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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. I've had a bunch of college/music related stuff this week, and there's still a late audition thursday and three high school contests on saturday. After that I should be pretty much done for the year other than a concert or two.

    I've got a shitload of stuff going on and my parents are always trying to find new ways to annoy the hell out of me (usually by taking and hiding my mouse or keyboard).

    I'll be more available on Friday and Sunday afternoon.

  2. OCRCL

    OverClocked Remix Chess League

    Good Luck, Have Fun, and 134340!

    To Enter the OCRCL, please post in the thread your interest, and include an AIM screen name that you use regularly.

    The last page of the thread generally contains the current standings, as well as important rules.

  3. For what console? Btw, Its SFA3 not SF3A.

    I had it for Ps1, and it plays quite well on there, but still the best way to play it is by arcade emulation. There are some inaccuracies. Things that you may not notice and I didnt notice for a while, tho.

    I certainly noticed all the load times :o

  4. Matches are going to be first-to-5 rounds. Solo and I got to 1-1 or 2-2 and just decided to extend the match that far. We will likely play again, but we wanted to get a match on the board for all you nancy-pants that like to wait.

    The game is REALLY touchy - you can lose a round based on just moving in the wrong spot, and you don't get a second chance - which is why a longer, 5/9 match, is a better idea.

  5. I'm not the coordinator of this :razz:

    But my personal preference would be

    -Single match

    -No computer players

    -3 battles

    -Unlimited time (I don't like sudden death, but we could use it I guess)

    And then you just play in battle stage 1 until someone makes it to 3 wins.

    If you choose to set it up differently so that you have maybe less battles and more matches in different levels, make sure to turn off G-Bomber. Also, you don't have to use unlimited time, but I'm not a fan of sudden death. EDIT: I suppose the con of unlimited time is it can take awhile to win if you're an even match.

    EDIT again: If it's first to 3 it would essentially amount to best of 5 just like the AG/FG tournament, which would make scoring consistent.

    Doesn't matter too much since it's on percentage now, I'm just looking for a system where the winner is decided with 5-15 minutes of play.

  6. I just got home from work so Im on now...

    is it gonna be planned times..?

    I ask because I work from 8am to 4:30 pm and only get home till 6 or later daily, except for the weekends as I am free on them... D:

    Where do you live, btw? This isn't a big issue but when we use kawaks, this is important for choosing servers.

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