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Everything posted by Koelsch1

  1. My internet has been acting screwy for a while now ever since they upgrading my connection. Download speed tests are showing results of a little over 3000 kbps. But its still sometimes taking me forever to load pages, if they load at all. Pages will freeze in the middle of loading, or take up to a minute or two to load completely. When I download files, they may take forever to start downloading, then freeze part way through the download. Other times, everything is working completely fine and everything is going pretty fast, but these times are few and far between. Most of the time its giving me a real headache. I have tried several browsers, and they are all behaving the same. Anyone have any idea whats up?
  2. Now this song is great and all, but doesnt it break a certain rule about not using non-game music?
  3. Did you not listen to a word I said? Lets start over Listen to your keyboard. Listen closely. I know exactly what keyboard you have, becuase I have played on a similar model many times before. Your keyboard should be producing fantastic lifelike sounds. It does this because onboard computers are playing back "samples" which are recordings of notes played on a real piano. Everytime you push the key, its playing you back a recording of a piano (or whatever instrument you have selected) Now listen to the file you have sent us. The difference should be profound. It should be completely obvious. This is midi. These are not recordings of sounds. Midi is recordings of digital signals that tell your speakers what tones to produce. It doesnt matter if you recorded with a $20 keyboard, or a $5000 keyboard; its still the exact same midi sounds. Now midi is in itself usefull, but not as a final listenable product. Its used to record a midi track, then replace the midi sounds with "samples" that people have on their computers. Midi is NOT a final product which people listen to. its really just a tool used in the proccess of making music. Here is why you need to buy some type of audio input device, either a microphone or a direct line in. This way, what is being recorded is the ACTUAL sounds your keyboard is producing. Not the midi signals. Its not as simple as converting a midi to an mp3. That doesnt change the sounds quality at all. So here is what you need to do: Read the guides on this site. Then either learn how to propery record your keyboard, or learn how to work properly with midi "samples" in a computer sequencing program. Trust me, your money would be much better spent on a much cheaper keyboard. You can get a great keyboard for 1/10 the price.
  4. If all your going to do is record it in midi, there is absolutely no reason you should be playing on a $5000 keyboard when you can get the exact same results from a keyboard that only costs a couple hundred. I think the problem here is that you dont understand the difference between a midi soundbank and a sample. Listen to your keyboard when its playing through the onboard speakers. Your keyboard should be producing a fantastic lifelike sound. Now listen to the midi file that you are recording. It should be pretty bad sounding computer produced generic sounds. The difference in sound between the midi playback, and what your keyboard's onboard samples are playing should be fairly obvious. You see, midi is not recorded sounds. Its nothing but signals that it sends to yor speakers which tell it what tones to play off of its midi soundbank. When you record in midi, it doesnt matter if its off a $20 keyboard or a $5000 keyboard. Its still producing the exact same sound. A sample on the other hand is what your keyboard's onboard speakers are playing back to you. A sample is a recorded loop of an actual sound. Its not digital, its a real recording. When playing a keyboard with highend sample, like the keyboard you have, the average person should not be able to tell the difference between your keyboard and a $75,000 grand piano. This is why you need to be recording with a microphone. That is the only way your recordings will reflect the quality of your keyboard. If you just going to be recording in midi, then really you have done nothing but waste $5000 when you could get the same recording off a $20 keyboard.
  5. So let me get this straight. You spent $5000 on a keyboard, even though you obviously lack any skill on the keyboard and have no idea how to record with it. Then you decide to give up because one person says you arnt too good? Please, take the keyboard back to the store and get your money back. I would highly recomend this. Your much better off with a $200-$300 keybard. What kind of synth is it? What brand/model?
  6. Wrong again. A majority of the music here is made by amatures who spend little to no money to make their music. There are very few pro musicians on this site. Again, if you cant handle critisizm, then its best you just leave. Because trust me, you WILL recieve lots and lots of harsh critisizm.
  7. You enjoy it, thats great. That doesnt mean other people will. Your keybaord skills are way off par, your composition is bland, and nobody is going to take you seriously if your final product is in midi. I have pointed out some valid critisizms of your work. Your response is to tell me how many girfriends you have? There are 12 year olds at this site with better attitude than you. If you cant take the critisizm, LEAVE. Why dont you listen to some of the work on this site. You will see that there is absoutely no comparison in the level in quality between your work, and the work on this site. I would be suprised if this even made it to the panel. Most likely it will be auto-rejected. Here is my advice to you. Grow up. Thats nice that you enjoy playing, but untill you can realize your own incompetence, you will never improve. And trust me, you have a LONG way to go. Plus, I would say you wasted $5000 because I can get the exact same midi sounds off a $20 keyboard.
  8. What does rhythem have to do with being tone def? Your rhythem is completley off. Its so choppy. The timing is WAY off through most of the song. Positive things? That would imply that there is something positive here, which there isnt. Your piano skills are lacking, you have no sense of rhythem and timing, and its all in MIDI. I dont care how much you payed for it, if your recording in midi, its going to sound like midi. If your synth is so good, record it with a microphone. Thats the only way your going to get good sounds. Midi is Midi, doesnt matter if its a $20 keyboard or a $5000 keyboard. Its the same midi. A great keyboard doesnt make up for bad playing. A great keyboard doesnt make up for a bland composition.
  9. 1. This is midi. 2. This is all just a jumbled mess. 3. This is very choppy, like there is no rhythem. The timing is way off. I dont know what else to say. It sounds like you tried to play this on a midi keyboard, but you didnt really know how to play the song all that well. If this was written and exported to midi, then wow, you really have no sense of rhythem or timing.
