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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. Hello:

    This is actually a cross-post from a competition I'm holding at the OneUp boards. I cross-posted here and at VGMix to maximize the pool of potential players. I'm new to these boards and so if this isn't the right forum for competitions then I'll have it moved elsewhere. ... but this forum is called "competitions" so I'm guessing I'm in the right spot.

    My efforts to "buy" remixes have always met with failure -- none of the mixers I hold in enough esteem to ask have ever given me a glimmer of hope that I could purchase specific remixes of tracks. This sort of thing is a combination of "getting to hear a song of my choice remixed" and "giving someone a chance at some cash!" It's fun and it works out well for everybody.

    Thanks! Here's hoping you enter!

    I'm under the impression that you also did not get permission from TO or Doulifee to open this thread, hence a breach of the Competitions forum rules and the probable removal of this thread.

    Sorry, but thems the rules.


    JUNE 2007

    For those of you who remember the June 2006 tournament, this will be the ultimate revival. Even though my interest is certainly waning, I'd like to recommit to OCR Chess. I think that this was one of our most successful tournaments last year, and it'd certainly be nice to see something like it happen again...so, here are the rules:

    TO JOIN, post your AIM screen name in this thread.

    Registration ends Sunday, June 10th @ 13:43:40 Pacific Time.

    Wins = 3 pts, Draws = 2 pts, Losses = 1 pt.

    10/15 clocks, one game only, color is irrelevant.

    PHASE ONE - ENDS Sunday, June 17th @ 13:43:40 Pacific Time.

    "Round-Robin," play everyone else ONCE.

    PHASE TWO - ENDS Sunday, June 24th @ 13:43:40 Pacific Time.

    "Round-Robin," involving the top 5 or 6 players from Phase One.


    Single-game playoff final between the top 2 players from the Phase Two.





  3. Long story short... internet radio (small and non-commercial, anyway) is safe, as many people have predicted. The government was not going to let the entirety of internet radio to get shut down. There are also negotiations for even reducing the payout rates to SoundExchange further.

    A temporary semi-solution to screwed-up problem.

    A complete reversal of decision would certainly be more nice, especially since if you want to play ascapped stuff and the like you'll still have to pay-per-listener. Or am I getting this wrong?

  4. I just don't feel like continuing this thing anymore.

    I'm sorry everyone. If you guys really want to continue with the OCRCL, send me an IM, but I'll be counting numbers - it's not worth it to deal with so much stuff online, not anymore. I'm just tired of beating a dead horse.

    EDIT: Oh hell.

    It's June.

    New thing idea of an old thing idea.

  5. I'm going to nix one of your games against Bahamut, and move the limits down to 4 games/week and 2 games/opponent/3 weeks. Not a lot of games are getting done, and I want to give this format a chance to succeed - but let it be known that I'm not really excited by chess league anymore.

  6. Hi guys, I'm a new member and i've heard of this site from friends.

    I've learned that you were playing tetris attack; ma favorite snes game!

    Too bad that i joined too late, however it would be nice to play some with some of you. Please e-mail me if you are interested. For the next tournament , i'm interested, even if i'm not really good with Mario Kart.

    We've had several tournaments since then.

    Check the forum for the active Super Puzzle Fighter and Super Gem Fighter tourneys.

  7. dPaladin defeated me 5-1, and he ceded the power of choice to me and Kholdstare (the two players he defeated in the finals). We both decided to accompany the current fighting game tournament in an odd way: the FGT gets a puzzle game, and the SNES takes the according fighter.

    Because of this, I'm just terming this the "Emulation Tournament," for now. Arek, EasyP, Mew, and I, may be fixing some tournament rule issues in the future, but today we have two classics from one set of sprites...Enjoy!

    Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix


    To play:

    1) Post your AIM screen name in this thread.

    2) Get Kawaks 1.58

    3) Get the Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix rom.

    Main rules are all the same as usual (first to win three battles on default settings), as well as ranking criteria (wins, losses, points percentage), but the finals for this and FGT5 have been altered - a smaller round robin will be used. As usual, all rules and standings are posted near the end of the thread.

    NOTE: Use Speed 2.


  8. Week 16

    Week 17

    Week 18 - I will remove Week 14 and 15, and four-week rules will no longer apply to those weeks.

    Week 19

    Week 20 - Playoffs pertaining to weeks 16-19. TOP5 play single-round-robin.

    Remember, you can join at any time if you are not in the tournament. Just a few wins could get you the points you need to be in the playoff stage.


  9. We're going to change the league starting with the coming week (tonight).

    3-2-1 scoring will be in effect. This system seemed to work the best for encouraging people to play, so we'll be using it.

    There will no longer be bypasses OR reports. They are too difficult to understand and enforce, and unnecessary now because...

    I will no longer be scheduling matches. This became too difficult for me to do effectively, and I've become busier and busier all the time. Plus, it penalizes some players for no reason.

    You will have to seek out your opponents in every game you play. This means every game is like a halfmatch. This also means that rules are VERY simple:

    One-week-rule: You may play no more than 5 games per week.

    Four-week-rule: Every four weeks, you may play nobody more than three times.

  10. Earlier tonight, I spoke with Arek and proposed several format changes for FGT5 and beyond, to help move things along.

    Arek was keen on a lot of these, and I think that the timeframes are very acceptable.

    The key change is in the Finals: The bracket is replaced with a deadlined round-robin.

    This keeps the tournament from stalling, and solves my "2nd place winner" problem.


    Single Round-Robin.

    Playing time will be 16~17 days.

    Registration will end 72 hours before the playing deadline.


    From the top of the table, the square root of twice the number of registered players will advance to the Final Round.

    3 finalists = 5-6 players

    4 finalists = 7-10 players

    5 finalists = 11-15 players

    6 finalists = 16-21 players

    7 finalists = 22-28 players


    Single Round-Robin (no longer a bracket).

    Playing time will be 7 days.

    First tiebreaker is Open Round Ranking.


    I am considering several ideas for a points system, as well as implementing drawn matches as a way to shake up the table significantly. I haven't mentioned this to Arek or EasyP yet as I'm still trying to figure out how long it would take to work on certain games, but the impetus for this was when I played Arek - I swear neither of us would have gotten a 2-point lead on the other in the two matches we played, and I would have certainly taken the draws.

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