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Everything posted by Nase

  1. pfft, effort. i think it's a pretty common thing that an artist's quick lazy track gets lots of recognition while another one he considers his recent masterpiece gets little. and it's not even necessarily wrong - a lot of really brilliant tunes were written in half an hour. the muse is elusive; polishing can be good but turd polishing is useless.
  2. the thing about physical albums was you just could afford a few as a kid, and listened over and over. on many, my favorite songs changed over the months/years. a few things i considered filler or weird became absolute favs. that's one good thing about less choice in music overall and no option to cherrypick single songs to download - you're forced to be a bit more patient with what you got. people tend to forget that any enjoyment they ever get from anything involves a bit of a learning process. put chocolate in mouth > benefit! learning process right there. chocolate is an easy pleaser though, some tracks are more like coffee or whiskey.
  3. don't know it, but i can tell you it's from Game Gear/Master System for sure, not NES.
  4. Leaving out the cash question, i suppose the main question is if you enjoy albums yourself. I don't know your age, but this has changed a lot with the mainstream internet era. Albums used to be a given, the only way to publish a larger, deeper sampling of your music. That given is gone, so all you have to ask yourself is if you enjoy the format and can use it to express something.
  5. neat. 2:25 is very cool. caught my attention.
  6. https://soundcloud.com/skoshu/sultans-of-slop
  7. Well, the description of that pluggy sounds neat. I'll atleast fool around with it, thanks for the headsup.
  8. Horror game use is indeed very obvious and attractive. How about subtly mixing in binaural beats, hehe. Then see if a percentage of gamers trip out while playing the game. Got a question regarding this that sort of fits in here...anyone tried out some binaural beat mixes on headphones and got a noteworthy effect of any kind? Beyond it just sounding weird?
  9. I played on ipad for a bit now that it's out. The whole thing strikes me as Dota in card format, from the complexity angle. The card deck thing is like picking a couple of heroes from a huge pool. Makes me wonder why i missed the Magic craze that was happening right when i grew up. Anyway, i liked it, but it seems another game with a crack-like formula. Unable to be a casual gamer, i deinstalled it
  10. I think non-sound people have a good enough grasp on the idea that stuff sounds different on different speakers...would be surprised if that's it. The stereo>mono thing would be silly too, but if it was a silly bug, i could imagine audio-clueless people to be confused. Depending on the mixing, It can sound quite alright for the most part, but parts of it are going to be weird or non-existant.
  11. Only thing i know where that can happen is stereo to mono. They're not doing that...right?
  12. Happytimes! Listening on ipad, so i can hardly make out the bass, but what i can hear sounds good. 0:25 sounds very sweet with the slightly changed notes. Think you can do a section with hawaiian guitar? It's a bit high bpm for it, but you could slow it down drastically at some point and then do some sentimental slide guitar - i'm thinking that might be a fit.
  13. If something is mixed way hot and full spectrum though it's going to cause fatigue on any system. I intended to use "fatigue" as a term covering both mixing and composition to some degree; using the starcraft example again, it works well because the everchanging and pretty intricate composition is defused by the very bgm-ish mixing. The question simply is, what kind of music do you wanna fit in, and how will the mixing have to adjust to make it pleasant and not obtrusive. Like, making very non-ambient music work in a sort of ambient way.
  14. That's part of the psychological side of scoring music for something, mixing it with other media. It's clear you wanna end up with a product with perfect synergy of all elements, where nothing overshadows something else but everything works together to make for a "greater than the sum" experience. Can't know if that's what the guy meant though. Willrock understood it as a technical thing, and from that perspective the only thing i can think of is making sure you got enough headroom for other stuff. The idea that stuff just sounds different in the game doesn't make sense technically, just psychologically. Listen to the Starcraft Terran music; apart from playing relatively quiet, the mixing is also very subdued, no punch, nothing jumping out at you. It's symphonic proggy rock, mixed elevator music style. If you were to listen to it once on a cd, it'd probably sound forgettable. Ingame though, you're going to listen a hundred times, with constant sound fx over it. The goodness and detail of the tracks is going to infect you slowly. And they simply refuse to get old! It's one of those OSTs that adds so much while being easily overlooked for a long while. If you're working on an ingame track that you think kicks ass, but your ears feel exhausted after listening for an hour, that's probably a bad sign.
  15. All hail Daknit, Bard of Tarot!
  16. Bump for exposure. Didn't expect much reaction, but really wanna give this guy some more views. He does a simple thing that i've always wanted to see, and does it well imo. If you manage to watch an episode to the end btw, you get a free beer review! very obscure brews mostly.
  17. There's tons of shit you'll only do in games of course, and that makes this kind of thread potentially fun. To take it a little meta though: personally, "not much". Whenever i play some deep rpg, like stuff i really begin to care about, i end up playing true to my core. Min maxing ain't fun for me, i want to be a good guy generally, can be evil when i meet someone ingame i don't care for or dislike, but can't be consistently mean spirited to save my life. I tried so often, it doesn't work. In the end i have to basically play myself, which might be boring but actually is the only way to make it fun.
  18. The pixel art looks great! Concept sounds promising too. I'll be honest....i think "Pixel Noir" is a pretty bad name. It makes about as much sense as "Polygon Dogma", or "Vector RomCom", or "ASCII Buddy Movie".
  19. that's the idea imo. some of the responses were honestly uncalled for, a few people seem to be caught up with some silly notion of mandatory professionalism. i'm sorry you got some bad vibes.
  20. Gentle Giant is cool. Such a great band name too. I found this guy on soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/artlowell His music is quite varied and unique, kind of loosely rooted in classical but going lots of places. If you scroll all the way down, "Luna rising" is one great piece. Oh and this guy https://soundcloud.com/datroof
  21. Tangentially, richard gariott's new project is going to have a music performance system like lotro. I'm psyched for that.
  22. Ah, round 2. couldn't really get into the first track i'm afraid. Will listen later. I'm sure it's happening anyway, but i'm rooting for some classic (hard) rock/blues in the future! Something that's easy to go wild over and just have fun with. You know, the kind of songs that make it easier to mask technical imperfection with display of energy, lol.
  23. Aw...sorry lol. I was aware that it wouldn't be a super remixable crowdpleaser, just a nice/interesting tune...i guess the general participation drought makes simpler and catchier choices mandatory.
  24. Can you hear in the conversion tool what the midi is going to sound like with the in game instruments?
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