  10. I expect this game to take me several weeks to beat, like Ocarina of Time did. Of course my gameplay stratagy mostly revolved around fishing.
  11. http://www.home.no/koelsch1vgm/lozmmpiratemid.mid
  12. I hope this takes off too. This stuff has been just sitting on my hardrive for years now. I keep getting promises from guitar players, but no results.
  13. Especially since most of Sony's stock is now owned by western investers. See the thing about western investers is that they are looking much more towards the short term, while the Japanese are looking for the long term. With Sony expecting big loses for the next couple of years with the PS3, shareholders may start pulling out on them.
  14. Still doesn't takes away the fact that they're trying to fuck you up with overpriced stuff. Overpriced? Are we still talking about Mario64 DS? Its ONE game. Now look at Sony. $50 PSP games compared to $35 DS games, $700 PS3 compared to $250 Wii, $60 PS3 games compared to $50 Wii games. Who is fucking people up with overpriced stuff, yet still FAILING to make a profit?
  15. God forbid Nintendo make a profit. Its really putting them in the minority here.
  16. So EvlilHead, how is the PSP going over there in Japan? I heard the general consensus is that it has pretty much failed over there, and the future isnt too bright over here in the states.
  17. I was stuck for a pretty long time in the OoT water temple. I watched the sub-5 hour speedrun video, and the guy got through it in like 15 minutes.
  18. But Mario was ONE game. I think the better thing to do would be to compare the $5-$10 PSP ports to the $5-$10 Wii VC ports.
  19. About a year and a half ago I had an idea for a Legend of Zelda latin album. Basically Zelda songs done in Bossa Nova, Spanish Flamenco, and other latin styles. I worked on and off from the summer of 2005 untill the summer of 2006. The problem was I never found anyone to actually play it. One remixer offered to play the entire album, but 6 months later and no progress. Here are a couple of synth samples of what I was doing. Lost Woods/Song of Healing (OoT/MM) - Flamenco http://www.home.no/koelsch1vgm/zelda-flamenco-woods.mp3 Pirates Cove (MM) - Bossa Nova http://www.home.no/koelsch1vgm/zelda-bossanova-pirate.mp3 The flamencos where to be guitar duets. The Bossa Novas and the rest where to be guitar leads, Vibraphone backing, guitar and vibe solos, and purcussion. Basically here is how it is. I dont have much time to dedicate to this anymore. So if any of you guitar players out there want it, I can send you all the midi's. Feel free to make any changes you want, or add to it, or take out songs, or do whatever you want. I really want no part in this anymore other than credit for writing it. For the Vibes and Purcussion, I had planned to ask DrumUltimA, so I would suggest asking him to play all the purcussion and vibraphone work. Really, Im just tired of letting this sit on my computer for years with no hope of it getting completed.
  20. This was pretty big news so I thought you guys had already heard about it. http://www.engadget.com/2006/11/20/wii-being-hit-by-fatal-error-110213-could-be-funky-firmware/ Apparently quite a few people are having this problem and Nintendo is sending out a lot of replacement Wii's. If you want to maintain your save data you have to send it in for repairs which will take a few weeks. This should be in the Wii thread but I wouldn't dare... Well, maybe if you used the correct term. That isn't fried. Fried things don't turn on anymore. Yeah, well, then the Wii is suffering from an unfixable firmware issue. http://wheelsee.net/blog1/2006/11/20/my-wii-is-done/ Not the end of the world, but the PS3 is fairing a lot better so far, aside from backwards compatibility issues. PS3, error free? Lets see, - Won't upconvert, leaving non 720P tv owners playing in 480 mode. - Overheating issues - Consoles dying (3 flashes of death) - Errors outputting 720P HD movies - Controller errors that make them loose sync with the console every few seconds.
  21. This was pretty big news so I thought you guys had already heard about it. http://www.engadget.com/2006/11/20/wii-being-hit-by-fatal-error-110213-could-be-funky-firmware/ Apparently quite a few people are having this problem and Nintendo is sending out a lot of replacement Wii's. If you want to maintain your save data you have to send it in for repairs which will take a few weeks. This should be in the Wii thread but I wouldn't dare... Well, maybe if you used the correct term. That isn't fried. Fried things don't turn on anymore. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens whith the PS3s. We wont know for a while since they are all still on EBay.
  22. Yea, I just did a google search and I cant find anything other than 1 or 2 isolated cases of broken Wiis.
  23. I think its funny watching Evilhead try to find a way to make it seem that Sony charging more for ports than Nintendo is charging for VC games is somehow a better deal.
  24. This is apparently the GameSpot editor's response to the criticism of Jeffs review. I thought they where supposed to be a professional game reviews site, not a bunch of 12 year olds. Lack of inovation? Ocarina of Times wasnt really all that inovative other than the fact that it made the jump from 2d to 3d. According to their guidlines, its the same game; collect stuff, beat dungeons, save the princess. I really dont see how they want it to change. I play a Zelda game expecting to collect stuff, solve puzzles, and go through dungeons. What do they want? A Zelda kart racer? And why single out Zelda? Why not complain about lack of inovation with other games? Gears of War is just Goldeneye with pretty graphics. Same concept by GameSpots definition. Pick up guns, shoot bad guys, and I havnt played it yet, but Im going to go out on a limb and guess there are some mission objectives in the mix at some point. I also hear a lot of people saying "Its just one mans opinion, dont worry about it." I dont go to GameSpot to read people opinions. I go there to read an unbiased review of games. I want to hear whats in the game and how well the game works. I dont want to hear a rant about how your tired of collecting things and going through dungeons.
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