangle too much of my very limited knowledge of the Spanish language.
  18. More headaches... A small but important amount of my recorded vocals have disappeared, so I'll have to find time and silence to replace 'em. I'll try to finish and master everything tonight.
  19. Forgive me if it's in this thread and I overlooked it, but will these tracks be mastered for the album? What I'm giving right now is decent enough, but officially unmastered. If I should master them, lemme know. Vega's ending is completely done! Unfortunately, I'm programming my own scratches right now and doing final mixing on the other track, and that will also be among the "5 or 6 in the morning" works coming in. I wanted to do more with the vocals on both tracks, but my as-ideal-as-it-gets mic setup is displaced for reasons I can't get into now, so I have to work with what I have. The chorus on the Vega track is almost rudimentary because of it. I hope it's still satisfactory... Check it out below: http://www.bronxrican.com/music/BotA_a_Tribute_to_Street_Fighter_2_-_Vega's_Ending_Spittin'_Narcissism.mp3 EDIT: HOLD UP! I FORGOT SOMETHING.... EDIT 2: I FORGOT TO FADE THE TRACK OUT. GO AHEAD NOW.
  20. Probably. There'll be some scrambling on my end, but my two are coming. I only just decided on final arrangements, and I'm about to send my reggaeton to DJSammy for some (last-minute, I'm afraid) scratching; strings still need layering, which is being done now. The vocals will be mixed into both during today and tomorrow. There's a new organ intro for Vega's ending. Stay tuned....
  21. It's a complete song, that's for sure; something for everyone, an arrangement that neatly packages those things, and the kind of good-natured cheese that wouldn't be out of place at all if it came from the ending of an official Sonic Team title. Proof? Anyone remember "Dreams Dreams" from NiGHTS? Exactly the same mood. My real problem with it is... now I really regret not being able to hang out with everyone long enough to be a part of this.
  22. If I wasn't in the middle of writing lyrics, and mastering music on old vinyl, and researching release dates on my ENTIRE music checklist, and finding time to get my taxes done, I'd already have some kind of intro to share. Well, we'll see this week... This being the, as it were, internets, I'm surprised it took over 110 pages to discuss anyone's boobies. I appreciate the extremely cute pic of pix, all the same. And while I'm here, happy early to Jill! *salute* I promise to call the show sometime. As for that mic, I'm no expert, and this is only my experience, but it's difficult to get any decent input from a mic without some kind of hardware, specifically a mic amp with a limiter. And even then, it's off to the noise reduction apps.
  23. Maybe I missed the post or posts in this thread in which the creator or creators have made it absolutely clear he/she/they no longer wish to continue with it. If I were in pix's position, I expect I'd need something along the lines of, "I ain't doin' the shit anymore... do your own thing if you wanna" before I go and do it. "Courtesy" is probably in wiki somewhere. Of course it would, but ONLY if I felt the result wasn't worth my time. So far, that's not the case (hell, I still love The Simpsons)... The opposite's your opinion, and it's a perfectly fine opinion to have. But it does bring us back to Darke's point about needlessly beating that dead horse, as opposed to simply saying, "So what? Forget Rayza and them and just do your own show." Now I need two more cents for bus fare....
  24. Still on this, and the expected delays are killing me, but I promise to get these done. The issue right now is finding time to sit and write lyrics, then getting my borrowed mic back. In other news, I just upgraded, and FL6 is lookin' sweet....
  25. That's the plan, SammyG. I'll let you know when I'm ready, and I'll send everything. And Shael's got everything pegged so far: all the instruments will be improved on, and especially mixed about, once I get the compositions down.
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