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Everything posted by Nase

  1. i don't know if you can break the link, i just thought it likely. isn't there a way to rescale the range of volume percentage you get from 0-127 velocity?
  2. well, everyone at his prefered pace. myself, i grow very bored with tunes when working on them for, say, more than 2 weeks. my main issue is with the 'better than the last one'. i know this makes sense to some degree, but it's never an absolute measure. my 'better than the last one' from 5 years ago is a completely different thing than the BTTLO i might strive for today. it's not simply a 2D curve of getting better with every song. it's a 3D journey in spaceeee! the craftsmanship aspect, in my experience, tends to take care of itself as long as your expression is flowing. i'm not sayin that everyone should write a tune a day or anything at all. it's just...healthy to not measure your improvement/experience growth song by song. truth be told, it's actually best to not measure it at all and just keep goin. you'll amass XP, and you'll get better in that sense. it can hardly be avoided. that is, unless you keep repeating yourself over and over. i sort of felt like that before i took my long break. in that sense, i can relate to wanting to take your time very much.
  3. ahh, swiss cheese. no one can do it better! i'm liking the sound here, very warm and welcoming. no need for more transparency or titeness in my book.
  4. all games, all good man. i'm glad i got to play in the woods, and i'm glad my dad wasn't a VG critic like my mum, so i could enjoy that a fair deal as well.
  5. you could also just use velocity layers for that example. assign the volume to the modwheel instead, so you can control it independently. unrelated, but while it might be undesirable for this, that could be really cool to play around with.
  6. 2011-2014. well i played keyboard and such, and learned to improvise better. i got bored with sequencing and smoked a lot of weed. makes sequencing very hard, but the jamming was fun. getting back into it wasn't easy, but it ended up being very good for me. currently in sort of a slump again but i try to take it easy. i think what i'm trying to do is sort of relearn the whole process...i liked the stuff i made 4 years ago, but i didn't like how my growing expectations kept bogging me down. i really just wanna learn to do stuff again, whatever comes out, and have fun with that. i've started to question the holy grail of 'improvement' when it results in less fun, and less output in the end. i've been doing something wrong.
  7. i ordered an arturia microbrute on pure gut feeling. it's one tiny, cheap, but good sounding and well built synth. easy to recommend that one. today seems a great time to get into analog stuff, good amount of affordable synths coming out. there's the new novation bass station, which is a bit more costly but supposedly very good too. then there's the korg volca stuff, which is priced at ultra entry level. not my cup of tea build-wise but the more the merrier. i'd find a good synth shop and take a day off there.
  8. eaarthbound yes! for the vibes. i can't imagine that being not inspiring to a young child. pac man as history lesson, sure, why not. or tetris or space invaders or whatever. but in the end, i'd let the child pick itself, unless it's some silly gorefest. picking my few own games at the store was part of the joy. even if you end up choosing some duds...it's part of the process, and you learn what you gravitate towards. it's the same with books or movies, don't really believe in must-read/watch/play. a nice game library at home doesn't hurt of course! i had that with CDs from my parents...would be awesome with games well...can't go wrong with mario. boring but true. and maybe some old adventures. monkey island, or my personal fav, simon the sorcerer II.
  9. kid klown in crazy chase manic happy. cool game!
  10. Hi analoq! I got no clue on schematics and soldering, sadly. One thing that'd interest me is how feasible it'd be to build something similar in sound to the SID chip - like, a couple rough digital waveforms smoothed out by an analogue filter, and a few other shaping tools to go with that. I'm aware of sidstation and midi controlled c64 options and such - not looking for the exact sound, but for DIY jobs that are somewhat inspired by old soundchips, and like the SID involve some analogue components. Not DIY, but there was a synth by one guy a couple years back that kind of went for that sound, even though the lofi was introduced by bitcrushing instead of the waveforms themselves.
  11. Multi band compressors can be cool as well; i'm using the one by gvst atm, it's free and quite simple. http://www.gvst.co.uk/gmulti.htm What this does is give you 3 bands with individual compression settings. There's also a stereo enhancer built in, and the loadup preset is quite useful already in that it tightens the bass to mono while adding some stereo space to mids and highs. I've started putting it on the master a lot...it helps with my lazy mixing approach. Needs some adjustment for each song, but a little bit of compression and stereo almost always ends up being a good thing for the stuff i'm doing. Of course you can also multi band compress single tracks. I'm just not enough of a sound guy to care about that. Though it's probably very useful when you're compressing a drumkit and don't feel like processing each sound individually.
  12. I do get it, i probably misunderstood tilly a little. Sorry bro. But it's still interesting how my little remark was seen as something so hostile. Wasn't intended; i see it can be read as "you lack an opinion", which i guess is a pretty bad diss in today's societeey. Unnecessarily so, 'cause most people are quick to buy their jumbo pack of opinions at walmart and be done with it. Staying opinionless is da real challenge, man. Okey soreyy carey onnn!
  13. Fix: lie down while playing!
  14. Hey, it's a normal distinction. In the end it does nothing but add "i like it" or "i don't". I gave this consideration cause whenever you go " O_O" about something, there's a tiny chance you might discover something weird but totally genius. Your senses are shocked. It might just sound crap and annoying eternally but it can also have a hilarious element to it that grows on you. It can be good to not decide too soon about it! Sorry for philosophy wank but hey, i'm an OL Remixer. Gotta dig for those nuggets in the poopoo.
  15. Sorry dude, but i find that a little disturbing. In other words, Flatter in the open, Chatter in the hidden? I don't know man I think we need honesty on both fronts. There is enough room in every thread to get sidetracked a little if it actually helps improve communication. I kind of pushed a button there i guess, and now we can work it out...pretty quick and easy too, in my book. Peace!
  16. Tilly, i'm having a good day so far. I was just saying, decide for yourself! If i read something into your words that isn't there, then sorry and nevermind! But read what you wrote...it sure can be interpreted that way. All i'm saying is, be your own authority on what you think is good crazy and bad crazy. And if you're unsure, let it simmer and check back later. Or just call it plain and simple crazy. By the way...smileys/emotes can confuse as much as they can clear up things in my experience. Recently had a pretty unpleasant exchange with a guy who kept using wink smileys, while saying very arrogant things. So the feeling i got from his digital "wink" quickly changed. No need to play it safe with me...i'm not out to hurt people.
  17. Skyrim seems like almost a too obvious choice for that. Not sayin it couldn't be great, but there's something about the unexpectedly great, no? Do what u feel like ofc.
  18. Here's one by roetaka: https://soundcloud.com/roetaka/dark-souls-2-like-a-dream He also has several others from ds 1.
  19. Love how split the youtube opinions are on the paintbrawl tune. If i had somehow started playing guitar at age 6 and really gotten into it, my music probably would've sounded somewhat like that at age 20. It's fun anyway, and with a little more thematic direction and more controlled bursts of randomness i'd really dig it. Can't think of anything close to that level of insanity right now. The earthbound final boss tune sure made me go O_O on first listen. That sudden break from faux chiptune into something as death metal as it gets on snes - pretty special.
  20. Aye. Funk is a good place to look for center stage, tune defining basslines as well.
  21. Bought it, was closer to€100 with VAT but meh. I'm sure the basics will have decent quality, but what i'm really hoping for is that the ethnic stuff and other less standard instruments will surprise pleasantly.
  22. http://www.krakli.com/krakli-cygnus/ There are loads of others, but just browse the presets of this for now.
  23. Well, pick a simple jazz progression and practice some walking bass. Small steps, up and down movements. Steady rhythm. It's one way to do bass.
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